Class Villainess

Chapter 180 - Gathering Information (2)

Chapter 180 - Gathering Information (2)

"I just got a rumor about her from one of the girls in cheer club. She simply said that Natasha Zest is a cheap whore of Darthmorth with no class," Elise said.

Okay, that was it?

I thought it would be some kind of a more specific rumor, "I mean, Elise, that's… pretty average, don't you think? It's not unusual for a girl to call another girl a bitch or a cheap whore when they are in a beef."

I still remember how I continuously called Jessica Lambert a cheap whore when she got caught sending naked pictures to Mason. The rumor got accidentally leaked to the public, and she was gossipped because of that.

Well, she didn't seem to be ashamed at all, though. Jessica Lambert just smiled and waved like high school Kim K. 

"I know, but there is something else in this," Elise said. "She told me that Natasha is a cheap whore, because she would sleep with many boys, and one of them is that cheer girl's boyfriend. Apparently, Natasha often slept with boys for fun, and she doesn't really have any relationship with any of them. She did it for fun most of the time."

"I think we can use this for our benefit, right? As long as we can bait her to sleep with someone and record it, wouldn't it be hard evidence that would shame her?" Elise suggested.

Honestly, her suggestion was the same as what came up with my mind. We could bait Elise to do the dirty with a random man, and it would be our greatest weapon if we could videotape it.

But that would be counter-productive because if we took Natasha first, Barbie would realize that someone was coming after her. She must've realized after the case of three stooges.

And if we took Barbie first in any other way, then Natasha would be the one who got wary and careful of her surrounding. They were two people on the same boat. We needed to flip the boat rather than snatching one of the first.

"We can use that," I said. "But we need to make it less obvious, and we can't just videotape her with some random boys. It wouldn't be enough to shame her. Don't you want her to be fully ashamed that she has no more guts to show up in the school?"

"Yeah, I want that," Elise confirmed truthfully. Her hatred towards Natasha stemmed from that girl who used Thomas and his gang to beat her and sexually assault her.

Elise was too ashamed of herself because she couldn't defend herself against those bullies, and she fell into a deep depression until I talked to her and got the revenge she wanted. 

But the revenge had just started for her because we were going to take down the mastermind of her sexual assault. 

"Then we can't use that method without more research. We need to find time to talk with that cheer girl you're talking about. She is your friend, right?" I asked.

"Not exactly. I just asked out of the blue when we were in the class yesterday. I'm just trying to find a time to talk with you directly."

"Then, we cannot ask her. Because Cheer club is way too dangerous," I said. 


"There are so many gossipers and snatches there, it's really dangerous if one of the suspects us and tells Natasha that we're inquiring about her rumors. As small as the probe can be, it is still a probability, and we cannot take any risk here."

"We're going to take down the current Queen Bee and her side bitch, Barbie, and Natasha, we shouldn't be hasty about it," I started thinking of a good person to inquire about Natasha or Barbie, but before we could even talk about the potential person to talk to, there was a shadow from the person behind us.

We turned our heads at the same time and found the man with glasses smiling at us. His beautiful and dreamy blue eyes were hypnotizing, and he asked, "What are you girls talking about?" 

"M—Mason?!" Elise was shocked when Mason Hall suddenly barged in. But I wasn't really surprised because it was Mason Hall anyway. This mysterious guy would eventually pop out of nowhere and barged in any conversation that I had with someone else. 

"Good morning, um… Elise," Mason greeted first.

"H—How did you know my name?"

"Ah, Emmy told me about you," Mason replied lightly. Elise looked at me with awe, and I just shrugged it out. I didn't want her to find out that I actually knew Mason for a while.

Elise looked confused as she looked at Mason and me subsequently, trying to knot the relation between us.

But it seemed that Mason wanted to say something else. He suddenly grabbed my hand and said to Elise, "Excuse me, Elise. I need to borrow Em for a while."

Mason gently pulled me to follow him somewhere, so I gave out a look to Elise, signaling her to leave the schoolyard, and we would continue the conversation later during lunch break. 

Mason dragged me to the spot behind the club building, and the first thing he asked was, "Is she your best friend now?"

"Huh? Who? Elise?"


"… why do you ask?"

"I'm just worried…" Mason said. But he didn't specify what he was worried about. Nor did I want to ask because I felt like Mason wouldn't take that question kindly.

"Well, she is my new friend. But I don't think she is my best friend for now. It takes time to know someone better and make her be your best friend," I replied. "Besides, she already has her own best friend. I don't think I want to go further with this friendship stuff…."

Mason sighed in relief after hearing my answer. Which got me curious, "What's up? Is there something wrong?"

"N—No, it's nothing, really," Mason then quickly shifted the topic, "Anyway, can you help me with something, Em?"

"Uh… depends on what kind of help."

"Well, I have this one girl, her name is Anita, whose boyfriend is one of the members of my club. He has cheated on her, and she has always been making ruckus whenever there is a practice, even though my club member said that they had broken up for a while now. Can you talk to her about it?"

"… what kind of talk do you want me to do?"

"I mean, just give her the girl talk. I'm not really sure how to phrase it. I'm sorry…" Mason lowered his head. "I'm going to be the captain soon, so all problems in my club will be directed at me first. I can't really do anything about this except by asking you since you're the only girl I'm close with."josei

Honestly, this was so out of the blue. Mason suddenly asked me to give a random girl a lecture about how she shouldn't harass her ex-boyfriend for cheating even though they had broken up.

But Mason had helped me in so many ways for my missions. I wouldn't let him down, and it shouldn't be hard since it was just talking to one girl, maybe listening to her rants. After everything had been done, she would be fine and stop harassing her ex-boyfriend, hopefully. 

"Okay, then. I will help you, just give me her phone number or anything, so I can contact her," I said. 

Mason looked so happy and relieved at the same time. He gave me the phone number of the girl and said, "I'm counting on you, Em."

Mason then turned away and was ready to leave me. But before he left, he said, "Oh, do you know which girl my club member has been cheating with? The side chick that has ruined his relationship with that ex-girlfriend?"


"Hmm… I don't know her personally. But my club member said it's a one-time fling. Her name is Natasha Zest, a sophomore in this school. She is not affiliated with any club, but I heard that her dad is a donator for the school, and she wouldn't shut up about it. She also had bad grades but strangely always passed without any problem after a few arrangements, probably because of her donator dad or something else. Sounds like a character, huh?" 

I held my breath as I got complete information about Natasha Zest from Mason Hall. And he just gave me all the information I needed to kickstart the mission. 

I wasn't sure whether I should be happy or suspicious at Mason Hall. Because what he said coincided with my current mission so much. 

"Well, I'll be going now. See you later, Em!" Mason walked out and finally left me alone here. 

I stared at the phone number that he gave so casually, wanting me to clear out the problem that he had in his club. But this job actually coincided with my current mission as well. 

This would be a perfect chance to inquire about Natasha Zest.

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