
Chapter 34

Chapter 34: ~Parents.~

[04:48] Ship detected en route from Kaus Australis to Nash. Classification: Unknown.

-Quantum Recon Network

***Sol, Aether***


~This is an interrogation! And you aren't helping!~

Cyla's thoughts flare up inside my mind. She connected telepathically to me when my grandmother started questioning her.

~It's rude to communicate telepathically in front of others.~ I answer in my thoughts.

~I know, but you brought me into this awkward situation. It's your fault!~ She mentally screams into my mind while keeping up a nice facade.

~You are doing fine. My grandparents are just trying to get to know you. They may be a little intrusive, but our family always acts a little bold.~ I answer in my thoughts.

My whole family is assembled in the living room. Cyla and I got to sit next to each other on the sofa. My grandparents, aunt and uncle are opposite to us on chairs while Saden is sitting on a bench to our left.

Galia is also here. She was discharged two days ago, but is still in a wheelchair and has to visit the hospital every day for treatment.

“So how is the sex?” Hedeon asks and gets elbowed by Grandmother.

~That's not just bold any more!~ Cyla moves closer and slips an arm around me while keeping up her smiling face. “He's good. The main reason why we are together is sexual attraction. Originally I had hoped that he would bring me to a hotel to do this and that when the date was done.”

~Yet you are shooting back with the same weapons!~ I comment her reply.

“It's so nice that you two found each other. They are a really good match, don't you think so too Hedeon?” Melan asks Grandfather, who nods, and returns her attention to us. “How did the two of you meet each other? Gideon stayed awfully silent about that part of the story.” She asks.

~Now I have them!~ Cyla's thought flares through my mind.

~No! You wouldn't use that knowledge to- my poor Grandfath-~ But it's already too late as Cyla starts explaining.

“To tell the truth, the first time we met was inside a swinger-club for singles who are searching for a little fun!” She answers and seals Hedeon's fate.

My Grandmother's expression turns sour and her eyes flick towards me. “Gideon, I would've never thought-”

I am sorry Grandpa! But this is about my reputation in the family. “I would've never been there if Hedeon hadn't recommended it as one of his favourite restaurants!”

Suddenly Grandpa's head rocks sideways and he drops to the ground, unconscious.

~Did she hit him?~

~I saw nothing!~

~How fast is she?~

~I swear, I didn't know she could do that!~

~A formidable opponent. I've to stay on her good side.~

After two seconds of stunned silence Melan claps her hands together. “It seems like my dear husband got tired. Why don't you stay here for tonight, Cyla? Everyone has their own floor. There is no need to rent a hotel.” She turns to face Arend whose eyes are transfixed on his father in law. “Would you be so nice and help me to carry him to our rooms?”

Arend nods enthusiastically and picks up Hedeon to carry him outside, closely followed by Melan.

Rhiannon also stands up to retreat. “I really hope that it works out between the two of you.”

Saden stands up and hugs Cyla. “I like how you played the two meddlers against each other. You fit into this family!”

Cyla's expression turns troubled. “Thanks, though I am not entirely sure if that's a compliment?”

“It is!” Saden turns to Galia. “I'll accompany you to your room and then I'll return to Paul's place.”

Galia gives me a thumbs up. “I also think you two are a match. Make sure to let me be the maid of honour!”

“T- t- t- that's much too early!” Cyla stutters.

The both of them leave, so I face Cyla and take her hand. “See? It wasn't that bad. They are all very nice people.”

“Your family is very... I don't know how to call it? Lax? But I like that somehow? They gave me the feeling of being at home.” She starts massaging the base of her nose. “My own folk is much more focused on political gain and status. They are thinking of themselves as some kind of aristocracy.”

“That doesn't match you at all?” I ask while leading her up the stairs to my part of the mansion.

“Yes, you could call me the oddball and rebel in the family. That's why I asked my mother to give me a starting capital and went my own way. My father would've never allowed it.

It doesn't mean that I am on bad terms with them, but I can't deal with having them around me for too long.”

“Hmmm.” We enter my floor and I lead Cyla into my bedroom.

“W- wait. Don't I get my own room while I am here?” She asks dumbfounded.

I can't hold myself back any further and hug her. “Why? Didn't you say yourself that you expected something special after the date?”

“Your family is in the house! What if they hear us! There aren't any cameras in here, right?” She starts searching the walls.

“That's actually a disturbing thought.” I admit while caressing her. “But right now I've something else on my mind. Do you know that I've slept over a week in a chair? Right next to Earth's president?”

“I gathered that! It's not helping to get me into the right mood.” She answers and freezes up when I start kissing her neck while using my hands like the video's showed it.

