Classless Reincarnation

Chapter 46 Blade-Stopping Baby!

Chapter 46 Blade-Stopping Baby!

"Don't worry, Child, I'll save you!"

Goddamn! This felt like an impossible problem!… If only he had his foxes!

Adventurer Joe was already sweating buckets, so much that Jack felt like he was standing near a freaking waterfall. Not only that, but the Zoe girl was about to attack!

No, she did! In a flash, she was already on them, swinging a blade of light! There was so much Mana in it that it looked like a blasted laser sword!

Contact with it? —> DEATH!

Getting captured by the girl? —> House Arrest! (At the Least)… And who knows how many secrets of his would be revealed in the process. HELL NO!josei

Luckily, she had a weakness: a heart of gold!

Even now, she was fighting for Jack's sake, even if she did more harm than good. He could exploit this! He watched the light arch of the blade and then…


'Not on my fucking watch!' Just when her attack was about to collide with the F-Rank Adventurer and incapacitate him… Jack flew right in her attack's trajectory!

"WHAT?!! NOOOO!" At the very last second, she canceled her move, forcefully enduring the backlash. "You monster, how dare you?!" She was fuming!

"I'm not doing anything, I swear!!! Please, let's talk this out!" Joe tried begging.

Sadly for him, she instantly went back on the offensive! She was a one-woman light show as she struck time and time again, Holy magic illuminating her moves.

But every time…. JACK!

He'd always find himself in the way!

At first, she thought the Evil Joe was using him as a shield… but the more the fight went on, the more perplexed she got. W-what was up with this baby?!

"T-this is impossible?! H-how?!"

"I don't know! I don't know anything! Please STOP!!!" Poor Joe was already crying as he kept seeing his life… and a baby flash before his eyes!

The little one kept flying in the attack trajectories on his own! Yet, even after all this… he still seemed so peaceful? Why wasn't he scared at all?!

No, this was next level. He'd even happily giggle as he tried to catch her blade of light. What the heck was wrong with this baby?!

"Stop getting in the—" No, no, the baby was innocent. Someone, somewhere, was messing with both of them! Who was strong enough to toy with a C-Rank so easily?!

She finally stopped to catch her breath, at an utter loss. What was she supposed to do now? She wanted to save the baby but…

Jack grinned.. .now was the perfect timing! She was exhausted, confused, and eager for answers. It was time he "gave" her some!

He tapped the picture book he carried.

"Old Ghost, I need your help!"

He whispered so lowly that only his target heard him. If he wanted to fool someone as strong as a C-Rank… he'd need to go big, right?! Then before the fight could resume…

"ENOUGH! Meddlesome Girl. Are you trying to doom Dawn City?! Stay out of Fate's way! He's been summoned by the Fate God!"

Jack thundered, the Ghost helping him make his voice echo as if coming from an Ethereal Invisible being! It was so random that it took both parties by surprise.

"F-Fate God?" The Zoe girl seemed hesitant.

"Ah?! So that's how it is!" Joe suddenly had an epiphany.

That's when he chimed in, going to incredible lengths to explain the Legend of the Fate God's trial! How mystical it was and how its Chosen would be protected from danger.

"Y-you're saying this baby's…?!"

"That's the only explanation! Only Fate can explain what happened earlier! Think about it; the Fate God knew you wouldn't harm him, so it…."

The more Joe "explained", the more it "made sense". Everything he said was so logical that it almost convinced Jack he hadn't used Arcane Magic to move earlier!

Then he finally finished a long and very colorful exposé.

"Do you understand? For Fate's chosen, this Mountain isn't dangerous at all!" He concluded, with a radiant smile, glad that the baby would be fine.

"Is that so?" The Zoe girl still seemed slightly dubious.

It was time for the last push! Jack made the cutest baby noises he could while waving his arms around. Then he started pointing at the Fortuna Mountain as if some shiny toy!

"GAAAA!" He obviously wanted to go!

"See? What did I tell you? He's been called by the Fate God! We better let him go; stopping him could do more harm than good!" Joe nicely assisted.

That's when Zoe finally relented. Who was she to defy the gods? Besides, she didn't want to be the one to hinder an innocent baby's promising future.

"Alright, I understand! … Also, I'm sorry about before, I thought—"

"Hehe, all good. Anyone would have misunderstood!"

They were already making up as they watched Jack slowly crawl toward Fortuna Mountain. At the entrance stood a stone Arch with countless mystical symbols.

The rules were clearly written:

| Retreat Impossible: One Challenger at a Time! |

Once he crossed it, he'd be in the hands of the Fate God, and as long as he was Fated, no monsters would harm him. The two had the warmest of gazes.

"Go on, little one, you can do it!"

"Who knows, perhaps he'll become some great figure in the upcoming years. Wouldn't that be awesome? We could brag to everyone about being the ones that brought him here!"

They happily chatted but stopped just as Jack crossed the Arches' threshold. This felt like a historic moment! But as soon as Jack entered…

[Welcome to Fortuna Mountain!]

[Detecting Fate Affinity!]

[…Zero! Good Luck!]

With horror, the two adventurers suddenly saw a swarm of monsters appear on the mountain. What had they bloody done?! The creatures were already eying the baby!

"P-perhaps they'll just watch from a distance and—"


But they didn't. With mighty growls, the beasts all charged toward the baby. A feast had presented itself to them… the most tender of them all!

"NOOOO!" Zoe instantly reacted.

She rushed to his help…. But it was a wasted effort. The rules of the Mountain were unbreakable. Her body instantly collided with a magical barrier, stopping her!

"What have we done?! Baby, crawl back here, hurry!" She kept hacking at the barrier, every swing more desperate than the last.

"I-It's too late… what have we done?!"

That's when the monster wave engulfed the little one. There wasn't even a whimper as he got devoured whole…. Fate? Fate, my ass!

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