Classless Reincarnation

Chapter 36 The Victim Should Apologize?!

Chapter 36 The Victim Should Apologize?!

"GULP! W-what kind of chat?!"

"The kind that will change your life." Jack confidently answered.

He was in a hurry and needed a new ally ASAP. She just happened to show the qualities he was looking for: hardworking, naive, and fearful of him for some reason.

The cute freckled, auburn-haired girl before him was one he could corrupt into doing his bidding! He only needed to throw the appropriate bait… and understand her better.

"Aisha, was it? I'll ask you a few questions. Reply truthfully or else…" Or else nothing, but she was already picturing countless horrors, her entire body trembling.



"Kidnapped Step-Brother?"

"I-internal Conflict, he'll be fine."

"Your place in the Henderson Family?"

"O-Only daughter, five step-brothers. I'm to be married soon while they inherit the family business." As she said the last part, she clenched her fists.

Jack stopped the interrogation, approaching the desk nearby. It was filled with a bunch of sheets registering trades. Quantities, values, and the profit they'd get from each item.

"But you don't want that, do you? You'd much rather do something with your life. You long for freedom, even if you risk encountering thieves, eh?" He chuckled.

Her story was one repeated countless times in History. It wasn't anything special, but to her, it was her entire life. His gaze turned magnetic.

"How would you like to change that fate?"

Somehow, all the pressure she had felt before disappeared. As she glanced into his eyes, she saw hope and freedom! He was definitely a monster, but perhaps a friendly one?!

"There is nothing I'd want more than to—"


Before she could accept, the entire Estate rumbled! Instantly, a searing heatwave spread everywhere! Was it the end of the world?! Not for Jack: "Oh? My lift's here…." His lift?!




The Henderson family was rejoicing.

They had just gotten the news that their child was safe and sound, the right one this time! But just as they thought everything would finally be fine, Hell descended upon them.


That's when she appeared, melting half the building.

"Where is he?!" The Flame Lord was akin to a Wrathful Fire God! Her voice oozed with destruction, her entire body bathed in purgatory flames.

Her fury was only equaled by the dread she made the unfortunate Hendersons feel. Oh god, what had they done to attract her rage?!

After destroying a fourth of their Estate, she was already readying a spell that would evaporate the rest! At this moment, a second sun materialized above Dawn City.

Anyone who saw it instantly knew what it meant: a faction was being annihilated! If they had any trump cards… it was time to use them!

"F-flame Lord, what is this about?! Has anyone from my Henderson Family offended you?!" The family patriarch was about to get a heart attack.

"My son, where is he?" Her cold voice chilled their souls.josei

That's when they understood that they were fucked! That baby was her son?! It didn't matter that they hadn't harmed him. They were so freaking doomed!

"F-flame Lord… this is a misunderstanding! We took great care of him, I swear! Why don't you—" A scoff from the goddess-like Flame Lord was enough to silence him.

It was one thing for her own family to make trouble, but for strangers to do the same?! Looking for death! If she didn't enact justice, it would never end! But then…

— Creak! —

The creaking of a door opening resounded in the tense silence.

That's when a girl came out carrying a baby. Unlike all the others, she didn't seem terrified but rather… resolute?!

With every step, she repeated Jack's words inwardly. "Do this one thing, and your family will never dare to marry you over against your wishes!"

Was she crazy? Yes, definitely, even she realized that! But a talking baby that scheming was far crazier! More importantly, he had promised her a lifeline for her family!

This was enough for her!

She might have a rocky position in the Henderson family, but she was still Aisha Henderson nonetheless! Thus she walked straight toward the Flame Lord!

"I believe you've come to pick up Jack?"

"….?!" Is that how she spoke to the Flame Lord?! The people cowering in fear suddenly froze, losing all hope. They were utterly finished!

"Oh? Little girl, how do you know his name?" The Flame Lord raised a suspicious brow. So much for the misunderstanding claim...

"He told me! Isn't that right, Jack!"

"Woo!" He happily replied.

Woo?! Did he think himself to be a fox or something? More importantly, what was up with that happy face? He had clearly taken a liking to this Aisha girl.

