Code Collector

Chapter 96

Chapter 96: Second Coming of the Fire Dragon 1

Jake was Jack's nephew. That was a fact that Allen was having a hard time digesting. The old man already knew it since he saw him wearing the equipment set that he gave to Jake.

Allen couldn't bear to ask Jack at the moment. Currently, the latter was still confronting his son. There was only silence in the air as the two continued to look at each other.

"If Jack is after Chen, then we shouldn't stay here any longer," Gwen said. "Those two will figure themselves out. We have to go, now!"

Jeremy nodded and looked at Allen for a confirmation. The latter gave him a slight nod that wasn't obvious to the others, signaling that it was okay to go now.

"We're going to the police station first," Sarah said. "We need to report Chen, so that he will be caught once and for all."

"But what about Jack?" Jeremy asked. "He did help us, and even when he doesn't do hardcore illegal stuff, he's still a man who's wanted by the police."

"I don't think we have another choice but to report," Sarah said. "I think Jack can take care of himself. And that Wandering Trader. I will ask for the police to take him too. He's still a criminal who has to pay for his sins."

Allen heard their conversation while they were running away. He knew that people still held grudges for him due to the rumors that spread around the camp, and he can't blame them. What he needs to do now is to quickly finish the talk between Jack and Chen so they could go before the police comes.

"I think I found an exit," Gary said to the group. He pointed at a small metal door at the corner of the factory. "I think that's where we should go."

"Let's go then!" Gwen said and took the lead. She got to the door without hassle and clinged her hand on the handle when she stopped. "It's warm. What could this mean?"

"We don't have time for that," Sarah groaned and pushed Gwen away. She took the door handle and opened it hurriedly. 

Before anyone could react, a wave of hot air exploded from the room. This made everyone look at what's inside and gasped after seeing the horror that the room contained.

The room was like any size of a regular person, about one hundred square meters. The light inside the room was red while there were white sticky silk wrapped up in large balls.

There were about fourteen of these silk balls, and each and every one of them were pulsating like they were hearts. 

The intense heat that was coming out of the room was so hot, the sticky liquid that wrapped around the room had started to evaporate and form mists that were filled with stench of rotten flesh.

"What in the hell is this?!" Sarah shrieked in fear. 

"What are you just standing there for?! Close it!" Gwen yelled, but Sarah was frozen in place. She couldn't believe her eyes after seeing the traumatic scene right behind the metal door. 

The police woman took it upon herself to push Sarah away and closed he door herself. She saw a crate nearby, and she used it to block the door so it can't be opened from the outside.

"What was that?" Gwen panted as she looked at Gary. The man stood in place, unmoving while his eyes never left the metal door. His body started shaking which made Gwen go to him. "Gary? What's wrong?"

"C-Cocoon," Gary whispered. "Those are the cocoons of the Fire Dragon."josei

"The what?" the others chorused, all in shock after hearing what Gary said.

"I saw those at the hospital three years ago. At the ward. There were six of those, but they were already opened," Gary said. "This could only mean that the ones in those cocoons are yet to be awakened."

"And they will be soon," Chen whispered, taking Jack's attention back to him.

"What do you mean?" Jack asked. "Tell me, Chen. What do you mean?!"

"The second coming of the Fire Dragon has already begun."

After saying those words, Chen suddenly vanished from where he was kneeling. This made Jack raise his guard and look around to try and search for his son.

"Chen, what do you mean?!" Jack growled. "Tell me now or I'll use all my powers against you."

"It's useless, old man." Chen's voice spoke from nowhere. He sounded like he was everywhere, yet his voice was still humane and not ethereal or have any echo. "The Fire Dragon had died, but he left an endless legacy for his people to pursue. He left his genes to us."

"Genes?" Allen asked. He was now aware of Chen's disappearance and he also raised his sword in defense. "Chen, what are you talking about? The Fire Dragon had died. They have been killed."

"What do you know?" Chen asked. " If you only tried to listen to my entire story, this would've been already obvious to you. The one who defeated the beast was a team that our gang sponsors. Since the loot for the Fire Dragon included a large chunk of flesh and bones from it, I sent that to the laboratory so my people can start their investigation.

"Investigation?" Jack asked. "Chen, what are you saying? You took flesh and bones from the Fire Dragon and you sent it to scientists? What the hell are you thinking?"

"I simply wanted more power." Chen finally revealed himself as he stood right by the small metal door. He effortlessly kicked away the crate that Gen used. "But I never got the chance to do so, so I'm creating my own chance. I will create a world where the ones with the power rules."

Chen's hand clasped the metal handle of the door while a grin crept up on his face. He was a moment away from opening the door when Allen appeared in front of him.

He couldn't react afte the sudden movement. Chen was frozen in place as he couldn't help but let Allen crash his boots on his head.

The impact from the kick threw Chen away. His body stumbled on the ground a couple of times before it crashed with a large pile of wooden crates.

He was coughing from the pain, laughing as he stood back up and assumed an offensive stance. "You're quite capable, aren't you?"

"I guess I am," Allen simply said and ran straight for Chen. His hand opened as he took a deep breath and summoned his weapon. "Fervent Glaive!"

"What kind of–"

Chen wasn't able to finish his sentence when Allen used the blunt side of his metal pole to poke Chen's face. He thrusted the weapon, pushing Chen into the broken pile of wooden crates deeper. "What kind of Code is this? I haven't heard of this before!"

Allen felt like he didn't need to respond to this statement. He simply poked Chen's face a couple more times, his eyes glaring at Chen mercilessly, "What were you doing with those parts of the Fire Dragon?"

Chen only shrugged. "I don't know. You tell me."

Allen sighed. His right boot found its way on Chen's chest while he spun his weapon so that the sharp blade was now pointing Chen's neck. "Tell me what you did with those parts or I'll show your men what I'll do with yours."

For a moment, a feeling of an unfamiliar emotion flashed before Chen's eyes. His body started shaking as he laid on top of the wooden planks while a dark and ominous aura stood right above him.

This intense feeling was never felt by Chen in his life. He was so used to being the strongest person in the room, and that other people would completely respect him just by looking at his face once.

The feeling was odd and Chen felt like there was something wrong with him. He swore to himslef that he would never be like this, but he couldn't help but accept the truth. 

The truth that he was afraid.

The Wandering Trader who was standing above him felt like a thousand times bigget than he was. His aura was screaming death and destruction with the amount that Chen never saw in his lifetime, or never thought he'd see.

"I won't ask again," Allen said. "What were you going to do with those parts?"

The metal door creaked, garnering everyone's attention. Chen smirked as he pointed at the door, yelling, "This! This was the reason! Are you satisfied now, the Wandering Trader? Will you give me another deal?

Chen was laughing hysterically while the metal door continued to creak open. Slowly, the heat from the room was entering the factory, as if someone was burning gigantic campfire right in the middle of the large hall.

"The second coming of the Fire Dragon!" Chen yelled. "Here it is. Everyone, come and witness the second coming of the Fire Dragon!"

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