Code Collector

Chapter 94

Chapter 94: Rescue 2

"Don't let them get here," Chen said through gritted teeth. He rubbed his forehead to try and relieve his headache. "How in the hell did they know where this place is? I know I erased my tracks from the site."

"Probably because you suck."

Chen spun and raised his fist in the air after he heard the voice of the Wandering Trader. The latter then appeared right behind Jeremy who was still tied to the metal chair.josei

"Oh, so you came for your little friend," Chen scoffed. "You said that you'll protect your clients. I was once your client, why aren't you protecting me?"

"The moment our deal ended, your became an ex client," Allen said. "And even though I'm not really big on relationships, I know that exes shouldn't be taken care of. They take care of themselves."

This made Chen laugh. The man clutched his stomach as he continued laughing hysterically. "You're funny, the Wandering Trader. So funny. But then, you haven't realized that this building is filled with my men. They are specialized in fighting and are the elites of Paradise."

"Don't make me laugh," Allen smirked. "Your men are fighting against Jack right now. And as far as I'm concerned, well I really don't concern myself with them, but they should be running for their lives. Jack is mad, and that old man is ruthless. You of all people should know."

"Jack is old and he can barely fight!" Chen yelled. "He's a clown who thinks he can still run his circus when in fact, he should just retire. The one who's capable to lead the gang is me, and he's trying to take that away from me."

Allen opened his mouth to say something when a body of a man was thrown in between them. He looked at the direction where the man was thrown at and he saw Jack there, angrily approaching them.

"That prick had been the mole all along," Jack growled. He pointed at the man he threw and it was revealed that it was Donald, the healer. "He was the one who pointed out that a mole must be in the gang since Chen knew all my movements. Turns out, it was him and he just took himself out of the list by saying that there's a mole."

"Clever, am I right?" Chen grinned menacingly. "It was all my idea. And that technique was from you, old man. Did you forget?"

Jack relaxed as he stretched his arms. He cracked his neck and rolled his arms around. "How can I forget? That was the technique I used to get in the Sand Pirates' good side. Maybe it's you who forgot the hero that saved the wolves from the pirates?"

Chen grit his teeth angrily. "You're a faker who tried to steal my father's glory. If it wasn't for you, the clan would've been peacefully handed to me and the elite members would be with me."

"Father? Pfft. Birds with the same feather flock together, do you know that saying?" Jack asked. "The ones who knew where to go, followed me and the ones who were losers and pathetic weaklings stayed with their loser and pathetic leader."

"How dare you?!" Chen yelled. He launched himself from where he was and went straight to Jack. "I am more than you and my father combined. You're both softies who doesn't know what's best for the group."

Jack didn't attack back. Instead, he took a step to the side and pushed Chen's claws down to the ground. "And what do you think is best for the group? Trading slaves and prostitutes? Do you think that would raise the gang's reputation?"

Chen retaliated from the defense. He unequipped his claws and conjured a sword. He then used his right hand that was on the ground to flip himself around while swinging the sword that was in his left hand. "Die!"

"You don't know shit!" Jack growled. The old man was still yet to fight back. He took four steps backward, just so that the sword would not reach him. He then used the metal soles of his boots to slam Chen's sword through the concrete floors, creating a crater on the ground.

"You're a crybaby who thinks he's a tough guy just because he inherited powers and a group filled with strong people from his father," Jack seethed. "I could've been your advisor and we would've ruled the three realms if you just let me lead you."

Chen was silent for a couple of seconds. He stayed in his position, which was bent down to the ground while his hand was gripping his sword, for a couple of seconds. His eyes were closed and his aura was starting to calm down.

"Chen, you are a talented young man who has so much potential. Why did you waste everything?" Jack asked. "If you didn't let your pride get in the way, you would've become what you said you were, someone who's better than me and your so-called father combined."

"But…" Chen muttered under his breath. After he whispered that single word, he continued becoming silent. Jack waited for a couple of seconds, but Chen didn't say anything again.

"But there's still hope for you, Chen," Jack said. "It's not too late for you to change. There's still time, and if you let yourself go of your selfish emotions, there will still be space for growth."

"But…" Chen muttered under his breath again. Jack felt the want and the desperation in the man, but he was waiting for Chen to give himself up. 

"I want you to change for the better, but I won't do it for you," Jack added. "For you to change, you need to change by yourself. I'm only here to help you through the process, but at the end of the day, all the efforts should come from you and only you."

"But that's not what I want!" Chen yelled. He grabbed his sword and pulled it out from the ground effortlessly. He was laughing while he leaped back to create distance between him and Jack. "All that talk, and it's just purely useless. You didn't change anything from me, nor will you ever change something. I'm me and I love who I am."

"Chen, you're being ridiculous!" Jack growled. "If you still force your pathetic ideals, I will have to resort to painful methods. Methods that you won't like."

"As if I care," Chen snorted. "Do what you have to do. Say what you have to say, but that won't change the fact that my ideals will stay the same. I'm Chen and I'll be Chen. I'll use what my father taught me and what life taught me through the years."

"I wish it didn't have to resort to this, but you left me no choice," Jack sighed. He lowered his hands and took a deep breath. "It was my duty to prevent the gang from crumbling down, but since the gang has already fallen, I'll take it upon myself to eliminate the cause of its demise."

"What are you saying?!" Chen yelled. "You think you can defeat me that easily, old man? I've been training a lot and has been well versed with my Codes. I know every inch of my body and my skills like you."

"But do you?" Jack said before vanishing. This made Chen widen his eyes and raised his sword defensively. He grit his teeth in anticipation, waiting for the attack from Jack.

"Don't be a coward and show yourself!" Chen yelled. "I thought you were a strong man? Why hide if you said you could fight me!"

The old man appeared right in front of Chen. Even Allen was surprised after seeing Jack appear from nowhere. His presence was completely hidden when he vanished, and now here he was. His movements were swift yet effective and powerful.

"What the–"

Chen wasn't able to finish his words when the old man slammed his boot right across his face. Chen was sent flying across the factory floor, unable to react to the fast movements of the old man.

"You really thought you could match me?" Jack asked. "You are a hundred ways beneath me, and you think you could surpass me?"

His voice was stern and dominant. As Allen watched the two fight, he couldn't feel but get frightened by this side of Jack that he has never seen before. The old man was usually calm and playful, even telling dry humors that would always make Allen laugh because of how dry it was.

"I told you that I would help you," Jack said to Chen as he stood right in front of him. "And I promised you that I would, so you shouldn't worry too much about why I'm treating you like this. I'm only trying to fix you."

"But I'm not broken!" Chen yelled. He was laying on top of the crates that he crashed on, body numb with pain and his limbs were unreactive. "You keep saying that, but I'm not! My father–"

"I am your father!" Jack yelled. "You're mentally ill, you nitwit. The father in your mind never existed, you just think that he did. I tried to make you realize that, but you never did. I am your father, Chen. You're my son."

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