Everyone's heart skipped a beat. ~Sooo cute! He looked like a regular and typical baby, even to Aisha, who knew better…. How dreadful! But she had a role to play:

"Woo? Don't just say woo! Use your words, just like I taught you!" Aisha berated, the bystanders going crazy. Was she trying to kill them all?!

But that's when Jack used his secret weapon… baby talk! He pointed at the Flame Lord: "Ma-Ma!" and then at the Aisha girl: "Sha-Sha!". There, introductions done!

This was the first time he had called her mother! How long had she waited for it?! Suddenly, the way the Flame Lord glanced at the girl changed, the latter even looking pleasing to the eye.

In merely hours, she had taught Jack how to talk?! So much potential! Perhaps she could hire her and—

"Flame Lord! Stay your hand!" A mighty shout suddenly resounded.

It was… the giant?! He was back, but he wasn't alone either. At his side were three other people Jack recognized from that day at the gates. Fellow Lords!

Seeing how they stared daggers at the Flame Lord, they weren't here as a courtesy either. They were ready to fight! With a wave, one summoned countless water tentacles, extinguishing the fire.

"Attacking a Merchant Family, have you lost your mind?! This isn't how things are done in Dawn City anymore. Especially now that the Demonic Legion has reappeared!"

One scolded, with Jack staring blankly. 'Reappeared? What are you all talking about? I bloody made it up!' More importantly, were the Lords about to disrupt his plans?!

"Tch— You all can talk. It's not your son that's been kidnapped."

"Kidnapped?! It's obviously a misunderstanding! Besides, your son was picked up in the st—"

Crisis! He was about to reveal that he had been going out on his own! Wouldn't the whole thing be blamed on him, then?! Hell no! Jack nudged his new ally.

"Everyone, please stop fighting!" Aisha pleaded.

Had she just interrupted a conversation between Lords?! She wasn't just suicidal; she was bringing her entire family down! But she wasn't done either!

"Even if it stemmed from a misunderstanding, it's true that my Henderson family committed a heinous crime! I think the Flame Lord is perfectly right to be angry!"

W-what the fuck?! Had she turned into a traitor? Did she want her family to perish?! Even the Lords didn't know how to process this: the youth sure was fearless!

"As such, we should apologize! But I believe we can understand one another given enough time! I think the Henderson family should work with the Flame Lord until…."

"Scoff, foolish girl! Do you think we, fellow Lords are paper tigers? Since we're here, there's nothing the Flame Lord can do to—"

"We should still apologize!" Aisha thundered once more.

Was she blind? Couldn't she see all the damage done to the Estate? Who was the one that had to apologize here?! But a few saw through her.

Was she perhaps… trying to use this opportunity to ally with one of the Lords?! Not just any, but the slightly insane Flame Lord to boot?!

Was this why she insisted on the "apology" to save face for her new ally? Was she going out of her way to squash all enmity and even profit from the situation?!

This girl, she wasn't foolish. She was SCARY! The patriarch of the Henderson family suddenly felt his blood boil, his merchant instinct screaming at him!

Accept the other Lords' protection —> The Hendersons would forever be indebted to them.

Make peace with the Flame Lord —> She'd be the one who would owe them one! Besides, seeing how well Aisha clicked with that baby… oh god!

Before anyone could bring the issue up anymore, the Henderson Patriarch came forward.

"Well said, daughter, well said! Flame Lord, please accept our apology! We'll do our best to mend the rift between our two factions. Will you give peace a chance?"

"Pfft— Of course! Well said, indeed!"

The watching Lords felt like coughing blood while the Henderson Patriarch and the Flame Lord laughed heartily amidst the rubbles of a half-destroyed estate.

But along with them, a certain baby was also laughing…





Jack Bright (Classless)


BODY 9 (STR 3 / AGI 3 / RES 3)

SOUL 45 ( MAGIC 8 / SENSE 18 / WILL 19)



- All According to Keikaku! (Sense +1) 🆕

- Leadership increased! (0.1% —> 0.2%)🆕


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