Classless Reincarnation

Chapter 51 Devouring It All!

Chapter 51 Devouring It All!

"It's time for some payback!"

"P-Please don't hurt him! He's a friend!" Aisha panicked, afraid Jack would take revenge on the gentle giant who had once kidnapped him.

Hurt him? As if Jack could in the first place! He was OP for a baby, but he didn't have that kind of power. No, he still had a very long way to go.

"Pfft— Do you think I'm part of the Mafia or something?! I just heard that he's able to see auras. I'm just curious about it, you see. How is such a thing even possible?"

"Ah?! Do you promise? I actually know a few things about it!"

Aisha began the tale of the gentle giant called Hendricks. He had once been the strongest C-Ranked Adventurer, only to lose his eyes to a basilisk attack.

"Wait, back up… a basilisk attacked Dawn City?!"

"Oh yeah, it happens from time to time."

That time, Hendricks had saved countless random bystanders, including the Hendersons. To thank him, they had tried their best to heal his eyes, only to fail lamentably.

Despairing, the gentle giant had left Dawn City. But just when everyone thought he had retired for good… he came back with this new Aura vision of his!

"How did he train it?!"

Aisha seemed to hesitate, acting all mysterious. "Keep it a secret, but he journeyed to the Lair of the Forest Druids… and met an Elf!" She theatrically announced, grinning.

"Lair of the Forest Druid? Where's that?"

"About a month away from Dawn City! It's a magical place with…."

A month?! It was just impossible right now! Even the aloof flame Lord would notice such a long absence… and that's assuming he survived it! He sighed with frustration…

That's when the Old Ghost chimed in:

"Kid, I have a suggestion if you need power quickly."

The more the Ghost talked, the deeper the light of greed glowed in Jack's eyes. This could work?! Talk about an incredible cheat! He turned once more to Aisha.

"Your dad did order you to keep me entertained, right? I want to tour the place, then! Quick, show me the Henderson's Treasury!" Jack ordered.

"T-that… I don't have that kind of access!"

"Are you sure? Ask your father! See it as a test of your Speech Skills. If you can't even convince one man, you won't have any future as a merchant. You'd be better giving up!"

He was akin to a devil, coaxing her into doing bad deeds. He even sweetened the deal: "If you succeed, I'll give you something amazing!"

"F-fine, I'll try!"

Thus they started touring the Estate, in search of its Patriarch. On their way over, they saw countless foxes all sprawled on the ground, lazily sleeping.

They looked so damn cute and inoffensive… but their ears would imperceptibly twitch whenever they heard something noteworthy. They were actually gathering information!

Eventually, they did reach their target.

"Dad, I need access to the treasury, and here's why!" The Patriarch didn't even have time to place a word that she was already listing the benefits:

1. A souvenir would make Jack's visit more memorable

2. The shiny treasures would please him for sure

3. It would bring them closer to the Flame Lord!

"In conclusion, this isn't just a financial expense, but a proof of trust toward the Flame Mansion. It sends a clear message that we're wholeheartedly cooperating and even—"

"Enough, enough! Alright, you can, but only one item each!" The Patriarch actually accepted, giving her a golden key. After all, she had proved herself so wise recently!

He even watched the both of them leave toward the Treasury with a small smile on his lips. "Sigh, they grow up so fast!" Little did he know the evil he had just invited in…

| Henderson's Treasury! Access Restricted! |

It was a corridor protected by countless traps. Even an amateur like Jack knew that going inside meant assured death! But just as they came closer… it all disappeared!

[Treasury Access Key Activated. Welcome! ]

The two quickly entered a magical land. Everywhere their eyes rested, they'd see shiny stuff glowing with magical lights.

Now, this was what a real treasury was supposed to look like! It was such a contrast to what he had seen back home!

"Remember, we can only pick one each!" Aisha seriously reminded as she went searching for some easy-to-wear magic jewelry. Meanwhile, Jack approached a random pile.

He focused, delving inside himself as he looked for something very specific: the magical black-hole from back then. As soon as he poked it with Mana, it re-awakened!

Jack could hear it whispering:

~ Hungryyy

~ Sooo Hungryyy

~ Mooore, need more!

That's when he touched a nearby Treasure Sword. Instantly, his Blackhole started swirling faster and faster until it became utterly active! It smelled FOOD!

"Go on, take it, eat to your fill. But in return… give me POWER!"

[Absorbing Mana from Artifact!]

[All Stats Increased Drastically!]

This thing was so damn pleasant! It felt like having his entire body massaged! He suddenly felt like he was ten years older! He hurriedly turned toward the remaining artifacts.

As for the one artifact limit, he'd simply find a way to reimburse the Hendersons. For now, he'd ride this huge Power-UP wave!

Under his touch, artifact after artifact turned to dust. Some were too high-level for him to absorb, but he'd just put them aside and kept absorbing. This felt so goddamn GREAT!

After a few minutes, Aisha came back, only to freak out.

"W-what have you done?!"

Next to him was a pile of artifacts and a pile of dust, the latter much larger! Without realizing it, he consumed so much that it made the room noticeably empty.

"That? I'm growing stronger! Don't mind it." He remarked, not a trace of remorse. After all, judging by the Ghost's explanations, this treasure for Power trade was incredibly worth it!

Soon, his status screen looked AMAZING!...


Jack Bright (Classless)


BODY 26 (STR 9 / AGI 9 / RES 8)

SOUL 53 ( MAGIC 16 / SENSE 18 / WILL 19)


He had gained 8 Body Points and 6 Soul points in one go just from touching random treasures?! This was more than impressive! But just as he was rejoicing… he felt something wrong!

The vortex in his stomach suddenly started swirling faster, faster, and faster! Then it mercilessly… took back all of this newfound power of his! He could sense it leaving him by the second!

[Evil God Body Absorbed STR!]

[Evil God Body Absorbed! AGI]

[Evil God Body Absorbed WILL!]


It kept going and going until…

[Congratulations, Evil God Body Leveled up!]

With trembling fingers, Jack opened his status once again. He suddenly had an awful feeling about this. But as he saw his status, he jerked in shock.

"W-why?! Did it just revert back?!"


Jack Bright (Classless)


BODY 18 (STR 6 / AGI 6 / RES 6)

SOUL 47 ( MAGIC 10 / SENSE 18 / WILL 19)


So much for taking a shortcut... Jack didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Luckily, his Evil God Body had leveled up, right? Yet even as he carefully checked it, he couldn't see any change.

But just as he was accepting his loss, he heard the shaken voice of the Old Ghost. "D-Don't tell me?! Oh my god! Your affinity for this thing is beyond freakish; you're a natural! This is BAD!"

"Bad, how?! Explain yourself!"

"Kid, I have good news and bad news..." He sounded like a Doctor about to diagnose him with cancer! Never had Jack ever seen him so solemn and somber.

"Good news: this Evil God Body Skill of yours has way more potential than we initially gave it credit. Heck, with your affinity, the sky is the limit!" But then he sighed profoundly.

"Bad news: it will devour everything in this world, starting with yourself. If you don't feed it regularly, you'll only have a few months to live at best..."

What the fuck?! At this moment, the world seemingly turned gray, and it wasn't from all the artifact dust in his eyes...





Jack Bright (Classless)


BODY 18 (STR 6/ AGI 6 / RES 6)

SOUL 47 ( MAGIC 10 / SENSE 18 / WILL 19)



- He Who Devours 🆕

-  Mana Absorption (F)🆕


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