Code Collector

Chapter 150

Chapter 150: Hilda's Son

Bernard smiled flatly while tapping Allen's shoulders, "They lose their EXP."

Allen was confused for a moment, "And then what happens?"

"What happens to the Hunters who tries to cross the higher worlds?" Bernard asked. "If they forced their way through the portal, what happens to them?"

"T-They die," Gwen said in shock. She couldn't help but cover her lips with her mouth, her eyes widened at the news. "T-They die. That's what happens."

"But the Soul Burners said they wouldn't kill anyone," Allen muttered. "Did they lie to me?"

"Yes, and no," Bernard said. "They lied to you about not killing anyone yet, indeed, but again, they didn't kill anyone yet. When the EXP loses their hosts, the Hunter would be stuck in a frozen mental state. They aren't able to communicate or be communicated. They just stay there, lifeless and pale."

"That's what happened to the man," Allen said. "I saw his eyes. There wasn't any sign of life in them."

Bernard nodded, "As Hunters, our EXP are connected to our soul. Actually, it is essentially our soul when we became Hunters. EXP and the Hunters are connected not just through the interface, but beyond life itself."

"But why do you know all of these?" Jeremy asked. "I mean, I get that you're one of the highest order, but in the police station, there are gruesome cases that we even hide from you guys. Actually, we hide most gruesome cases, thinking we can solve it. We only publicize it when it gets out of hand or when the chief says so."

"There is a rift in the information dissemination as you know," Bernard said. "But that rift does not include us. We have bridges that deliver us the information we needed to get on with our lives. We're only watching you guys solve all the cases and will only interfere when, as you said, it gets out of hand.

"The only place that does not receive such information is the middle part of the hierarchy. The ones at the top clearly knows what's going on, we just want you to think that we don't," Bernad chuckled. "And if you ask why, it's because y'all act cute like that."

"He's a weird man," Gary whispered to Gwen and the latter chuckled. "Why would they like that kind of interaction. So weird."

"I admit that the higher ups doesn't have that much fun with our lives," Bernard sighed. "But anyway, Dante, do you have any more questions?"

"About Lin," Allen said. "Is she our ally?"

Bernard paused for a moment. He took a moment of silence and took a deep breath, "Lin is a woman who is selfish and will only go to the side where it benefits her."

"She's the one who gave me the Codes to level up," Allen reasoned. "Miss Lin helped me to get to Paradise."

"But that doesn't mean anything," Bernard said sternly. "She has always been in Nelson Drake's side, being his sidekick along with Louis. The three of them are the invincible trinity. Now that their leader had died, the two of them are stuck in a limbo between helping the weak and protecting themselves."

"They wouldn't know what it feels like to be like us," Jeremy was now the one who spoke. "Lin, Nelson, Louis, the three of them leads mankind when the Otherworlds are involved but it doesn't mean that they know what it feels like to be here."

"Exactly," Bernard chuckled. "That's why us second and third generation Bearers are working two or three times as hard as them just to keep up, but they don't see that."

"Wait," Allen raises his hand to stop Bernard from proceeding. "Does Lin know that different generation users have lesser powers?"

Bernard paused and thought for a second, "I think they do. She's with Louis all the time. And that man is a second generation user."

"So, maybe she doesn't know what it feels like because she doesn't know about that fact?" Allen said. "Maybe you think Lin is only trying to save herself because you don't know her side of the story."

"Allen," Bernard massaged his temple. "Just stay away from Lin, okay? She might help you now that you have a use for her, but she will only think of you as the next Nelson Drake. We can't trust her."

"She basically wants you because you're a first generation user too," Gwen said. "That kind of kinky."josei


The group left Bernard's cottage not long after they talked. Allen was silent throughout their journey back to Camp Twyla, the boy contemplating whether who to believe.

"Do you think I should trust Bernard's judgement?" Allen asked, turning behind him to look at his friends. "I'm now doubting myself."

"Allen," Jeremy placed his hands on the boy's shoulders. "The only thing you have to focus on is to trust your insticts. You have a great instinct, and you should trust that. The rest of us are going to follow wherever you go."

Allen smiled and nodded, "Mmm. Thank you so much. I will."

"Good," Jeremy said. He ruffled Allen's hair, earninf him a grunt from the latter. "We're here for you, so don't you worry."

"Okay," Allen smiled. "Okay."

They continued walking back to Camp Twyla and not long after, they have arrived. The tall metal gates and the silent city-like camp. It got even barren than when they left, making all four of them feel uncomfortable.

"ID," the guard asked them as they entered. Allen watched the guard and examined her face. She was a tall woman who had wide shoulders and rounded hips. Her posture was firm and solid, much like a soldier. "If you keep staring at me like that, I'll gouge your eyes out."

Allen immediately removed his eyes from the guard. His friends were laughing beside him, all of them clutching their stomach as they tried their best to stop their laughter from getting louder.

"I don't get why you still get to laugh even at the midst of this crisis," the guard said and quirked her brow up. "You think you're all hilarious when people are suffering."

"M-Ma'am," Allen said. "We have just returned from Paradise. We don't know what happened here."

"Oh," the woman hummed. "Then let me tell you. Hunters who are under twenty and over sixty are to be sent back to Earth. The higher ups think that they would only hinder the case of Roger Huntsman."

"Roger Huntsman?" the group chorused in asking.

"Roger Huntsman!" The woman repeated. "The rogue Hunter who killed Nelson Drake, the police had given him a nickname and they already sent a composite sketch for him even the basic information."

"I-I…" Allen trailed off. He looked at Jeremy and the man was looking at him too. "What do we do?"

The group went to the police station where Jeremy and Gwen asked for their former colleagues to get the information. Allen was scared that the Snake would still be blamed for the death of the Dragon Bearer. He knew to himself that he didn't do it, and now he was afraid that everyone will think it was him.

"Here you go," the colleague said. "Why do you even need this information? Are you going to investigate about this too? Like what you did with the Fire Dragon?"

Jeremy and Gwen looked at each other, both speechless. They didn't know how to answer the man and were a moment away from returning the file when their former colleague laughed.

"I was just kidding," the man laughed lightly. "We need as many brains in this case. The police is cornered right now and we don't even know where to start investigating. So if you want to independently investigate, don't hesitate to ask for more information."

"Thanks Paul," Jeremy said. "I owe you one, big one."

"I just want this case to be done and over with," Paul sighed. He was about to leave when he turned and speak. "This is just pure personal thought, but I find it hard to believe everything that has been written there. It seems too random."

With that, the man left the four of them in the alley on the back of the police station office. Allen took the envelope that Paul gave and kept it in his Inventory.

"You're not going to read that?" Gwen asked to which Allen shook his head in response.

"I'll read it once we get back to Paradise. For now, I have to say goodbye to a friend," Allen replied. "You two should find something to do. Jeremy, can you come with me for a moment?"

"Of course."

The four of them parted ways and Allen was walking to the shop with Jeremy. He opened the door and saw that everything was already packed. He smiled at the thought of saying goodbye to one of his leg, but he can't do anything about it.

"Hello?" a man called out from inside the shop, making Allen and Jeremy look at each other in confusion. "Oh, it's you! My name is Erwin. I'm Hilda's son."

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