Code Collector

Chapter 38

Chapter 38: Mother Boar

< Mother Boar >

Rewards: 3 Skill Points

Defeat the Mother Boar.

The task was fairly simple in theory. He only had to defeat the beast in front of him. However, in actuality, it was rather difficult.

Firstly, the boar was incredibly tough. It took down multiple trees continuously, and it was able to follow Allen's movements. He tried to lose it but it only took a couple of seconds before the boar found him again.

The next problem was its size. It was twice the size of an average Rare grade boar. A lot of Rare grades were huge, but they were slow. This one was gigantic, but at the same time quick.

"It was likeā€¦" Allen trailed off after a memory flashed in his mind. "Ox guy."

The reason why this boar was familiar to him was because of Gary himself. The boar he was carrying the other day must've been a cub of this Mother Boar. And since a human took her baby, a human would be taken in exchange.

It just so happens that the boar made a huge mistake of challenging Allen. Even with his low stats, he was comparable to twice his level. He had seen the description posted on the Camp Twyla Hunters' website. He was estimated to be a high level Hunter.

The thought alone made him excited. It was thrilling to be hunted just like this, to be known for something.

Oink. Oink.

"Thoughts later," Allen said to himself. "I have to deal with this boar first."

The boy bent his knees and lowered his glaive to the side. He narrowed his eyes at the boar who returned the expression.

"Do you want to fight?" Allen smirked. "Then let us fight!"

He rushed forward, the boar doing the same. His body started to lean forward as he felt the activation of his passive skill.

'Enhanced Instincts Level 1 activated.'

His chest almost meet the ground. The boar raised its body forward and stood on both its hind feet. It roared before slamming its front claws back down before Allen could reach it. This made him back stop from his tracks.

The boar roared and leaped forward, prompting Allen to flip his body to the left to avoid the attack. The boar roared once more, making Allen pierce the blade of his glaive to the side. He then took it out and continued to roll to the side while the boar was following his movements.

This beast was incredibly smart. It wasn't letting Allen to stand back up by following his movements with speed and accuracy. It was showing superiority by making Allen run for his life.

Meanwhile, the boy was running low on stamina. He was rolling for a couple of times more, until he found an opening and create a flaming slash to distract the boar. He flipped off of the ground, landing on both his feet and distanced himself from the boar.

He raised his glaive at it and smirked. "You big bad b*tch!"

He rushed forward once again. Allen was holding his weapon to his eye level while he saw the boar smirk as he approaches.

It scratched the ground with its right front leg, breathing out loudly, and shaking its head. Higher tier beasts like the lion and this boar were smart. They know their weaknesses, and their strengths all too well.

However, humans are way smarter than them. He gripped his weapon and glared at the beast who was smirking at him. The boar was provoking him even more.

'Fervent Glaive Exclusive Skill unlocked.'

The notification made Allen loosen his grip slightly. He knew that each weapon whether it is a Code or artificial had an exclusive skill in them. What he didn't know was how to use these skills. He only saw the effects when he inspects the weapon in his interface.

< Blazing Slash >

Fervent Glaive Exclusive Skill

Cooldown: 120 seconds

Deals *170% Damage to the enemy, burning them with 10 damage that decays for 5 seconds.

An exclusive skill can only be unlocked using a Bond with the weapon. The Bond is the duration of the time the user had held the weapon, and after a specific duration, the exclusive skill is unlocked.

For the Fervent Glaive, the Bond it needed was sixty hours. After days of training and hours of fighting, Allen had successfully unlocked it. It was a good thing that he was focused on mastering the glaive that he was able to unlock its exclusive skill.

Allen leaped off of the ground and into the air. He couldn't believe he would be doing this, but he was going to use the exclusive skill of the Fervent Glaive for the very first time.

Its damage was already high, and this attack would make his damage even greater. "Blazing Slash!"josei

His body moved on its own. His hands led themselves to raise the glaive over his head and swing it forward, firing a flaming slash right against the boar.

The beast growlef and opened its mouth. Allen didn't know what it was doing until the boar slammed its teeth together when the attack reached it.

"It swallowed my attack?!" Allen gasped, seeing the boar gulp the flames down. It roared, but not like the roars it made before. Now, this beast was roaring in pain. "Of course it couldn't."

Allen landed on the ground and narrowed its eyes to the pained boar. He rushed forward and struck his glaive right on its skin, making the green blood of the beast ooze out of it.

He continued bashing his glaive until the beast wasn't able to move. It fell to the ground with a loud thud, its eyes slowly closing and a puff of smoke came out of its mouth.

'Mother Boar killed. +50 EXP'

'Mother Boar Code gained.'

'Quest < Mother Boar > completed. The rewards are awarded successfully.'

Allen fell to his knees, panting. He watched the corpse of the beast and placed his hand on its stomach. It was warm.

The effect of his attack must still be active, but it was even more effective after the beast ate it. He opened his mouth to store the beast but something in its hooves caught his eyes.

Allen immediately ran to the front legs and saw red blood on it. His eyebrows met, and he looked back at the wounds the beast got. Its blood was green, so how come it had red blood splattered all across its legs?

Allen then inspected his body. He looked out for any wound that he might have, but he didn't see anything. He was clean.

When he looked to the side, the moon was cleared from the clouds. Allen gazed at the part of the forest where the trees were taken down. He stored the boar in his Inventory and walked to the path.

Right by the fallen trees were, a small clearing was created. The light of the moon shone under the tree leaves and Allen saw a person lying on the forest floor. Blood was spilled everywhere and a shotgun was broken in half right beside the person.

"Ox guy!"

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