Code Collector

Chapter 142

Chapter 142: Arrested

"What does that even mean?" Allen asked Rourke as he sat back on the floor. There wasn't any furniture in the unit he was assigned to, so he had to be sit on the floor as his legs lost its strength.

"You will undergo the tests with different variations, for assassin, warrior, tank, mage, ranger, and support," Rourke replied. "If not, then you will be left in D rank."

Allen suddenly had an idea in his mind, "What if I don't show up in at least one of the tests? What will happen?"

Rourke paused, "Hmm. Well, for the first test, you'll only be examined once since it's just a medical test. However, for the other tests, you must be present in all of them so you'll be ranked. If not, then I'm sorry but you'll stay in D rank."

Allen nodded, grinning at himself. "Okay, I got that. Thank you, Rourke. I owe you one."

"You can pay it back right now," Rourke suddenly said, making Allen tilt his head to the side. "Butter my name up to Jack when you meet him. Make sure to tell him all the good deeds I did for you, but don't you ever tell him that I told you to do so."

"Why is that?" Allen asked.

Rourke opened his mouth and he suddenly stopped. He looked away to hide his reddening face as he cleared his throat and recovered his composure, "Too many questions. Just do it. I'm gonna go now. People are waiting for me in Eternity."

With those words, Rourke left the group and vanished like his presence wasn't here at all. He didn't leave a single trace, just like a ghost that was gone in an instant.

Jeremy turned around to see a grinning Allen, making him scrunch his face, "Why do I feel like you're going to do something ridiculous?"

Allen laughed lightly, "That's because I am."

Hospitals. Allen didn't have a lot of memories in the hospitals even when he was constantly injured since he couldn't afford to be in one. Jeremy then clarified this saying that Kyle would pay up for the hospital bills whenever Allen was admitted.

The first test was a medical test which examines the biological stats of the Hunters. This was necessary in order for the system to recognize the capabilities of the Hunter that was being examined.

A tank should have an x level of muscles in their bodies whereas a support should have a healthy mental health in order to focus on their roles. There is also a bracket regarding this and the test score will be decided depending on the bracket that the Hunter's stats belongs to.

Allen was confused for a moment. His schedule was not the same as the other three when they were sent to Paradise at the same time. It was also weird how they had the same schedule while he was scheduled ahead of them.

He was sure enough to at least suspect that Fantasia was behind this ploy. She wanted him to be separated from his friends, that was why she did this. Her biggest and perhaps only mistake was that she didn't know that Allen was used to being alone.

If he hadn't met Jeremy and the others, he would've been climbing the ranks of the Hunters alone, with nobody by his side. The boy could only smirk as he waited for his turn to be assessed.

"Dante Reed?"

The tests went by pretty quickly. The day was over and Allen was on his way back home. He was tested for his blood, his strength, height, and weight and such

The hardest and most awkward test was only the fertility test where Allen thought that he'd do something lewd, but the doctors had a machine that would examine the person's fertility automatically. It was a good thing he held out his question to ask for a cup, or else it would be too awkward for him.

He got to the unit he was assigned the day before, to no ones surprise. He knew that Fantasia did something to the employees, maybe threatened them or bribed them into making Allen's life a living hell while he was in Paradise. They said that the unranked units were all occupied at the moment and that Allen had to go back to his old apartment unit in the meantime.

This caused an outrage with his friends. They were made and were about to get even madder when Allen told them his plan. This made them all grin and immediately agreed.

A first step into the stairs of his apartment and he heard a person walk neabry. Unlike Haven where the apartment units were stuck in the walls, Paradise had buildings much like condominiums in Earth. The condominiums were the most hasic housing of the B-C ranked while the A rankers would be in mansions.

Meanwhile, the D rankers would stay in the place called Forsaken. This was a small building with two floors and old design. There were fourteen units, so of the Hunters that are in D rank woudl exceed the capacity, two would share their rooms. That was how ugly the treatment for D rankers were in Paradise.

"Oh, well if isn't the only D ranker."

Allen finally hear the person speak. This was the same person that he heard walking behind him. The boy felt the air and felt four more people behind the man.

"What's wrong?" Allen asked, turning around but not stepping down from the stairs. "Is there anything that I can help you?"

The man raised his hand to show a badge. This was a metal badge with a silver outline showing a large letter B sign. "I'm a B ranker, so you should obey me."

"I read that the D rankers would only let high rankers treat them unkindly in queues or the like. It didn't state that D rankers would have to be your slaves. Is it there?" Allen said confidently. He looked at the man ij the eyes, showing off as much intimation as he could. He also used the level of their height as an advantage, he was on the higher part of the stairs while the man was at the bottom.

"Do you have a death wish?" the man growled. He leaped off of the floor and leveled himself with Allen. He used a Code that made wind wrap around his legs so he could hover in the air. "I am a B ranker. Which means, I'm just a couple more steps into Eternity. Do you know what you're doing?"

"You didn't even answer my question," Allen said, sighing at the same time. "Is treating D rankers a slave for the higher ups a rule?"

The man didn't answer. Instead, he growled and raised his hand above him. He used a Code that summoned a sword, slashing it forward so it would reach Allen.

'Enhanced Instinctsn II activated.'

The man moved swiftly, but Allen was faster. His instincts had kicked in and he rolled to the side. Allen then conjured his Sunset Dagger, maximizing its passive skill since it was already nighttime.

"That's a rare weapon," the man behind their leader said. "How come he had that, Bryant?"

Bryant scoffed, "He probably wh*red his way with the rich men. You know those fools. Ugly f*cking bastards with ugly f*cking tastes."

Allen sighed and kept his dagger. "You guys are losers, do you know that? You attack helpless weaklings just because nothing? How pathetic could you get, huh?"

Bryant grit his teeth. He growled and lunged for Allen, his sword was swinging around like he was whipping a whip in the air. Allen smirked at this, letting Bryant let lose.josei

The stairs were destroyed as well as the hallway. Everything that was in front of Bryant, he would destroy without any question. He was angry that was no question.

After a while, Allen was bored and now he had to finish this. He wasn't intending on killing anyone. That would just ruin his reputation. He didn't fight back because he was afraid that he would be blamed for everything, but now that the damage was enough, he decided that it was enough too.

The boy vanished in the air, making Bryant stopped from his rampage. He looked around and felt a weird sensation behind him, and suddenly, they were all knocked down on the ground.

Bryant was the only one left conscious. He looked up to see Allen standing there, grinning at him. "Hello there, Bryant. Your name sounds awkward with the T in it. Are you sure your parents liked you?"

"You filthy rat!" Bryant growled. "Just shut up and die!"

Allen didn't hesitate to swing his sword and create a pool of aura around Bryant. The man screamed as the aura got smaller and smaller until he was suffocated inside, left unconscious. Just before he fell, Allen felt a sudden urge to leave. He saw a smirk on Bryant's face before he fell to the ground.

"Dante Reed," a woman appeared out of the blue. "You are hereby arrested for hurting your fellow Hunters."

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