Code Collector

Chapter 107

Chapter 107: The Snake Did It

A day before Lay warned Allen about the incoming danger, in the meeting room of the investigation team for Drake Nelson's murder, Lin was sitting on the chair as Louie spoke.

"I do not know what's happening," Louie sighed. "I called for the meeting of the remaining ten Bearers along with three of the best Hunters for investigation. They have countless solved cases where no one has ever solved in a very long time."

They where inside the room where glass replaced two of the adjacent walls and the other two walls were solid steel. Outside was a view of the ocean, meaning that they were submerged underwater.

Inside the room was a long table where nine of the Primordial Beast Bearers sat along with three more Hunters that wote trench coats. In front of the table was Louie, the Rat Bearer, himself. He was the one leading the group with the investigation for their chairman's death.

"You're not doing this just so we would forfeit the elections, are you?" Lin bluntly asked to which Louie answered with a vigorous shaking of his head.

"Miss Lin, where did that idea even come from? I do not have such intentions," Louie spoke. "I'm merely stressed after the loss of our chairman, thats all."

"Miss Lin is the vice chairman," Bernard spoke. "She should be the one leading this investigation, not you."

"That may be true, but Miss Lin politely declined the invitation, isn't that right, Miss Lin?" Louie asked. His voice, his expression, and his posture didn't show any signs of anything suspicious, making him free from guilt.

"You know how close the chairman and I were," Lin muttered. "Knowing that your closest friend had passed away and even seeing the footage on how he was brutally murdered, that wasn't a good experience for me."

"Yes, we do," Louie said. "That was why I didn't force you to lead this investigation, but we are in dire need for your help. You are the best at investigating out there, your talent would be wasted if you cannot use it to find the justice for Drake."

Lin sighed and rubbed her forehead. The stress was eating her as the grief was still consuming her whole. "Okay. I'll take charge of this investigation."

"Finall!" Louie cheered. He bowed and let Lin stood where he was while he sat on her chair. "All the files you need for the case is on that folder.

"You mean folders?" Lin asked, raising a thick layer of folders. "There's a lot of files here, you didn't narrow it down?"

"I-I am a tank," Louie said. "Things like this doesn't go well with me. But I thought that since you have greater mental capabilities, you could do it."

Lin then turned to the three men with them. She narrowed her eyes while a look of disappointment was plastered on her face. "What a terrible job. We need to take five. I'll narrow the clues within that five minutes, and then hand everything out to you so we can discuss it."

"Can you actually do all that in five minutes?" someone with a slender figure while wearing a black shiny tight skin suit said. On their head was a white bunny ear, making it obvious that they were the Rabbit Bearer. "I don't think you could do that. No offense to you, but that pile of files is thicker than my arm."

"Kenneth, you don't have to doubt Miss Lin's prowess," a man who was huge in terms of size said. He barely have any muscles, and with his towering almost seven foot tall figure, he looked like a giant pig. "Let Miss Lin worry about that and worry about how Sufjan is looking at you weirdly again."

Kenneth, the person with the bunny ears, scrunched his face and looked at the man who the Boar Bearer pointed out. It was a man with a long blonde hair that was wearing a fitted suit and tie. "Yuck. Sufjan, don't even think about it."

"I didn't know horses were so sexual," Remy sighed. "Then again, you don't really underestimate horses. They're big."

Remy stood and bowed, "Miss Lin, please take your time with your task."

The others followed the dog bearer. Everyone stood and bowed, following the words of the woman, "Miss Lin, please take your time with your task."

Remy stood right and cleared her throat. She was the first one to leave the room with Kenneth following her along with another woman. The other people also left not long after the three, leaving Lin with Louie.

"Can I help?" Louie asked to which Lin raised her hand and slowly shook her head in response. "Okay. But please don't hesitate to ask me for anything."

Lin looked up from the files and smiled, "Okay, Louie. Thank you so much."

Louie bowed and left the room, leaving Lin fully alone in the room. The woman took a deep breath as her eyes slowly glowed with a dim blue color.

'Skill <Mind of the Jungle> activated.'

Lin's memory was enhanced by three thousand percent. Her comprehension in both reading and understanding was increased multiple times the capabilities of ten adult humans at once. Her eyes were scanning the page one page per three seconds while her mind was calculating everything quickly.

In the woman's mind, what she was reading was being processed and analyzed. Those who are beneficial will be kept while the unnecessary details, while the important ones were being kept.

Meanwhile, outside of the room where Lin was at, a figure stood by the door. They were on their phone while looking around cautiously. "Yes, Lin is analyzing the files now. No, I did not bother. Okay. Got that. Thank you."

A couple of footsteps walked closer to the door. The figure looked at where the sound came from and then saw Kenneth just walking from the corner.

The feminine boy narrowed his eyes while looking at the figure suspiciously. "Who are you and what are you doing here?"

The figure not move. Instead, they remained looking at Kenneth, no words spoken. For the Rabbit Bearer, knowing the identity of the person was hard considering they wore a hooded jacket. It also seemed like they wore padding on their body, so they would look bigger than they actually are.

"I said, who are you?" Kenneth asked again, this time, threateningly. His eyes narrowed even more while his hands twitched on his side. "If you don't answer in three seconds, I'll be forced to use force."

The figure did not move or reply. This angered Kenneth even more, now he was looking at the figure with pure anger. "Oh, so you won't speak, huh?"

Kenneth raised his hand and a staff appeared. "B*tch!"josei

His shoes transformed into a white fur boots with heels as he leaped off of the ground and pointed his staff on the figure who also was yet to move. "Lunar Explosion!"

An orb appeared on the head of Kenneth's staff. The orb looked like a giant marble and a crescent moon appeared inside it before it was wrapped with a bluish white light. "Die!"

The covered orb fired a beam of bluish white light at the target. The figure saw this coming and nodded, leaping off of the ground too. When the beam dissipated, the figure landed again and ran to the side.

"Oh, hell no!" Kenneth growled. He landed on the ground and followed the figure, shooting small orbs in his way to fend off anyone who tried to get on his way. "Lunar Explosion!"

The boy fired another beam of light towards the direction he thought the figure went. If the figure did escape him, they wouldn't leave the establishment so easily. They were submerged underground, and the only way to go out was going out through the water.

"What the hell happened?" Remy asked as she chased Kenneth. "Who are you chasing?"

"A suspicious figure who I saw right outside the room Miss Lin was at," Kenneth replied. "Just when I thought they looked suspicious, they dodged my attack easily, as though they were someone strong– really strong."


Both Kenneth and Remy saw someone on the next counter. It was Bernard who spoke that while he was with the Monkey Bearer, Sun. Bernard was carrying the figure by their hoodie while Sun suppressed the figure with his staff.

"I heard explosions," Bernard said. "This was what you've been chasing, Kenneth?"

"They're so slick," Kenneth growled. He walked closer to Bernard and took the hood off the figure where he grinned and gasped at the sight. "What the hell is that?"

The man under the figure had white eyes and a large tattoo of the snake from their forehead down to their legs. "Hail the Snake! The Snake. Hail the Snake! The Snake!…"

The man chanted continuously. Just when they were about to ask something, the man rolled his head to the back of his head and threw up flames. This made bernard immediately let go of him.

"The Snake…" Lin muttered from behind them. She saw everything. "The Snake did it."

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