Code Collector

Chapter 114

Chapter 114: Fake Identities

It would seem like it wasn't only Sebastian and Bernard were looking forward to the time that he gets stronger. Even Dennis who was a leader of an already established group was waiting for him.

"Then there's Snake Society who also wants me to arise," Allen said to himself with a sigh. It had been a couple of days since he got back to the camp from Earth, and now he was hunting in Haven.

<Divine Judgement>

Type: Skill

Grade: Sacred

Effect/s: ???

It wasn't that higher grade Codes weren't allowed to be held on by lower ranked Hunters, where Allen knew of that information was completely wrong. They were allowed to hold on to the Codes, but they can only see the preview of it. 

The Code in his interface was grayed out, showing only the icon which was a hand bathing under a beam of light. If he hovers his hand over the icon, he could see the short description, but other than that was hidden.josei

He now has two Sacred grade Codes, but was still unable to use either of them. He was looking forward to when that time comes, but for now, he just have to do what he needed to do.

Slash. Slash. Slash.

Allen was going through the jungle right by Camp Twyla when he heard a metal sword slashing through the trees. He looked around and saw a cloaked figure not too far from him. The person was facing away from him while they stood in the middle of the clearing.

The cloak was white in color and it was covering the figure's entire body up to below their knee. The figure wore a white leather boots that had yellow linings that were similarly designed to the cloak that they were wearing.

On their right hand was a thin sword that was just an inch wider than a rapier. The handle was a cross shaped with the upper part of the cross holding the blade in place. 

The person raised their sword on their eye level while turning to the side, as if expecting something to come to them. Not a minute later, the ground shook and a giant black bear burst out of the forest, leaping up and lunging towards the figure.

"Divine Judgement!" the figure said, they had a female voice.

The woman raised her sword with one hand as a large halo appeared above her. The halo showered her with a beam of light, igniting the sword with yellowish white glitters before covering the entire blade with light.

"Hiya!" she slashed her sword forward, creating a gigantic crescent-shaped attack that went past the bear. The attack then vanished, not abling to travel further. Everything suddenly got silent. The bear froze in place, just staring at the woman as she placed her sword back on her scabbard.

"Goodbye," the woman whispered.

The bear sparked with the same yellowish white glitters that was from the sword before it exploded with a pure white light. The figure if the bear vanished inside the sphere that was created from the attack, the impact of it creating a strong wind that reached even Allen that was far from the site.

"Woah," Allen gasped. The woman used the same skill as the one he got from Dennis. If this was the power of a Sacred grade Code, then he was surely excited to reach the level that he can finally use it.

The boy was about to take a step forward when he saw that the woman vanished from where she was standing. A cold wind passed through him and the figure had appeared behind him, the same sword that ended the giant bear was now pointed at his neck.

He sighed and immediately took his dagger out. He knew that the weapon wasn't in full power, but he had to use something. Allen didn't know what the intention of the woman was, so he can't possibly let his guard down so easily.

"Why were you watching me?" the woman asked. When Allen didn't answer, she groaned and raised her sword to her eye level, just like the stance he did earlier when she was fighting the bear. "I don't need your answer anymore."

Allen grunted and switched weapons, this time he was holding the glaive. With this, he could at least have a chance to block thre attack.

"You're a good Hunter," the woman simply said before slamming her sword through the ground. This created a smoke that blinded Allen, making him nervous as to what might happen next.

But contrary to what he expected, the ominous aura disappeared completely the moment she felt Allen was flinching in fear. She chuckled and tapped Allen's side, "You didn't see me, kid."

With that, the woman's presence vanished. Allen turned back to see her, but she was completely gone. "What was that?"

When he was sure that the woman had gone, Allen went to the battle site to inspect. He looked around the area to see a large crater that the woman created. The bear had completely vanished from existence, and nobody except him witnessed such feat.

Looking back at it, the giant bear that the woman fought had an oddly similar presence to the lion he once fought, the Grand grade lion. They both have intense aura from them that Allen could simply pinpoint that they were from the same grade.

But the appearance of Grand grade Codes in Haven was too rare. Nobody could possible see two beasts of a higher grade on their world twice. It was just too odd, even for him.

"Whatever," Allen shut the topic altogether. He walked back to camp since nobody was allowed to stay for more than three days after the Bearers implemented a curfew on Hunting. No Hunter was allowed to got to the wildernesses for more than seven days for groups, and three days for duos and solo Hunters.

They are required to report back to camp after their curfew and stay there for three days more for solos and duos, and one day more for groups. Allen thought this was all a joke since it doesn't make sense why they had to put a curfew, but he had no choice but to oblige.

Failure to obey the rules would result in a suspicion that they would become an associate of the murder of Drake Nelson. This part of the curfew was even more ridiculous after Allen heard of it. 

"The Bearers must be crazy," the boy sighed. He walked inside the camp and went straight to Hilda's store. After their talk, he showed himself to Hilda. This was also good because he doesn't need to wear his disguise anymore, making it less likely for him to be spotted inside the store.

"Good morning," Allen said, walking to the counter. "It seemed awfully quiet today."

"What do you mean "morning"?" Hilda crossed her arms. "It's already noon. Have you eaten breakfast yet?"

"No, ma'am," Allen said with a yawn. "I need to rest. The new curfew said that I have to stay here for three days, might as well get as much rest as I can."

"Oh," Hilda said. She hummed and nodded her head. 

As Allen transfered the Codes for Hilda, he looked around again and saw that there were nod diplays on the stands. "You sold all the Codes already?"

"I did, actually," Hilda smiled. "All your Codes have the highest quality. I also have the list of orders right here."

Hilda took a small piece of paper from her drawer and gave it to the boy. Allen took one look at it and instantly frowned by how much the requested Codes were. "This is ridiculously many and specific."

"But the price is good," Hilda said. "I run the business, and had ran one before. I know how things would work and know when to not risk something."

"A Code that would let the user gain seventy percent movement speed," Allen chuckled. "Don't you think that sounds ridiculous? I mean, seventy percent movement speed. You need something like a Grand grade Code for that."

"If you can't give it, don't do it," Hilda shrugged. "It's that simple, boy. Why are you thinking it the hard way?"

Allen groaned, "Then you watch me do something the hard way. I'll do something even more ridiculous. Three days is a long time for a break and three days is a short time to get things done."

"So?" Hilda asked. "What are you going to do about it?"

Allen smirked, "I'm gonna form a group. That way, we can have as much days in the wild and less rest. We can grind as much as we can."

"I thought you work alone?" Hilda asked. "What are you going to do about it?"

"What would you do if someone offers you twenty million dollars?" Allen retorted, smirking as his entire body apart from his face glowed with a pale green light. The light created seven large orbs beside him, each fell to the ground and formed a humanoid figure. "You simply get a good Code for a price."

"Boy…" Hilda trailed off. "What do you mean?"

"It's time for more fake identities."

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