Cohabitation With My Ex-Husband

Chapter 313 Not To Settle This Matter Peacefully!

Chapter 313 Not To Settle This Matter Peacefully!

Michael opened his eyes in disbelief when he heard what Sarah had just said. His logic refuses to believe it. Like, journalists came to their kids' school to swarm them? What year was it that they acted like that?

However, Michael knew that Sarah couldn't possibly lie to him judging by the look on the woman's face that looked angry with tears running down her cheeks.

"I'm sorry." Those were the only things that came out of Michael's lips.

Now he understood why Sarah had been sitting on the floor in front of the kids' room while crying. Michael couldn't imagine what the woman was going through.

Michael then opened his arms wide and pulled her into his arms, trying to calm her down.

To be honest, he had wanted to do this all along. However, he thought it best to let Sarah express her feelings by hitting him. He deserved it.

However, he couldn't hold it in anymore after finding out the reason behind Sarah's anger. He knew she deserved to be angry after the news about him went viral, but Michael didn't expect it to be that bad.

Sarah was still struggling when Michael suddenly pulled her in his arms. Her fist was still hitting Michael's chest, and it was slowly starting to weaken because she was tired.

"They're just kids, Michael. My kids are only five years old!" Sarah said quietly and sounded hoarse. Her tears were still running down her cheeks.

She had managed to calm her kids down and put them to sleep. However, Sarah was sure they would never forget this incident.

As an adult, the situation just now was too much for her. In all her life, Sarah had never been surrounded by people like that.

Then what about her babies? Sarah was worried about them and couldn't imagine how they felt. The tears and frightened expressions shown by them were enough for her to know that it was by no means a good experience for her kids.

Michael was still apologizing and patting Sarah's back, trying to calm her down.

When Sarah was no longer struggling in her arms, Michael let go of the hug and lowered his body slightly so that he was level with Sarah and wiped the tears from her face.

"I'll sort this out. I promise," Michael said softly as he wiped the tears away.

Sarah just kept silent hearing that. She didn't know how Michael was going to sort this out, but what the man said made her calm down a bit.

After feeling that there were no more tears coming out and seeing Sarah calm down, Michael opened his mouth again.josei

"I have to go. Are you okay with me leaving you alone for a while?" Michael asked with a smile on his face as he caressed Sarah's cheek.

Sarah just nodded and said nothing. She's feeling a little better.

After making sure that Sarah was okay, Michael turned around and his expression changed as well. It looked very cold with tightly clenched teeth.

At first he wanted to deal with this matter amicably, clarifying and apologizing for never telling about his divorced status.

Well, to be honest he never admitted he's single, but he never denied it either, and that made him wrong.

He thought this matter would be resolved peacefully and calmly.

However, how dare those people chase their kids in their school?! Sarah didn't give details about what happened, but Michael didn't need to hear about it.

Those people are waiting for their kids at school!

That reason was enough for him not to settle this matter peacefully!


After Michael left, Sarah sat at the dining table with a blank stare. Her face looked tired.

The glass of water in front of her was still half left. She couldn't even finish the water even though she knew her body needed it.

She was worried, but she couldn't do anything.

However, sitting still like this wasn't a solution for her either. She had to do something to pay for what those people did to her babies.

'Michael will handle it. You can rest."

A whisper sounded in Sarah's ear, it seemed her body was really tired and wanted to rest soon. She had asked permission to leave half-day, so she didn't need to go back to the hospital.

However, Sarah shook her head, refusing what should be the best thing for her to do now.

For some reason, Sarah couldn't sit still and wait for Michael to deal with what had happened today.

She knew Michael would do his best. Raphael and Gabriel are his kids too, and Michael isn't going to let this go, right?

Sarah knew that, but she was restless.

For some reason, she couldn't trust Michael.

Maybe it was because the man was in his forties that he had slowed down.

He even spent a lot of time telling the kids that he was their Daddy.

Not to mention, even though Sarah didn't want to prolong the matter, but Michael had said that he would deal with what happened to the Whites, the parents of his kids's friends who had a fight with Raphael.

Maybe the man hadn't done anything so he didn't tell her about it.

So, for various reasons, Sarah couldn't let Michael sort this out.

However, what should he do?

If it had to do with illness, Sarah had connections and could ask her coworkers about it, just like what happened with Mr Collins back then.

However, she had absolutely no connections, or resources to help her track those people down, or figure out where this problem was coming from.

The one who could help her was Michael, but she couldn't be one hundred percent trust him.

The second name that came up was Steve, her friend, but Sarah wasn't sure if Steve could help her with this.

"Should I ask Arthur?" Sarah muttered as her other friend crossed her mind.

Arthur was a well-known lawyer, and he seemed to be able to help her .

Sarah shook her head, even though she had told Arthur that they could still be friends, she felt reluctant to ask for help with this matter.

She might ask for his help in asking the man about the law later, but she couldn't ask Arthur to find out information about this.

"Damn it! Why don't I seem to have many acquaintances who can help me at a time like this?" Sarah muttered in annoyance, feeling like she was at a dead end.

After she thought about it again, Sarah really had no one to help her. Her youth was spent studying and pursuing her career.

Not to mention that the goddamn author doesn't seem to make her have a friend to turn to at times like this.

Sarah shook her head, she didn't want to give up so easily. She was trying to think of who might be able to help her!

Maybe there's a friend that the goddamn author hasn't introduced yet!

She had to do something, and didn't want to sit around to be helped by Michael the way the damn Author wanted her to!

Should she really have to ask Arthur for help?

"Ah!" Sarah's eyes lit up when she found someone who could help her at a time like this.

Sarah then took out her cellphone and looked for someone's contact and called that person.

Not long after, someone's voice was heard on the other side.

"Anna!" Sarah called and swallowed her saliva because suddenly her guts felt shriveled.

"What is it?" asked Anna in a worried voice. "Are you alright?"

"Well… I can't tell you I'm fine after what happened," Sarah replied with a sad smile.

It was too terrible for her to pretend everything was fine.

"Honestly, I wanted to ask for your help," Sarah said after mustering up her courage.

This is not the time to be shy! She should be shameless!

Sarah then briefly told what had happened at the school earlier, and she wanted to find the people who did that to her babies.

"What?!" Anna's voice rose with anger. "But wait, is Michael not gonna do something about that?" asked Anna confusedly.

"That… he'll do it, but I can't just sit around like this doing nothing," Sarah answered honestly.

"Can you help me?" she continued.

Sarah waited for Anna's answer while holding her breath. She wasn't sure if Anna could help her, but Sarah wanted to try.

Even though Anna was a model and seemed like she couldn't help her. However, Sarah still remembers that Anna is the daughter of a famous family.

Well… she didn't know exactly how famous Anna's family was, but that seemed to be enough since Anna was once the ideal daughter-in-law of Mrs. Collins.

"Okay, I'll see what I can do."

Anna's answer made Sarah heave a sigh of relief.

"Thank you, Anna. Thank you very much!" replied Sarah.

"No need, I would do the same if I were in your position."

Sarah and Anna then chatted for a while, before finally hanging up the call.

Sarah sighed. Although she was still not satisfied with having to wait like this, she was already feeling much calmer.

There is Michael and Anna, Sarah is sure that this problem will be resolved quickly.

Suddenly, Sarah began to wonder. What these people do is clearly cross the line by coming to their kids' school. However, it happened because there was news on the internet.

Sarah then opened the article she had read earlier and looked at the photos. It looked like someone was deliberately spying on them.

Then, who was the bastard who was spying on them?

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