Cohabitation With My Ex-Husband

Chapter 25 The Man She Loves Is Married

Chapter 25 The Man She Loves Is Married

The car driven by Anna stopped in front of an apartment, from inside her car, she stared at the apartment with furrowed brows.

"Michael lives here?" thought Anna tilting her head.

There is nothing wrong with this apartment, this is upper middle class apartments. However, with Michael's monthly income, it doesn't make sense that man lives here

Even the apartment she lives in is still a little more expensive and luxurious than this apartment, making Anna a little doubtful whether Michael really lives here.

However, Emily, her manager, was very good at finding information. So there's no way Emily got the wrong information for her.

Anna then decided to immediately park her car in the apartment and headed to the unit that was said to be where Michael lived.

Before getting out of the car, she doesn't forget to put on sunglasses, even though this apartment is an upper middle class apartment, but it doesn't seem like the privacy is too tight because Anna can get in easily, and she can see some people who seem to have just come home from work.

Not long after, Anna finally reached the fourth floor, the floor where Michael's unit was located.

Unknowingly, Anna could feel her chest beating fast. This was the first time she had come to Michael's place, there was a slight nervous feeling in her chest.

She had said before that she wanted to stop by Michael's place when they were on a date, but Michael always refused, saying that his place had nothing because he was always busy.

Anna wanted to insist that she was very curious, but she finally complied, at least she had been to Michael's parents' house, even though it was only Mrs. Collins who greeted her.

"413… This is it," Anna muttered when she finally found where Michael lived.

Anna took a deep breath, then raised her hand and tried to ring the doorbell. However, before Anna's hand touched it.

"Hello? Is there anything I can help you with?"

A voice behind her made Anna slightly startled. She then immediately turned her body to look at the owner of the voice.

It's a woman!


Sarah who was walking towards outside the hospital, immediately took out her cellphone from her trouser pocket when it vibrated. A new message has arrived.


Wifey, sorry, but can you go home alone? I still have work and can't see you. I'm really sorry *Apologizing Emoji]

Unknowingly a smile appeared on Sarah's face when she saw the emoji used by Michael. Where did he get such an emoji from? Did Michael really use emoji to text her when he was over 30?

"Ah right, mentally he still thinks he's in his 20s," Sarah muttered then her fingers were busy.


After sending a reply message to Michael, Sarah was silent for a while. Michael couldn't pick her up. What should she do now?

"Let's just order an Uber, I'm too tired to take the bus," Sarah muttered then immediately looked for an app she hadn't used in a long time.

While waiting for her uber to arrive, Sarah chose to sit in the hospital lobby, her co-workers who knew her were a little surprised when they saw Sarah who didn't come home right away, but she just smiled and said she was waiting for her uber.josei

"Ey~ It's a man, right? Doctor Sarah has nothing to be embarrassed about, you need it. Have fun, doctor!" said one of the nurses and then immediately said goodbye, Sarah could only shake her head when she heard this and then immediately left when the Uber she ordered had arrived.


Sarah who was walking towards her apartment unit yawning because she was really tired, immediately stopped when she saw a woman not far from her apartment unit.

Sarah's brow furrowed, wondering who it was.

The woman was tall and slender, not to mention her clothes looked very expensive, which made Sarah wonder who it was.

"Is she the new neighbor?" Sarah thought then walked back to her apartment unit.

However, the woman didn't seem to keep up with her footsteps and stood right in front of her apartment.

"Hello? Is there anything I can help you with?" asked Sarah finally when she saw the woman who seemed a little confused.

Sarah was a little surprised when she saw the woman's face. Even though she was wearing sunglasses, her face looked flawless and very beautiful, it seemed that the woman was also young.

However, why was that woman wearing sunglasses? Was she trying to hide her possibly swollen eyes?

"I live in that apartment. Is there anything I can help you with?" asked Sarah kindly. It seemed that the woman was their new neighbor and wanted to say hello to her neighbor.

"Ah, sorry, looks like I'm in the wrong place," the woman replied and then left without saying anything else.

Sarah looked at the woman in bewilderment, then hurried into her apartment.


Meanwhile, Anna went straight to her car. Her footsteps were long, she couldn't wait to get to her car.

If she wasn't wearing her sunglasses, Sarah would have been able to see her eyes wide open when she met her.

She didn't expect that she would find another woman in the apartment that Michael was supposed to live in!

"Michael! Son of a bitch!" said Anna who finally let out her emotions when she arrived at her car. She was really angry right now.

So Michael had been lying to her all along? So Michael already has a wife and she's dating someone else's husband?

"You…" Anna couldn't continue her words when suddenly the tears she had been trying to hold back finally came out.

Her heart ached.

The man who has been on her mind all this time…

The man who always makes time for her in his busy schedule and smiles apologizing for his busy schedule…

The man who always makes her smile and makes her impatiently wait for their next date…

​ The man she loves…

Turns out he's married!

Meeting that woman had made everything clear to Anna. So this is the reason why Michael doesn't want her to come to the man's place, because he has his wife at his place.

That night, Anna spent a few minutes crying in the car. Her heart felt like it was shattering into pieces right now.


"Oh right, babe, are you not going to pick me up again today?" asked Sarah when Michael's car would soon arrive at the hospital where she worked.

Last night Sarah was too tired so she went to bed early and didn't wait for Michael to come. Looks like Michael came home really late last night.

"Yeah, sorry, it seems the last few days I will always come home late," Michael replied with an apologetic expression on his face.

Sarah just nodded when she heard that, not realizing that Michael was trying to hold back a smile right now.

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