
Chapter 30

Chapter 30: ~Earth.~

The civilised powers of the Milky Way are a collection of species who have attained a certain level of technology and social stability which other races lack.

There are currently one hundred and seven such races. All of them gather every ten cycles close to the centre of the Milky Way to talk about matters of importance and dangers which threaten all of them.

It would be wrong to call this gathering a political government, because it isn't. It's just a platform to exchange information and thoughts between each other.

It's been long understood that there can be no unified government between groups who are so different that some have problems to follow each other's thought processes.

-Galactic History

***Sol, Mars Colony***


“Gideon? This is madness. You can't go down to Earth alone!” I answer him via the secure link over which he called me.

“Actually I am already on Earth. They have a small and neat little base with a long range teleporter down here. Who would have thought that the disappearances in the Bermuda Triangle are for real?” Gideon's voice answers me jokingly. josei

“I didn't mean that you should go and kill yourself when I said that we'll do our own stuff for two weeks. Isn't there anyone else who can do this?” I mumble disheartened.

“We are talking about my cousin, she is like a little sister to me. Actually I want you to do something for me. I can't do it myself because I think that Sanguin is going to supervise me. That old fart is as much a meddler as my mother.”

“You are speaking about our esteemed elder way to casually. But sure, I am currently on Mars though.” I answer and Gideon starts explaining what I have to do.

When he is done I nod to myself. “That sounds simple enough. Are you sure that you'll be okay?”

“Sure! Have a nice time during your holidays!” He hangs up without waiting for a reply. Holiday? Gideon, we still have a lot to talk about.

“Mrs. Estene? Where should I transfer the money?” The bank employee asks from across the table.

I raise my eyes and realize where I am. Gideon called me just when I was about to set the starting stone for a new business.

“Make a new account and transfer half the money there. I want no limits on that account.” I answer and wait until the banker is done. When I have all the data and access codes I leave the bank.

The Mars colony is a gigantic complex beneath the surface of Mars. Despite being the second colony which was settled, it's the biggest one in terms of population.

The moon, which was settled first, offers a harsher environment and requires more energy to sustain it. That's not the case with Mars, which isn't an easy place to live in either. But it's much easier than living on the moon where people have to import almost all of the needed resources.

My family was among the first settlers on Mars. One of my ancestors developed the quantum computers which are used all over the solar system. Luckily we managed to keep the control over our invention. Though the network of relations to other companies, relatives and contracts spread too wide over the generations.

It can be hardly said that we are still controlling the market or have anything to say regarding the company. It's a little troublesome if a great fortune gets divided and subdivided again and again with each consecutive generation.

That means nonetheless that I've no trouble with money, though the loss of Oibras and my friends hit me. I check once more on their status and realize that one of them is on Mars.

My heart tightens when I realize that it's Amia Jefri the very one who managed to lure my current, future boyfriend to bed.

No, rules. What happens in that club stays between the people in question. And Amia is my friend, I should be happy that she survived. I draft a generic message in which I tell her that I am happy about her survival and ask to meet her.

After having sent the message I take a deep sigh and head home. My family of seven already welcomed me with tears. The only one who didn't show his happiness was my father. He didn't welcome my decision to stay in the SDF for the time being. My mother, two brothers and two sisters were overjoyed about my visit though.

I walk the streets of Underground City VII towards home when I get a VR request from an unknown source. With a bad feeling in my belly I step towards the wall to be out of people's way and take the call.

It's regarded as rude when a techno-mage simply takes a call and freezes up while standing in the middle of the sidewalk.

The one who appears inside my own virtual reality is nobody else than Sadina Alvar. Gideon didn't hold back when telling me about his mother in detail. She is everything that a mad scientist should be.

Sadina's avatar smiles. “Child, do you know where Gideon is? He is refusing to answer my calls. It's a bit annoying if you take into account that I am his psychiatrist.”

Oh, so the reason why she is calling him is that she can't track him. “I think there is a reason when a person refuses to talk to someone. Whoever you are.” I've to point out that she didn't introduce herself. There is also no need to give away that I got a very detailed story on her person.

“I am sorry. I am Gideon's creator, so to speak. You are Cyla Estene, you shared the bed with him for the last month. What did you think of my handywork?” She asks, but I don't give her the satisfaction of betraying my expression. I am very sure that she is trying to get a hint on how we  stand towards each other.

