Code Zulu Alpha: Nerd in the Apocalypse!

Chapter 301

Chapter 301

Chapter 301: 301

The night is still young and we continued on for a few more rounds.

Micah collapsed on my body while I’m still inside her. She gave me a peck on my cheek before we all took a quick shower.

I was spent and I’m laying on my side, spooning Kaley while the two of us are covered with our blanket. Micah and Rin are sharing one blanket as well while sitting near the foot of our bed. Tatiana is at the rug replenishing herself with food and it seemed she’s gonna finish everything inside the tray. They played another movie and the four seemed to be enjoying it. My hands are wrapped around Kaley though our fingers are interlocked underneath the blanket. I’m smelling her fragrant hair and it helps to make me fall asleep.

“I hope there are more days like this…” Micah trailed.

“You could always stay here if you want…” Kaley replied.

“I’d like that but my girls are still over there… Don’t get me wrong, I’m happy over there too but there’s just times that make you miss the times before…” Micah said.

“I feel bad saying this but my life has been better ever since… you know… I can’t believe I’m living in this huge house… I would’ve been dead if Sky didn’t bring me here…” Rin embarrassingly said.

There was a brief silence but they continued speaking to one another.

“You don’t know that. Things could be different but I don’t think that would happen to you.” Micah replied.

“I do! You should’ve seen where I was living before…” Rin replied.

“There’s still the DDR Camp here, right? I know it’s not that great compared to this place but you would’ve survived. Don’t think of yourself as what you are thinking right now.” Micah hugged her.

“To be honest, I don’t know what would happen to me as well…” Kaley added.

“What?! Even you?” Micah was surprised.

“Well you don’t know the story yet. Let me tell you what I know.” Tatiana told the story when it began.

“What?! That really happened?! That’s amazing! I thought you two were together for several years already! That was really lucky!” Micah exclaimed.

“Oh! Don’t forget to tell her when Sky pretended to be dead! That’s another one to talk about! I think that’s when they… you know…” Rin trailed.

“What is that now?! Tell me!” Micah got excited.

“I would be asleep already if they didn’t talk as much…” I thought to myself.

“Shh! I think he’s already sleeping! Be quiet!” Kaley reprimanded the three giggling.

“Okay… then let’s be quiet… I’ll tell the story quietly. One time…” Rin started.

Their hush voices overlap with the dialogue from the movie and my heavy eyelids started to fall down. I never managed to hear what else they’ve talked about since I’m really tired from the events from the morning right up to this night.

I was awoken by a knock on the door and it seemed like the time for Micah and Rod’s departure. I lightly shook Kaley’s body so she would wake up and I turned on the lights so we could get ready.

We quickly got dressed and it seemed like the ownership of one of my hoodies had switched to Kaley. She’s wearing it even now and her hands are in its pockets already. We only have our pistols on our holsters though we never forget to bring our bladed weapons. I opened the door and I found out that the three were waiting for us outside.

Micah’s already in gear and she’s carrying the Lone Wolf G9 I promised her.

We walked down the stairs and Zeus had the wrong idea of thinking that I would leave for a few days again. He’s sticking close to me and he would jump on me, trying to make me carry him. It took me a few times of reassuring him before he calmed down.

We saw the four old timers having fun waking Roque up since he’s only wearing boxers hugging a bottle of beer and a chicken.

“Roque~ Wake the f.u.c.k up or we’ll leave you here!” Rod shouted, laughing.

“HrrmgHHnng~” Roque mumbled.

“Is that zombie talk? Allow me to shoot this f.u.c.ker, hahahaha!!!” Oscar laughed.

“He’s really out of it. How much did he drink?” Johnny asked.

“I’m more worried about that chicken! Why is it sleeping too?!” Matthew exclaimed.

The four saw us walking towards them and they waved at us to quickly come over.

“Kid! Take a picture so I’ll have something to blackmail him when we get back!” Rod shouted.

“Shh! Be quiet! You might wake him up from shouting!” Oscar replied.

“You’re shouting too…” Johnny was shaking his head.

“Anyone want to fill a bucket with water?” Matthew suggested.

“I have another idea… I’ll make some Wake Up Juice.” I had a devilish smile.