When I open my mind to hers her knees give way and a gasp escapes her lips. I use the chance to push her onto the bed.

~Where did you learn that?~

~I studied.~

~Studied what!?~

~Dirty movies, obviously!~

~That's cheating!~

~It's cheating that I know exactly what feels good to you.~

~Aaahhh! That goes both ways!~

An hour later we are lying in each other's arms. It feels very relaxing to me. “Do you know that I couldn't sleep well without you?”

“Me neither.” She admits. “But what you did tonight calls for revenge. You know that?”

“Revenge?” I ask dumbfounded. Hopefully she isn't too angry for my grandmother's little plot. I went with Melan's enthusiasm because I somehow wanted to introduce Cyla to my family too.

Cyla rolls on top of me and pulls at my cheek. “You have to go through the same ordeal! In two days we'll travel to Mars and there you'll meet my parents!”

I snort. “I guess you already know exactly how to introduce me?”

“Yes, we'll start with you being a pilot of the SDF. It isn't even a lie and it will infuriate my father. When he has shown himself as the bastard he is, we'll reveal the fact that you have more money than him! Just to humiliate him.” She starts chuckling. “That'll teach him modesty! All you have to do is being yourself, Gideon.”

I get my fair share of Cyla's emotions on the matter, so I start smiling too. “Cyla... deep down in your heart you are evil.”

***Sol, Earth, Australia***


“I am so glad that you are fine, Samantha. Or should I call you Galia from now on?” I ask, talking over the phone with her. She just called me to my complete surprise. I already thought I had lost a good friend.

“We've a lot of trouble down here on Earth. It's not easy to explain everything that happened. The general public wants proof that we are doing something about the illegal experiments and the higher ups in the parliament are going nuts about those asteroids.”

“Hahaha. Sorry. The agent who aided you overstepped his boundaries a little. Our elders failed to draw a clear line on what he is allowed to do.” She answers.

“I am sure that I'll be able to get the situation under control. Your man was very thorough in cleaning up the main culprits of this plot. He even left me with more than enough evidence to draw the attention away from your society.” I don't want our idiotic politicians to start a war with people who can throw asteroids at Earth.

“Actually our elders informed me that they intend to send an envoy to Earth. Of course completely incognito. This whole situation wouldn't have happened if we would've had a way to talk directly to Earth's government.”

It's certainly better than having a voiceless threat hanging above our heads. “I think that's a really good idea. I guess the situation simply went out of control. I'll do my best to ensure that something like this is impossible in Earth's future government. Your agent left me in a position to do a lot of good and I intend to use it. Will you return once you are better?”

“Maybe. But surely not as full time spy. Maybe I'll apply for the job as envoy.” She answers hesitantly.

“That would be a wonderful idea. I want you to know that there is absolutely no problem with it. And please inform your agent that I am really thankful for his help and for not killing me.”

“He threatened to kill you!?”

“Several times... I think he was a little edgy about his assignment. Ah, and one more thing.”


“Could I have my rocking chair back? I really liked that one and I think I know exactly who stole it!”

“... I don't think it's still on Earth. Sorry.”

“I see.”

***Sol, Mars Colony, Underground City VII***


Cyla is pressing the buzzer on her parent's door like a madman while holding hands with me. She got really enthusiastic about showing me off.

“You'll destroy the button.” I point out and take another look at the ceiling of the huge underground city. The Mars colonies were built underground inside huge caverns. The ceiling is about two hundred metres high and plastered with dozens of miniature suns unlike the single one on Oibras.

“If I don't do this it'll take my parents an eternity to get going. They always bury themselves in work and refuse to answer the door.” Cyla smiles.

“This cavern is huge. I should have visited this place sooner. If you take into account that Mars has one of the biggest populations... where did they transport all the excess materials from digging these caverns?” The surface of Mars must have visible marks of the work down here.

She raises one eyebrow. “What do you think Olympus Mons is?”

I guess that makes sense.

My thoughts are interrupted when a woman with flaming red hair and Cyla's green eyes opens the door. There are red patterns running all over her skin. At first glance I thought that they were tattoos, but they look more like a natural discolouration of the skin after a closer inspection. She seems to have gone through a mutation like my grandmother.

Her face is slender and her whole appearance screams that she is a strict person. I notice that she is wearing an office suit despite being caught at home and by surprise.

“Cyl? What are you doing here?” She asks. josei

“Hi, Mom! Surprise!” Cyla steps forward and hugs her mother. Then she lets go and takes my hand. “I want to introduce my boyfriend to you. Gideon Alvar.”

“Boyfriend!?” Her eyes flick back and forth between me and Cyla.

