Code Collector

Chapter 22

Chapter 22: Run Away

[ Run Away ]

Rewards: 3 Skill Points, Anonymous Mask II

// People are after you. Escape them with the distance of 300 miles for 36 hours.

While reading the quest for him, Allen had know that the quests were protecting him. Jake was right. He needed to escape this place if he even wants to succeed with his plans.

The identities he gave will soon be revealed when the officials would start investigating. They would track him down if he stays, and it won't be long. When that happens, even someone like Jake Summers can't protect him.

"I don't do jail time," Allen said to himself and wore his cloak back. Bernard had already left with a fuming Jake Summers in the video call.

The best move he could do at the moment was to go back to the forest and collect items there for Codes and items. He could use his Crafting Table feature to craft his weapons with Rare grade that he could use to acquire Codes.

His plan was solid that he was questioning himself as to why he got distracted from it earlier. So what if the people he knew before were living good lives? The moment they left him in that forest, they were dead to him.

He was all alone now.

Allen picked up his phone and opened the map Jake gave him in the emails. It was a map of the forest outside their camp and a safe trail to the next camp.

He assumed Jake had already left him with things in the new camp. Even when the man was angry, to Jake he was still a valuable asset.

Just in time for Allen to leave, Bernard ran up to him in a hurry. He was curious as to why people were staring at Bernard. Allen watched his clothes to see if there was anything wrong, but he couldn't spot anything.

Apart from the fact that you could never sense Bernard if you can't see him, there was nothing special about him. He was great at hiding his presence, but Allen was sure there were a lot of Hunters who could do the same.

"I forgot to give you this," Bernard said while scratching the back of his head. He was a large man with black hair that was cut short and connected to the short beard under his chin. Perhaps it was this man's looks that made people look at him with awe.

Even when Allen was a man, he could say that Bernard was a very handsome fellow. His large build, his chiseled jaws, and his kind narrow eyes would make any woman swoon if he did as little as wink at them.

"What is this?" Allen asked while receiving the brown manila envelope.

"Something Jake wanted you to have," Bernard said.josei

Allen was about to say something but a crowd had gathered around the bear-like man. They were pushing people away and were lining up to get Bernard's signature.

"Is he like a celebrity or something?" Allen asked himself but fled from the scene. He stored the envelope Bernard gave him to his Inventory and escaped the camp.

Bernard was some sort of celebrity. It would only make sense why people were fawning over him like a bunch ofi mindless moths to a fire.

But then again, Bernard was working for Jake. Allen was Jake's secret, and for Jake to do as risky thing to hire a celebrity to be his courier was a questionable move on the blonde boy's part.

Shrugging the thoughts of Bernard in his head, Allen leaped to a trunk of a tree to rest. He took out the envelope Bernard gave him and opened it.

It had a new ID for him to use, a new identity, and a room key. He assumed that this room key was for a room he will stay at in his new camp, which was over 300 miles away.

After realizing it, Allen opened his interface once more and reread his quest. He chuckled at himself after seeing the distance the quest required of. It was awfully coincidental that only a fool would believe that the cheat system he gained from the Snake didn't have mind of its own.

It was calculating things for him, making sure Allen would be taken care of and get stronger. Though, these were suspicious elicit actions of the cheat system, Allen barely cared.

It was making him stronger, why would he go against that? Sure, there would be a time that the system wouls want something in return, but until then, Allen swore to exploit the system as much as he could.

Since Allen became its master, he will make use of its service. It will be a waste if he kept asking questions when the Snake was giving him all its blessings. It even proved how powerful it was by creating the cheat in the system. That was enough for Allen to believe that this was his key to success.

'New quest available.'

Allen flinched at the sudden voice of the woman in his head. He was so used to the loud bustling streets of the city, contraty to the silent and serene forest. One sound would echo around a couple of times.

[ Item Collection ]

Rewards: 5 Inventory slots, 3 Basic grade Code slots

// Collect materials and craft 3 Basic grade items and 1 Rare grade item in the Crafting Table

The new quest excited Allen a lot. It was a quest for him to get more weapons just like he planned. Now he has more reasons to craft items and sell later on.

His only problem now was to choose what items he could get. The Crafting Table randomly crafts items out of the materials he put in it. He got lucky when he placed his three materials and got the cloak, but who knew what he could get in the future?

With a grunt, Allen decided to test the feature out. He now has weapons and better equipment, so the forest wasn't as scary as before. He could freely collect materials and explore the forest without worrying about his life.

"Beetle Horn, Butterfly Wings, and Silver Mantis Arm," Allen dictated the raw materials one by one as he placed them in the three slots of the Crafting Table.

As usual, the boxes where the materials were glowed. The lights trailed down to the lines that intersected in the middle and down to the empty box. It glowed for a couple of seconds before revealing the item it crafted out of the three.

[ Buttefly Whip ]

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