Code Collector

Chapter 87

Chapter 87: Phantom Cunt Eradication

Jeremy's world started to cave in after hearing Allen. He blinked a couple of times and even shook his head in case he heard it wrong.

"What I did to the twins which you saw was like nothing after Sebastian Lincoln helped them," Allen said. "And since they were the victims of the first attack, their names would be the last to be brought up. It was a good power move from them, not gonna lie."

"Impossible," Jeremy uttered. "But then again, those two would always find a way to get ahead, even if they would trample on other people. Something like this would be nothing to them, just so they can reach their own goals."

"Exactly," Allen sighed. "I don't really know their intentions or goals as to why they did this, but I'm assuming they want something from your father too. After what they did to guards, I assume it's something of a dispute on their part.

"You know that they are capable of doing it, so you won't have a hard time accepting this fact," Allen continued. "After they were attacked, they thought that they could use this as an opportunity to get what they want."

"Before we continue, I have to confess something first," Jeremy said. "I told Chen that I was the one behind the Phantom Cunt. Once he knows that I'm not, he's going to kill me. That man is a maniac who can do anything he pleases because he has the power to do so."

Allen pursed his lips and slowly shook his head, "He won't know."

"What do you mean?" Jeremy asked. "That man has eyes and ears everywhere. He knows anything and everything that goes around town. I can't hide under his nose, you must understand that. Chen Wang is a man who is powerful, one of the most powerful in Paradise. He's practically a god here in Haven."

"He doesn't know everything, trust me," Allen said. "He's powerful, but he's not that powerful. Especially since I have someone by my side that can help us."

Allen was bluffing at what he said. He saw first hand how capable Chen was. It will probably take a couple of months before the man ascends to Eternity.

"Someone by your side?" Jeremy asked. "You mean you have other allies?"

"I do," Allen said. "I am alone, but I'm not. I am many, but I'm one."

Allen wasn't lying when he said that. He had Jake, he had Hilda, he had Jack, and he even have Gary, Sebastian, and Bernard. He's not a one man parade, he's an entire festival. He already has connections that he can use any time he wanted to.

"You seem to trust these people," Jeremy spoke. "Well, I guess I will trust them too."

"You can just listen to my instructions. We'll foil the Phantom Cunt once and for all," Allen said to which Jeremy answered with a nod. "Meet me here in three days. Everything will be ready by then."

Allen lost all his confidence when he arrived at his apartment. The fake pride he was showing Jeremy had vanished and he was now sitting alone in his room. "I even offered to create the plan when I don't know shit. What will I do?"

Allen rolled over to his bed, sighing. He said to Jeremy that he will create their battle plan on an impulse, but he doesn't really know anything. He was as lost as Jeremy and he had a harder time analyzing everything.

With a grunt, Allen snatched his phone and dialed Jack's number. Since the man was from Eternity, he has to know battle plans. It was also helpful that Jack knew who he was, so it would be easier for him to ask for advice and a concrete plan.

"Hello?" Jack said from the other side.

Allen seethed and took a deep breath, "I know who's ruining the Wandering Trader's name is, but I don't know how to stop them. Could you help me?"

"Are you asking as Allen or are you asking as the Wandering Trader? I also have a deal in mind that you might be interested in," Jack said, but Allen knew that the man was only teasing him.josei

"I'm asking as your long lost grandson," Allen scoffed. "But seriously, I really need your help."

"Okay," Jack replied. "Since you told me about the rat Chen's appearance in Camp Twyla, I will help you with the twins. But you also have to help me eradicate Chen, and I will help you fuck up those twins."

"Deal," Allen said immediately. "We have a deal."

"You're making me one of your clients, eh?" Jack laughed loudly. "You really have a knack for business and client relations. I wish my nephews are as good as you in terms of that."

"Whatever old man," Allen said, making Jack laugh loudly. "And thank you. I will start the plan in three days time since we have an officer on board. He will help us sort out the police station's side so your men can move freely."

"Interesting," Jack said. "You already made a connection with the police. That is wonderful. It will make our job much easier. You know how choked up we are whenever we go to camps. My elite men are the ones who are wanted worldwide. We can't easily move."

"That's exactly why I require his help," Allen said. "Tell me your plan and I will relay it to him."

"Perfect," Jack grinned. "Let us commence Project Phantom Cunt Eradication."

Three days have passed and Allen did nothing but plan and finalize their move. He can't afford to make mistakes since everything is very crucial.

He hogged himself in his room all day and all night without realizing that Gary and Gwen were worrying about him. They often tried to visit him, but his door sign said that he was out hunting.

Every Hunter's door in all camps have a signage outside. It was like one of those signs from the doctors that said whether they were in or out. Hunters have the same, indicating whether they are in the camp or not.

"Finally," Allen grunted after a long talk with Jack. They have finally finished everything and it was the night of the plan. Tonight, they will foil the twins and they will serve justice.

"You're going to meet your police officer friend now?" Jack asked, to which Allen answered with a yes. "Just be careful child. Even when you think he's your ally, he is still a police officer and he is still bound to justice at the end of the day."

"I will," Allen said. "And I trust him for he too was wronged by his sisters at one point in their life."

"I already knew that," Jack said, chuckling. "That information came from me don't you forget."

"I know, I know," Allen snickered. "I better go now. I guess I'll see you later."

"Alright," Jack said before ending the call.

Allen prepared himself before leaving. It was already time for his meet with Jeremy and he can't afford to be late. Their plan was also time essential, so any delay would cost them.

Right after Allen opened the door, Gwen's face popped out. "Aha! You're in your unit all along."

Allen gasped and nearly slammed the door on her face, but the woman held it tightly. "What do you think you're doing Allen?"

"I'm going somewhere," Allen said. "Please let go of the door."

"But your sign said that you were out hunting. Did you lie just so we wouldn't disturb you?" Gwen narrowed her eyes. She did let go of the door, but her arms found their way crossed over her chest. "What are you hiding inside your room, huh?"

"Nothing!" Allen squeaked and his voice cracked slightly. "I mean, nothing, really."

"Way too suspicious," Gwen smirked. "Jeremy said he'll go out tonight too. Are you both going out together?"

"Absolutely not!" Allen gasped. "What are you even thinking?"

"Your reaction says it all." The next door's door closed and Gary walked over to them. "You look really defensive right now."

"W-Why would I be defensive?" Allen asked. "It's not like I'm hiding anything."

"You are hiding something!" Gwen pointed Allen. "Is my ship actually sailing? I need to record this day."

"You need to what— oh my, god," Gary snorted after seeing Gwen pull out her phone and typed on her calendar. She wrote 'Ship started sailing'. "You're an obnoxious little woman."

"I am not!" Gwen gasped, faking hurt by touching her chest and placing the back of her hand on her forehead. "I'm just feeling myself, you know?"

"Yeah, whatever," Gary only sighed. He watched the stairs where Allen exited in, a sad smile forming in his lips. "I think we need to follow him."

"That's a great idea!" Gwen cheered. "Then we'll see it he's actually meeting Jeremy."

"Well, not exactly," Garu pursed his lips. "But okay, whatever."

"Let's go then!" Gwen cheered and led the way downstairs. 

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