Code Zulu Alpha: Nerd in the Apocalypse!

Chapter 268

Chapter 268

Chapter 268: 268

He was still in disbelief from my words but he eventually nodded in agreement. The gate that they made is perfect for me to do transactions because it is the same two-way gate that we did on the walls of my compound in the beginning. I could let in a few people at a time to check what items that they have for trade and make sure they don’t attempt anything funny. I was about to bring Kaley with me towards the Cargo Helicopters to bring our crates of different items but I noticed two familiar people bowing on the ground facing me.

“MASTER!” Avalos and Honassan shouted while their heads were still down.

“Pfft! Master? Why are you two bowing down? Get up!” I started to chuckle.

Kaley and I started to walk towards where our Cargo Helicopter is located but the two still followed us while maintaining the same position. They’re almost crawling and their heads are still bowed down and it’s beginning to look ridiculous.

“B-but! That displacement roll!” Avalos protested.

“Loaded with persons too! It’s not a simple roll too since the radius of it shrunk down when you went for our Attack Helicopter!” Honassan added.

“Extreme control and lots of balls are needed to accomplish that! Please take us in!” Avalos’ eyes are bloodshot.

“We’ll do anything!” Honassan added once more.

“Ah~ so you’re planning on just lazing around when the president assigned you to me before eh? I’ll remember that. I thought we were buddies for once and would get along fine. It just turns out that I’d need to reveal my cards for you two to acknowledge me.” I was acting the whole time and Kaley is shaking her head in amus.e.m.e.nt since she knows what I’m doing.

“Ah! It isn’t like that!” Avalos was shocked.

“Master~” Honassan was surprisingly agile since he followed us while still maintaining the position perfectly.


“Okay, okay, fine… help me bring the crates I brought.” I inwardly celebrated.

The two immediately moved with perfect coordination and Kaley and I were just waiting by the gate for them to bring it all. While it was being moved I made a small announcement to the people outside that I have a few items that I could trade with them and I would accept anything as long as it’s valuable to me. The soldier beside me immediately picked up his radio and started to repeat the things I’ve said.

“It’s bad inside too, huh? This is one of the problems when you’re inside a city, they’re more inclined to gather resources than to produce it themselves. There’s a couple of ways to remedy that but they’re clearly not doing it here.” I thought to myself.

“U-umm… sir! C-can we know what you’re willing to trade with us?!” one of the people outside shouted.

“Everything.” I smiled and the line formed earlier was immediately gone.

A few still remained that are doubting me and even the soldier was still giving me looks. I was shaking my head and I casually opened one crate. Their eyes widened and it immediately showed desire, greed, and hostility. I purposely showed them a couple of boxes where guns ‘might’ be inside and everyone around me picked up speed on going back to their quarters.

“Sir! Do you really have g-guns for trade?!” the soldier watching the gate confirmed.

“I did say ‘everything’ didn’t I?” I replied.

He picked up his radio and immediately started calling everyone again but with more vigor.

“HE HAS GUNS FOR TRADE~!!!” was all I could hear around me.

A huge line has started to appear outside and several more guards are stationed at the gate where we’re at. It was only a short moment before I saw my group coming towards us with the president and the mayor. I’m thinking that one soldier behind the mayor has some sort of importance by simply assuming the way he walks and how the other soldiers move around him.

“Must be the soldier’s CO here. Where’s Jude?” I thought to myself.

“Kid, they told me that you’re gonna be trading for guns?” Rod asked.

“Yeah. I could, couldn’t I?” I replied.

“Bro? I think that’s a bad idea.” Jared added.

“I’ll buy every gun you are selling. I don’t want guns getting sold to anyone outside. I have more problems than you could imagine and I don’t want people outside having guns be one of them.” Iskoh is now looking at me with a serious expression.

“What’ll you give me for them? I’m a reasonable guy. Sorry for putting you in a bind but I’d sell them to the highest bidder. Now that you’ve said that you’ll buy everything, I hope you could give me what I want. Please don’t tell me to donate them all since you’re the mayor or else you’ll lose all the credibility I have for you.” I replied.

His eyebrows scrunched and he’s looking directly at me. We’re just looking at each other and a small commotion has already started outside.

“Please, I have jewelry!”

“I’ll do anything for food!”



“Do you have knives too?”

“When is it gonna start?”


“They didn’t give anyone outside rations!”

They started to bang their hands on the gate and the situation is getting rowdy. The soldiers stationed tried their best to contain the situation and they had to fire a warning shot to make everyone outside pipe down. The mayor seems to be thinking of something to give to me while the president is just watching the scene unfold.

“What’ll it be Mr. Mayor? I’d say first come first serve but for you, I’ll give an exception.” I smiled.

“I have heard a few of your tales from the president and I think only a few things here could interest you.” Iskoh said while in deep thought.

“Yeah, that sounds about right.” I replied.

“I doubt you need food since you’re giving some of them away. Guns and other weaponry are a negative too since you’re doing the same thing with them. The best answer I could think of is information.” he said.

“That’s one of the things I want but regarding information, I want everything.” I replied.

“What do you mean by everything?” he asked.

I then told him that the information that I had in mind pertains to everything that is going on here. Their list of people, food, ammunition, weapons, territories, vehicles, and etc. Not to mention that I needed the same records that I took from our City Hall back home.

“All of those you mentioned are valuable information. I cannot simply part with them with just guns. How many guns did you even bring over here?” he replied.

“Is that so? I brought almost a hundred assorted guns here with me. However, the bullets I brought for each of them is just how much the gun could carry by itself. Even if that’s the case, you could see how valuable, especially in this time, is a loaded gun, much more, several loaded guns.” I said.

“It’s not that easy.” he muttered.

“If you’re worried about this place’s security by giving away the information I need, don’t. The president wouldn’t let me come here if he didn’t trust me. How about this, I’ll hold off on selling them until the last item I have aside from them is sold.” I said.

“…” he was once more in deep thought.

“Don’t worry, I wouldn’t only give you guns, I have a few things here that you should accept to make this place last long.” I added.

“I know. The president told me earlier of some copies of books that you gave him. Can that apply to this city where growing something is difficult due to the terrain?” he asked.

“It has everything you needed to know to rebuild. He gave me a few soldiers and two helicopters for that though and a few other things. I hope you’ll give me one of them here so I’ll have three back home, fuel included.” I said.

“Is another helicopter one of the things you wanted from me? Tell me all you needed first so we could negotiate properly.” he said.

“From you? I want constant communication with my place by sharing different kinds of information such as movements of people and zombies. If you’ve got hostile survivors that are roaming around, I’d like their names and information to be sent to me and vice versa so that we’ll be ready for them in case you didn’t have the chance to take care of them. This is one of the reasons I wanted your records here so I could check a random person if he came to my place.” I started.

“Will you do the same if a hostile group escapes you?” he asked.

“Of course, that’s why it’s called ‘sharing’ doesn’t it?” I replied.

“I see, very well. Anything else?” he asked.

“Yeah, no offense, cross the f.u.c.k.i.n.g line already or you’ll lose this place.” I then looked at him seriously.

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