Code Collector

Chapter 53

Chapter 53: Skill Assignment

Allen couldn't believe it. What was Gary mean by this? He did save his life, but this seemed too much.josei

"I have wandered this life aimlessly, waiting for another purpose for living," Gary said. "And just when I tried to gave up, you held out your hand for me."

"Err…" Allen was speechless. He did wanted to befriend Gary since the man was quite interesting, but not like this.

On the other hand, he needed Gary's experience. The man had years and years of experience of being a Meat Hunter, and that skill could be useful for him.

"I mean," Allen sighed. "You're free to do whatever you want."

"I am?" Gary asked, to which Allen answered with a nod. "Okay, then. I choose to repay my debt and become your guard."

"No, that's not–" Allen pauses and sighed again. "You're not bound to me. You are free, but if I ever need help. I'll come to you, okay?"

Gary nodded, "Yes, sir."

"That's good," Allen said.

There was a moment of silence right after that. The two of them only looked at each other, not saying anything at all. When Allen had enough, he cleared his throat and opened the door to his room.

"Just give me your phone number next time. I'll give you a call once I need help." With that, Allen entered his room. His shoulders relaxed after hearing Gary's footsteps leave his front door.

Among all the people he knew, Gary was the least person he'd thought would do something like that. The man looked like a typical trophy hunter Earth. A man who has nothing better to do but ride horses while chase antelopes and deer.

For their first encounter, the man didn't really looked fond of him. Gary was cold as ice, yet now he wants to serve him.

"That's so weird," Allen chuckled to himself. He entered the room and flopped himself in the sofa. It wasn't long since he felt something as comfortable as this since Bernard's cottage was filled with furniture. From the inside, it didn't look like it was a cottage in the middle of nowhere inside a different world.

For some reason, it felt comfy and homey. It was clear why the man can spend days there. It wasn't as bad as anyone would think.

And speaking of Bernard, Allen checked his interface for the skill he got from him. It was called Crown Breaker and it had a dash attack.

< Crown Breaker >

Exclusive Skill (unassigned)

Effect/s: The user will leap into the air with their blade. One dash up right above the target's head and one swift slash down, slashing through the target. This effect deals 20 + 2*1 per 10 Damage units of the user.

Cooldown: 10 mins

This skill was overpowered. It deals massive damage to the target. No wonder Bernard could cut the wolf's head wide open. This attack was enough to do that. And to think that this was only at sixty percent. There's so much to this skill than meets the eye.

If Allen would have fifty Damage units, the skill would add 10 Damage after the 20 initial one. Overall, it will give him 80 damage, enough to critically hit a Basic grade.

Of course, there's also other factors involved such as elements, and levels, even Shield. But if he could assign this skill to a good weapon, he can have the upper hand in any battle here in Haven.

After reading and admiring the description, he was now thinking how he could assign the skill. Skills are innate to a weapon. When they reach the required Bond, they will unlock itself. Since this skill was copied, Allen didn't know how to use it.

He couldn't also just ask anyone. There were only twelve other people who has this level of power, and he wasn't even sure if the othe Primordial Beasts give this kind of skills. Maybe they have other effects on them, and Allen wasn't curious.

He had his own problems to deal with.

'New quest available.'

Allen looked at the screen. He still haven't finished the Dark Panther quest, and he barely finishes the Daily Quests. Now, another one has showed up.

[ Skill Assignment ]

Rewards: 3 Skill Points, 50 EXP

Assign a copied skill from Copycat to any of your weapons.

The quest was easy enough. In fact, it even reminded him of the copied skill he had. He couldn't believe he almost forgot about it.

The boy went to his interface to check the skill. He tapped on it, and nothing happened. He tried long pressing it, and a message popped up.


'Assign skill?'

< Yes > < No>

Without any more hesitation, Allen tapped the Yes. He was going to choose the glaive for this skill so that the glaive can have more powers. It will now have two skills that it was like a Grand grade weapon.

For the hammer and the dagger, he will find a way that he can unlock the Bonds for them so he can use them efficiently too. But for now, he has to have a signature weapon so he could have the upper hand in the future battles he'll encounter.

After pressing Yes, a window popped up in his interface. This time, it was a window that's filled with the list of his Rare grade weapons.

< Stone Hammer >

< Sunset Dagger >

< Fervent Glaive >

The boy pressed the last selection and one more notification popped up.

'Assign skill < Crown Breaker > to weapon < Fervent Glaive >?

< Yes > < No >

Allen tapped the Yes and the window glowed. All other windows closed, leaving the glaive and the logo of the skill, which was a broken skull, hovering in the middle of his vision.

It looked like the two interacted, starting to spin together and got closer and closer. When the edges of their circular borders met, both of them glowed. The glow died down, leaving the glaive in the middle of his vision.

'Congratulations! Skill assignment done.'

'Quest < Skill Assignment > completed.'

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