Code Collector

Chapter 65

Chapter 65: Rumors are just Rumors

The door closed, making Hilda's head snap to its direction. "Who's there? I have a weapon!"

"It's just me," a low scruffy voice spoke right by the counter. The lady sighed after seeing that it was The Wandering Trader.

"It's you," Hilda smiled. "Finally, you're here. There I thought you got caught by cops."

"They can't catch me that easily," Allen said, walking close to the woman. "How was business here?"

"Booming," Hilda grinned. She ran to the counter and openes the drawer. "I sold all of the Codes and I'm expecting more orders to come."

She placed a folder, a notebook, a pen, and a calculator on the counter. "I have the receipts here in the folder. We can discuss how we'll split the money and what you'd like me to do next."

"I don't have much for you to do except do well with your business," Allen said. "Once your son notices how your life improved, he will come back."

"Right," Hilda nodded.

The lady was writing down all the total cost for all the Codes sent to her. She would then go to the notebook to split the cost into the seventy/thirty deal they have.

"There were some prices that varied because of fluctuations in the supply," Hilda said. "But don't worry. I will deduct the lowered price in my share–"

"And why would you do that?" Allen asked, shaking his head while walking right in front of the counter. "We're business partners. You don't have to do such lengths for me."

"But child–"

"No buts, Madam Hilda," Allen chuckled. "I told you. I don't need the money at the moment. You can have the money to yourself."

"Wow," Hilda breathed out as if she just let go of a breath she held for so long. The woman nodded and recalculated everything.

While she was doing that, Allen took the time to appreciate the renovated shop. It looked better at night by the dark and luxurious theme Hilda went for.

"You seem to be doing well with redecorating the store," Allen said. "Did you hire a designer?"

"I did it all myself," Hilda said. "I was a Hunter too, you know. Although I started rather older, I still had an edge back then. My husband and I would always be a duo and we became really strong. We also saved enough to start this store."

"That's good," Allen said with a smile. It didn't take long for Hilda to complete her calculations. She gave Allen his share and Allen gave her new Codes.

This time, she got ten Basic grades and two Rare grade Codes. Allen had to give up two Rare grades because he was now sure enough that he could trust the woman.

"Okay, our deal here is done," Allen said. After he stored the money in his Inventory, he stood right in front of the counter, as if waiting for something.

A moment had passed and there was no words that came out from both their mouths. Only a deafening silence could be heard.

"Aren't you going to ask me something?" Allen asked.

Hilda smiled and slowly shook her head. "I don't need to ask you anything."

Allen was taken aback. He was sure enough that Hilda would at least ask him about the rumors. But it seemed like he was mistaken.

The sincerity in the woman's eyes and the trust that she holds in them was true and overwhelming. Allen could cry at the sight.

For the first time in his life, someone had trusted him.

"Rumors are just rumors," Hilda said. "What's important is that I know who you really are and how much kindness and help you had given me for all these days. I was at my worst and you were the hand that pulled me out of the waters that almost drowned me."

"How poetic," Allen chucked. "And thank you. I'll make sure to clear my name."

"You should," Hilda said. She walked out of the counter and held Allen's cheek. It was amazing how she could do so considering Allen was a foot and a half taller than her.

"I know that underneath this mask is a man who has dreams and aspirations," Hilda said. "Your eyes. I've seen that look in my son's. He promised himself and he promised me that we would get out of here. Although he didn't fulfill his promise to me, I'm glad he's in a better place."

Allen clenched his jaw and gripped his fist. "That bastard son of her." He said in his head.

All this time he thought that he wanted to escape the hell he was in with his mother. It turned out he was only thinking of himself. He left his mother under the care of his also bastard father. josei

"I can sense your anger," Hilda said. "But it's no use to be angry. The past is the past. I've grown old and I have accepted that. My son that I used to know, I used to tell stories too, and the one who I cared for the most was a different man now. He had grown his wings and he can fly on his own. And I can never get prouder."

"No," Allen whispered. He sighed and rubbed his temples. "Let's change the deal."

"Change the deal? Why?" Hilda asked.

Allen looked at her in the eyes, making the woman shiver in fear after seeing the burning fury in the eyes that gazed at her.

"Let your business grow into a huge company," Allen said. "I'll provide you as much Code as you need. When your son comes back, make him eat your dust."

"But child–"

"No buts," Allen said. "I have made up my mind. I know you love him with all your heart since he's your son, but your feelings will get in the way for what's right. He took something, now it's his turn to give."

"What do you mean?" Hilda asked.

Allen shook his head and held the woman's hands, "Madam, just let your shop grow and prosper. I will do the rest."

"The rest– child, I do not know what you mean," Hilda said. Her voice almost cracked after she started panicking.

"You'll see." Were Allen's last words before he walked to the door and disappeared into the darkness.

Another agenda was added into his list. He started to look out for his legs, and he'll treat them as his family.

And this bastard just made his family member suffer.

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