Code Collector

Chapter 4

Chapter 4: Boar Orc

Codes rule the world. That wasn't something anyone could deny. The more powerful the Codes a Hunter has, the more influencial they become.

Sitting on top of the pedestal of power are the Primordial Beast Bearers. Drake Nelson, the Bearer of the Dragon, rules over every human with his overwhelming power.

It wasn't because he was the first person to gain a Primordial Beast Code that he was given the title, but because of the sheer power the man has. Drake Nelson's morph ability is only one of his endless Codes that he's not afraid to use in a right p.

While Hunters are classified into one of the roles namely, knight, mage, rogue, ranger, tank, and support, Drake Nelson could fit in all the roles. He was a Jack of All Trades, but a Master of All Things.josei

Allen watched the skies while resting in a small clearing, imagining what life would be if he could come back to Earth and become one of the ones to rule. He can only achieve this after getting stronger, much stronger than he currently is.

His fear of declaring his Code too early comes from the incident that happened years ago when the ninth Primordial Beast Code was found. The Primordial Rat's original Bearer was killed because he told his friend that he got the Code. The friend took the Penalty and died in her apartment unit.

Incidentally, a neighbor, who was also a fellow Hunter came inside friend's room and the Code was transferred to him. This man would be later known as the Bearer of Rat, Jim Kernel.

Allen didn't want the fate of the original Rat Bearer. If this goes out to the media, no one could protect him. He could've even protect himself. After all, it wasn't just the Primordial Beast Bearers who were strong in their world.

The ones in the Third World are just behind the eleven Hunters in the Fourth World are just as formidable. They are from clans and rich families that were able to get resources for the Codes and became more powerful through money.

Oink. Oink.

Allen was pulled out from his thoughts after hearing a sound of a pig nearby. He took his dagger out and stood, looking around to make sure that he wasn't giving the beast any opening.

The grass in the clearing he was on was short, so it was a wonder why he wasn't seeing the beast. If it's a boar, based on the sound it should be closer to him. But there wasn't any creature nearby.

That was until Allen saw a small hole a few meters from him. He took a closer look and saw a piglet inside. It was the size of his fist and it seemed to be stuck inside the hole.

"Come here, little piggy–"

Before Allen could finish his word, the ground shook the pig smirked. The boy's face was contorted in confusion, not being able to take in what was happening.

Oink! Oink!

His eyes widened and his jaw dropped when the piglet's voice suddenly became deep and gruff. Allen leaped back while the earth where the hole bulged. It was cracking and a large humanoid boar came out of the ground.

"Another Rare grade beast," Allen grunted. "Haven, give me Basic grade beasts, please!"

The boar in front of Allen was on of the orcs in Haven. They would have small animal heads on some parts of their bodies while their real body was humanoid but has the features of that same animal.

In this case, the orc had a piglet on the top of its head and a boar-like features. It stood over six feet tall and had a face of a boar with fur all throughout its body. With its muscled arms, the orc carried a stone hammer with it.

Allen shook his head as he tried to take a grasp of the situation. He was going to battle a six foot Rare grade buff creature with his Basic grade dagger that was about to fall apart. In wherever angle he tries to look at, he can never win.

Oink! Oink! Oink!

The beast swung its large stone hammer. It wasn't giving Allen the time to think and come up with a strategy as it continued to attack him. The beast was relentless as it continued to hunt Allen with its weapon.

Meanwhile, Allen was barely dodging the attacks. Even when he gained a new body better stats, he was still having a hard time adjusting to the changes. It was all too sudden for Allen that his mind wasn't fully grasping the situation he was in.

While he was in deep thought, the beast leaped above Allen. It raised its hammer and roared. It was a moment away from striking its weapon down on the boy with full power.

While the beast was in the air, Allen's world felt like it was in slow motion. Just like when he was in the forest, his body twitched in places. It was as if it was guiding Allen on how he should move.

'Primordial Beast Hidden Effect upgraded'

'Instinct Enhancement Level 1 activated.'

The female voice spoke in Allen's mind that it made it clear to him what was going on. This was his instincts that was enhanced due to the power of the Snake.

With a smirk, Allen followed the twitches in his body. He raised his left knee and thrust it to his right side so he could spin and avoid the attack. The boar growled in confusion after seeing the swift movements of the boy.

Allen felt more twitches. This time, he bent both his knees before jumping over to the boar. His body started to turn upside down while he was on air, making him think that the power he used on his leap was too much.

His confusion was cleared after he saw the wide opening of the beast's nape. Among all the fur in its body, its neck was one of those who had almost none.

Allen summoned his dagger and thrust his knee in the air so he could spin. With a swift slash of his sword, the boy successfully hit the boar's neck. Though, the smirk on his face was instantly wiped out when his dagger cracked after hitting the beast.

'Weapon integrity too low. Damage denied.'

This time, Allen's world stopped spinning when the boar turned around and looked at him in the eyes. It grabbed its leg, gripping it tightly before slamming his body to the ground like he was a ragdoll.

The pain of the attack made Allen cough blood. It felt so fast that he wasn't able to activate Swan Song, making him take all the damage instead. Just when he thought that his life was ending, the boar gripped his leg even tightly.

It raised Allen in the air before throwing him above the trees. The sounds of broken bones echoed the silent clearing as Allen fell from the tree, passing through all the trunks and grazing himself up more.


More blood burst from his mouth like geyser as he fell to the ground. Allen couldn't help the tears to flow from his eyes. He was lucky to encounter such an easy Rare grade beast like the crab earlier.

It was a mental beast that targets the victims' minds. But since all the trauma Allen had in his past made his mind tough, he was able to overcome the crab.

However, this Rare grade beast wasn't battling through mental games. It was exuding a great physical force and power that Allen couldn't reach. Rare grade beasts are handled by Hunters with higher level. A Level 7 like him couldn't possibly best this creature.

Oink! Oink! Oink!

Allen couldn't help but look up. He was trying to see the stars when a certain trunk caught his sight.

"I'm not giving up," Allen told himself. He watched as the beast readied its hammer. It was going to attack again and if Allen couldn't dodge this, he will be done for.

Oink! Oink!

'Instincts Enhancement Level 1 activated.'

The world slowed down once more. Allen watched and waited for the beast to get near him as close as possible so he could begin his plan. The footsteps of the beast that shook the ground felt so slow that Allen could see well where the beast was even when his eyes were clouded with tears.

The beast was in front of him. And Allen had to act.

He detached himself from the tree and slithered to the ground right behind the beast. The speed of his movements was the one that was greatly enhanced by his new skill.

Allen's right leg was broken so he had to rely greatly on his left leg. When he got behind the beast, he leaped with his left leg to get himself off the ground. He then used his right leg and pushed the beast as much as he could while he used the force to push himself higher.

His right hand grazed the wind and summoned his dagger, slashing on a trunk before he passed through it. Allen then flipped midair so he would land on another trunk in an upside down position. He used his right leg to push himself back down slamming his left leg on the trunk he cut earlier. The trunk cracked and swung like a pendulum before it pierced the boar's thick skin with a broken branch.

'Boar Orc killed. +50 EXP.'

'Boar Orc Code gained.'

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