Code Collector

Chapter 100

Chapter 100: Two Effects at Once

"Blossom of the Dawned Moon."

Out of nowhere, a large hole appeared on the ceiling of the abandoned factory. A man hovered at the center of the hole, opening his palm as he pointed it to the Hunters inside.

It was Sebastian Lincoln himslef, looking down at nothing since he could not see anything, only feeling the presence of the beast.

His hands lit up with a soft blue light as he created an orb that was similar to Antoni's bubble. The main difference between them was the color and the obvious gap in their power.

Antoni used a Rare grade Code, meanwhile Sebastian used a Sacred grade Code, a Code that was two grades superior to the former. It wasn't a surprise since the blind man was the top of the Hunters in their world, but seeing its effects for the first time made Allen's eyes sparkle in admiration.

"This is a Sacred grade Code," Allen whispered to himself. He looked at his hand and watch the scratches that he got slowly getting healed. The heat from the Fire Dragon was inexistent inside the bubble, allowing them to recover their forms.

"I don't think I'd see you here, Jack," Sebastian said as he lowered himself down to the ground. He was inside his own bubble and while he was landing, the two bubbles merged, allowing him to enter the bigger bubble where the rest of the Hunters were.

"I didn't think I owe you one," Jack snickered. "I'm not really too big with favors, so after this, you have to name your prize and I'll do it."

"After this?" Sebastian smirked. "Why not now?"

"Can't you see that that thing is still going rampant?!" Jack growled, pointing at the Fire Dragon who was now fully out of the ground. Its sheer size was enormous enough to cover the entire two thirds factory. 

"It will die soon," Sebastian said. "Don't worry. He's coming."

"He?" Jack asked. "Who?"

"Slam of the Iron Bizon!"

Bernard leaped inside the building through the hole that Sebastian created. He was carrying a great sword that was thick and looked extremely heavy. The weight alone must be at least half a ton by how it looked.

As the man fell from the skies, he swung his sword while it lit up with a bright brown light. The light covered the sword as if it was its sheeth, allowing Bernard to hit the dragon and seal a deep cut on its neck.

"Nice!" Rourke cheered. "You'd never expect less from a Primordial Beast Bearer!"

When Bernard landed on the ground, he gently placed his sword beside him. The weapon was indeed too heavy that it even created a crack on the concrete floor even when Bernard put it down slowly.

"What happened?" Sebastian asked, raising questions from the Hunters. "You merely injured it. That won't kill it right."

"We could barely get near it," Rourke grunted. "The man did us a favor already. Stop nagging."

"Nagging?" Sebastian growled at him. "Do you know what happens when you fail to kill a beast like that?"

Allen turned to look at the giant lizard who was still looking up. It hasn't moved since the moment Bernard wounded its neck, making everyone worry. The slow seething mana that was coming out of the beast made Allen wonder what was happening to it.

"Rage Mode," Allen whispered. "It's gonna go on Rage Mode!"

Just when Allen said that, Bernard leaped a couple of meters back, right where the bubble was. Sebastian opened his hand, creating a hole in his bubble that Bernard used to get inside.

"It's tougher than I thought," Bernard said. "That thing must be middle tier Sacred grade already."

"That's because it is," Chen grinned. "We programmed it that way so it would create a bigger havoc. There's no use in fighting it. You'll only get defeated. Only one Primordial Beast Bearer? Don't make me laugh."

The Fire Dragon lowered its head and looked at the bubble. It seemed to have grinned as flames seethed out its claws while it displayed its fangs with a wide grin.

Sebastian had to clench his fists as the heat that was radiating from the beast intensified. The bubble he created was starting to lose its integrity, any more force and he would lose his cast and they'd all be vulnerable.

"What Bearer can get here fast?" Sebastian asked Bernard. The man only shrugged and pouted. "What does that even mean? Our lives are literally in danger here! I don't think I can last long if the beast keeps giving out that much power."