“Yeeees, I think he mentioned you once or twice. Always in connection with some kind of curse.” I answer slowly. “He got very creative the second time.”

She claps her hands together. “That's so like him. It's good that I got to talk to you. And you didn't even deny my idea of you two sleeping together.” She starts pacing left and right in front of me. “Ah, it feels like I am learning so much, just by talking to you. But if you are in Sol and the Coeus is in Sol, then that means that Gideon is also here. But I can't find him, so he is somewhere without connection. That means he is on Earth? But he shouldn't go there until much later.”

She happily continues rambling on until I have enough of it and interrupt her monologue. “So what's the deal, bitch. You want to tell me that you don't even care to track what happens to your own relatives. I don't think that Gideon is the one who needs a psychiatrist. You do.”

Her expression tightens for a moment as if she intends to lash out at me, then her eyes start flicking left and right. “Oh... Galia... the experiment I left on Earth!”

Without another word the connection is terminated. I didn't fully believe Gideon's description of her, but Sadina is really messed up.

But if I put her last words into context with what Gideon told me about Galia's report, then it makes sense. I shudder as I dial Gideon's number to tell him the most likely reason why the humans on Earth suddenly have the means to hunt mages.

***Sol, Earth, Australia***


I enter my bedroom and sigh in relief. My days are very tiring since these bastards took Samantha. They probably did it to show me that they can get anyone. I still don't believe that she really was a mage.

If there was something that I could do. Anything! But I don't have anyone I can trust. It feels infuriating to be the representative of earth and yet I am completely powerless.

I approach my bed, but suddenly it feels like I am falling. “What? Aah...” I am floating? What's this? I want to puke!

“If you scream, I kill you. If you put your hands somewhere where I can't see them, I kill you. If you don't answer my questions, I kill you.” A voice whispers right next to my ear.

“Who?” No. It's a mage! There is no doubt about that! I am floating freely in mid air.

“Who took the person called Samantha?” The voice asks.

“I- I don't know. You can kill me, but I really don't know.” I answer. “Please let me down. I am too old for this. I won't scream.”

Slowly I am lowered into the chair beside the small table right next to my bed. I look around, but I still can't see anyone in the room. “How?”

“Magic! And now start answering questions. I want the names of the people behind all this.”

A file appears out of nowhere in front of me and drops into my lap. I take it and start reading, it's a detailed report on that horrible secret facility. Oh, my god. If the world finds out. “Only Samantha and me could have known about this. It's written from our point of view, so she was a mage!”

I lower the report in shock. “I can't. They threatened us. I don't care about myself, but I have a brother and he has family!”

“Mr. President. I was sent by the society of mages. Many are still thinking that we should stay away from Earth. But certain parts of our society are thinking that enough is enough.”

I hear steps wandering through the room, but I still can't see anyone.

“I was allowed to take steps against the people who orchestrated this incident.” A pen drops into my lap. “So you'll start writing the names of those bad apples, or I'll pluck the information directly out of your brain. And that... is a very unhappy experience. Don't you want your secretary back?”

“I... what will you do to them?” I ask. “Don't you know everything you need from that report? I don't know anything definitive. There is only one man whom I know for sure to be involved and he is just a middleman.”

“Making an example out of them of course. And no, I want them all! They broke the contract. If you don't know for a fact, then guess. Give me the names of suspicious people. I'll do the rest once I get my hands on someone who is involved. I'll even allow you to choose a few names of your own agenda. We'll call them collateral damage, what do you think? Whom do want to permanently remove from a position of power.”

I gulp. “This proposal isn't right. There are laws!”

“What are laws worth if they protect evil? Sometimes a tumour can't be cured without cutting it out. I thought you worked as a ranger. Haven't you seen the sickness of human society. Earth has the chance to unite under a good government. Nobody will know that you wrote those names.

Sometimes a single person has to decide the fate of the world. Right now you are the one who is given that chance by writing the right names onto that paper.”

My eyes wander to the pen and the file.

“All you need to do is to choose. I'll be watching the outcome of your decision.”

“Can you do it?” I ask.

“You are talking to someone who walked past fifty guards, right into your bedroom. Without triggering the security system or being recorded by any of the surveillance cameras.”

With a shaking hand I start writing names.


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