I step forward and offer my hand. “It's nice to meet you Mrs. Kassidy Estene. Cyla already told me a lot about her family.”

Kassidy takes my hand with a dumbfounded expression. Then she squints her eyes upon noticing the light in my pupils. “How old are you?”

“One year older than me, Mom.” Cyla jumps in. “It's rude to ask someone for his age.”

“I guess it's a legitimate question.” I reply. “I am twenty-three and the reason for my eyes being already a little affected is that I got into an accident.”

“I see.” She steps aside and I take her up on the offer to enter. Behind my back she starts whispering with Cyla. “Why didn't you say anything? Since when are you two together?”

“We know each other since three months, but it's only after the first real date that we decided to become official!” Cyla answers.

“Three months? How can you be in any kind of serious relationship when you were on a SDF mission for the last three months?” Her mother barks.

Cyla simply gestures at me. “He was on the same ship as me. We were together day and night, so I am fairly sure that our relationship isn't a fluke.”

Kassidy starts massaging her temple. “Your father won't be happy about this.”

“That's the point!” Cyla grabs my hand and pulls me further into the house.

A few minutes later I am facing Gregor Estene, a grumpy man with a beard and a really impressive physique. I can tell from afar that he is taking care of his body. He is filling out the jacket he is wearing quite nicely. He has also a mutation, but it's minor compared to his wife. All he's got to deal with are long, pointy ears. I must say that he is a really sad excuse for an elf. Long ears and a muscular body don't mix!

Up until now he avoided interrupting Cyla's story, who did the talking so far, but now his patience is at an end.

“Cyla. What are you doing to this family? Not only are you never showing your face at home, now you also introduce a random freighter pilot as your boyfriend!” He jabs a finger at me. “Does he even have the proper bloodline qualifications?”

Not entirely sure of what to say I open my mind to Cyla. ~Are you sure that this guy is your father?~

~Yes, he is an asshole, isn't he? There are times when I actually think that my mother cheated on him when she got pregnant with me.~

~I wouldn't rule that out.~

“I don't like him.” I mumble which earns me an angry glare from Gregor.

Then I compose myself before giving an answer. “Excuse me, Sir. I am a full techno-mage with access to a great part of the spells which are attributed to electro-magic. My family is mostly working in the area of public service. My grandfather is the representative of Aether if you heard about him.”

“At least he isn't a complete nobody.” Gregor looks down on me like a flea.

That's when we are interrupted by a couple entering the living room. The woman looks similar to Cyla, but is clearly older with a rounder face. She has a curly mane in contrast to Cyla's straight pony tail.

The man looks like the average business man with brown hair and brown eyes. I can't recognize any redeeming features on him.

The woman's expression turns into a smug smile upon seeing us. “Cyla! How nice to see you.”

Cyla introduces me to her. “That's my sister, Yara Estene and her fiancee, Ryles Brenton. His business owns several IM production lines and is the main provider of electronics on Mars.” Then Cyla follows with a mental remark towards me. ~She is Dad's favourite.~

“Sis, this is my boyfriend, Gideon Alvar.”

I greet them, taking an interest in Ryles. “You own several IM lines? It must cost a lot to pay those off. The elders don't like it when this technology is used in the commercial sector.”

Ryles's cheek twitches. “Yes, most of the profit disappears into paying the patent holder. But it's still a lucrative business.”

“Why don't we stop talking about money? We should be happy that Cyla found someone she likes. I'll get all of you something to drink.” Kassidy dusts off her clothes and stands up.

Gregor sighs. “Well, a loser will always stay a loser and mingle with his own.”

~Did he just insult us in a very roundabout way?~ I ask Cyla mentally.

~Yes. I think it's time to spring the trap.~ Cyla answers.

Cyla raises her hand. “Yes, about IM lines! I actually wanted to make that the topic of my next business! The old one got busted as you've heard. I've bought myself into StarDrive Corp as a subcontractor.”

Gregor snorts and stands up. Then he walks to the window. “Don't be delusional, child. That's a big fish you are talking about. They'll eat you, chew and spit out the bones. Don't expect me to get you back to your feet afterwards.”

“Oh, I think that'll be no problem. As it happens I got acquainted with the fiancee of StarDrive's owner. She is a really nice person and Gideon's cousin. As it happens I also have the patent holder for the IM lines sitting right next to me.” She turns my head towards her and gives me a French kiss.

A rumble from the window prompts me to glance sideways. Apparently Gregor just lost consciousness and fell to the ground.

“Gregor!” Kassidy runs over to check on her husband.

~That's exactly how I imagined it!~ Cyla's thoughts and her amusement echo through my mind.

~You are so evil! I love you!~


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