"It's not my fault that this thing turned out to be a bigger monster than we thought!" Bernard groaned. "Honestly. I really don't like hard work. Why'd you think I live somewhere secretly anyway?"

"Bernard," Allen found himself speaking. He was now afraid of what might happen, but his instincts had kicked in and his other passive skill had already activated. He was now relaxed even when he was facing a beast that was melting concrete and metal.

"What is it?" Bernard asked, turning to face the masked boy. 

"Can you do that again?" Allen asked. "That slash. Can you do that again?"

"I can, but it will be a huge risk," Bernard replied. "We need to distract it first before I can deal the final blow."

"No," Allen said. "I'll deal the final blow. Just please distract it so it couldn't sense me while I kill it."

There was only silence for a couple of seconds. All the Hunters looked at each other, completely baffled after what they heard. 

"What?" Rourke scoffef. "You're going to use Bernard, the Bernard himself as bait?"

"Yes," Allen replied simply. The confidence he gained from his passive skill was so great, he could talk informally to the likes of Rourke. "See that wound Bernard dealt earlier?"

The boy pointed at the huge cut that Bernard gave to the beast. It was still open, and it was healing slowly. In fact, it barely managed to heal.

"I can deal with that while Bernard takes its attention," Allen said. "Throughout its entire skin, the Fire Dragon has an intense amount of heat radiating from it. Since Bernard damaged its skin, the soft flesh must be vulnerable."

"Vulnerable from what?" Sebastian asked, smirking as he proudly listen to Allen's plan. 

Allen opened his hand and conjured a weapon that was familiar to Jack. The old man had to snort after seeing his own sword in the boy's hand.

It was a slender sword that had a crystal-like blade. The blade was holographic, showing multiple colors at once, just like a kaleidoscope.

<Kaleidoscopic Blade>

Type: Weapon

Grade: Grand

Damage: 50

Effect/s: (1) Active - Has a 25% chance of dealing a random curse on the target (Burn, Electrocute, Poison).

(2) Passive - Every 20 damage points dealt, the crit rate will be enhanced by 4%.

(3) Passive - When Effect 2 reaches 40%, the chance of activating Effect 1 will be enhanced to 80%.

"Kid," Jack placed his hands on Allen's shoulders. "Even when you could deal a curse on that beast, that still won't guarantee our win."

"That's why I'll also use this," Allen opened his other hand. This time, a spear appeared. This spear had seven blades on its tip that formed a spiral flame-like shape. 

<Iron Shredder>

Type: Weapon

Grade: Grand

Damage: 50

Effect/s: (1) Active - Casts Spiral Wheel on the target for 8 seconds. 75% of the damage dealt during the 8 seconds that Spiral Wheel is active will be casted.

(2) Passive - Every strike that the user hits on the target will decrease the target's defense for 2%.

(3) Passive - When the weapon hits the target for four consecutive times, the target's defense will be lowered by 4% (stacks up to 12%).

"Are you going to use both weapons at once?" Jack asked. "Young boy, no one has ever stacked two effects at once. Even the strongest Hunters couldn't pull it off easily."

"I'm not one of those strong Hunters," Allen said. "I am my own person, and I know I can do this."josei

"Wait," Sebastian raised his hands to make them pause. "I don't know what you're both talking about. What plan is he doing?"

"He's going to use both weapons and activating their effects at the same time," Jack said. 

This made Rourke scoff, while Sebastian chuckled. The latter spoke, "Are you sure about that? I don't think you are capable of doing so."

"I am," Allen said. "After all, both you and Bernard trained me well."

This made Sebastian laugh fully. He was shaking his head as he sighed. "This will all be in the hands of Bernard if he takes the deal or not."

"That's fine by me," Bernard said. "If you have ever been with Nelson Drake, you'll see crazier things he keeps pulling off. This is just another one of his stunts."

"And how much is his success rate?" Rourke asked.

"One hundred percent," Bernard replied. "And I can see the same for the Wandering Trader here."

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