Class Villainess

Chapter 206 - New Instagram Post (1)

Chapter 206 - New Instagram Post (1)

Mona joined us after she was done taking care of the customers. She sat tiredly beside Elise and then demanded us to tell the progress of our mission to take down Barbara and Natasha.

I told her about the progress and how everything went smoothly because I had recorded their conversation, and Barbara had recorded me as this anonymous girlfriend of Mason Hall.

"So, basically, we have a recording of each side, their side, and our side, right?" Mona asked. Elise and I nodded at the same time as a confirmation. 

"Well, from what I heard, it seems the news about Mason Hall's new girlfriend is very sensational, especially when you said that you're part of Mason Hall fan club and dated in secret. You're going to create chaos in that big group. But…" Mona stared at me, full of worry. Now I could sense that she might turn into Elise 2.0 here.

"You're playing with a big fire, Em," Elise said, basically parroting what Elise said yesterday about risk in this mission, no matter how many times I told them that I would be alright. 

I was about to deny her worry, but she interrupted me first, "No, before you say that everything is under control. What you told us about how you posed as Mason Hall's girlfriend and how you accepted a real gift from him."

"Em, if anyone found out about your real identity, you're a dead meat for sure," Mona said while staring at me with a dead serious gaze. "I'm not even plying around right now. Mason Hall and his popularity are volatile factors that you can't control. I believe things would be more unpredictable for you after this mission. Besides, about the gift… it's a real gift from him, right?"

Somehow, her warning was a lot scarier than Elise's concern. Mona talked to me as if she was already expecting some terrible shit that would unfold soon.

I sat in front of Mona and Elise, who stared at me with their scrutinizing gaze. Since I had nothing to hide from them at this point, I took a deep breath and took the earring box from my bag, and showed it to them for the second time.

I looked around, though everyone in this place was older people in their 20s, I leaned in and whispered, 'Yes, it's a personal gift from Mason Hall himself. He is the one who gave it to me.'

Elise and Mona stared at the earring and commented, "What a stunning pair of earrings. It looks expensively real as well. We've seen it once, but I won't lie, it looks like something that no ordinary schoolboy could obtain."

"Em, what is your current relationship with Mason Hall?" Mona asked.


I didn't know how to answer that. Should I say that we had nothing in common and were just friends? No friends would literally give such expensive earrings, let alone put them on my ears. That was another level of trust given from a woman to a man.

Mona took a deep and heavy breath. She leaned on the seat while staring at me, "You didn't date him, did you?"

"No, we're not dating… just… kind of close," I replied truthfully. We weren't dating, and I still had no intention of dating Mason Hall. He also had the same idea, knowing how rabid his fans were.

"Em, this is why I said that you're playing with a big fire. I won't lie that you're a very pretty girl. I bet if you try to stick out more, there will be a lot of men lining up for you. But Mason Hall is—"

"I know, that's why I didn't date him… yet," I replied. 

"Elise and I can't do anything once you're set to date someone, Em. But I think you already understand our worry, right?" 

"Yeah, I understand," I sighed deeply. "Let's not talk about Mason and me, okay? I know the risk, and I know that if someone could identify me from that recording, that would be a big disaster for me. But I will take the risk because… let's face it, can you defeat Natasha and Barbara without taking some big risks?"josei

Elise and Mona looked at each other and shook their head simultaneously. It seemed that they already knew the risk I had to take for this. I took the earring box and put it inside my bag again.

"Well, let's just see how things unfold right now. Because the trap has been sat anyway," I said. "Oh, I've also informed Anita about the location where Natasha, Barbara, and Jordan would have their threesome. I bet she will go absolutely nuts after she found out that the information is correct."

"Oh, let's find a way to record the shit that would happen soon. Though, I don't think we can enter the hotel lobby without looking too suspicious," Elise said. 

"Oh, I can, don't worry," I said as I unzipped my jacket to highlight my perky boobs. "These boobs actually helped me to look much older than my real age," I said boldly with a chuckle.

"Oh~ well, I mean, with that kind of well-developed body, I can see why the waiter in that cafe didn't ask for your ID," Mona commented. "You're going to sneak inside that hotel and record everything in the lobby, aren't you?"

"Yup, I will be there to witness the chaos as an innocent bystander, hahah~" I laughed evilly as I imagined how things would unfold soon. 

"Oh, speaking of chaos, we should check that Instagram page. Let's see if they have uploaded the recorded conversations of Mason Hall's new girlfriend."

Mona, Elise, and I quickly focused our attention on our phones and then clicked on the first profile as we searched the name,

Darthmorth spicy whispers.

I clicked on the profile, and—there it was!

The post that we had been waiting for, even the post's title, was very controversial.

Mason Hall has a secret girlfriend!? And his secret girlfriend is a backstabber!

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