“Isn’t that the one they made to wake up the old dude who drives that time travel car?” Kaley chuckled.

“Oh, you watched the sequels too, eh? I was already asleep from the first one earlier.” I replied.

I made a quick trip to the kitchen and I took a large beer mug from the shelf. I grabbed my blender and I mixed something close from the real thing. I threw in green peppers, Tabasco sauce, cayenne peppers, chili peppers, onions, and mustard seed. The people watching backed away since it’s almost hurting their eyes.

My eyes are also watery from that deadly concoction but I added a spoonful of The Last Dab since it’s always tradition to put a little extra.

I filled the beer mug and I grabbed a clothespin to snap Roque’s nose shut. Rod and Oscar had devilish smiles the same as me and they held Roque in place.

“You guys are really gonna do it?” Micah asked.

“Yep.” We answered.

They opened Roque’s mouth wide and I poured it all in with a funnel. It all went straight inside his throat and the effect was f.u.c.k.i.n.g instant. His eyes suddenly sprang up and it’s f.u.c.k.i.n.g bloodshot. The two let go of him as he quickly stood up with a worried expression. His face is all red and he looked at everybody.

There was a small delay but chaos ensued.


Roque suddenly became an irregular sprinter since he ran several laps around the compound without stopping. Each bottle and cup he came across, he tried to drink from it like a maniac. A few people that were passed out woke up from the ruckus and saw Roque, only wearing boxers running around screaming. The funny thing was the chicken he’s carrying is still sound asleep in his arms.

The old timers were losing it laughing though I have a few items prepared for him after that adverse reaction. I was ready to give him a bowl of ice cream and a glass of cold milk but I was too late.

“JUMP IN THE POOL!!!” Rod already shouted.

“RIGHT!!! THE POOL!!!” Oscar added.

“IT’S FULL OF WATER!!!” Tatiana added as well.

“THE POOL?! WHERE THE FU- WHERE THE F.U.C.K IS IT?!” Roque was getting hysterical.

“IT’S ON THE BACK!!!” Matthew shouted.

Roque lost all manner of thinking since he just followed their instructions and jumped in the pool. He dived without any grace and it looked painful since he belly flopped when he landed. A huge splash followed though the chicken already woke up flew from his grasp and avoided swimming with him. He kept on drinking the water but all of a sudden, he started to drown.

“HELP!!! GLLURRBBGHGH!!!” Roque exclaimed.

I could only see his hand and he’s slowly sinking down. I managed to grab him at the last second and I pulled him up. He threw up water and some of the Wake Up Juice I made but his face is still red and I’m starting to feel sorry for him… a little bit.

“I hold grudges and a simple apology wouldn’t cut it. They may have forgiven him but I still haven’t!” I thought to myself.

I finally handed him the bowl of ice cream and the glass of cold milk and he almost melted from comfort.

“Thank you! I don’t know what to do if you’re not here!” Roque said.

“Nah, we’re just even.” I replied.

“What?” he shoves a few more spoonfuls inside his mouth.

“I’m the one who made the thing that you drink.” I replied, smirking.

He was about to lash out but he actually stopped himself. He just drooped his head low and he gave out a long sigh. It seemed that he had done too much to argue now and he just quietly finished the food that I gave him. He just sprang up and scrambled again when he finally noticed that they’re about to leave this place and all he has prepared is the boxers that he’s wearing.

My aunt woke up early and prepared food for everyone awake, even Roque. She also prepared lunch boxes that they could bring with them on their trip back home. Everyone awake came to the DDR Camp to send them off though Avalos and Honassan would be coming with them. It’s for piloting the air crafts they would be using to get home then back to my place. They’d be bringing the rest of Tatiana’s team and a few other items I requested.

“Kid.” Rod said as he made a small salute.

“Rod.” I replied while doing the same.

He said his goodbyes to everyone and Micah just waved at us before they took off. We watched them disappear from the skies and the sun has already risen. Lawrence was the only one from Rod’s group that was left here but it seemed that he has already adjusted from the three days that he was here.

As usual, Oscar looked at me and asked the same question.

“What’s the plan kid?” Oscar looked excited.

“Oh, I’m gonna sleep a bit more. I’m still tired, you know? *YAWN*” I stretched my body after I yawned and it created another chain reaction.

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