Cohabitation With My Ex-Husband

Chapter 321 We Even Plan To Get Married

Chapter 321 We Even Plan To Get Married

Sarah's forehead twitches when she hears what the woman sitting in front of her just said.

She snatched Michael from that woman? What?!

Sarah couldn't help but laugh. What she just heard just now was really like a joke, a bad joke.

She snatched Michael from that woman!

Doesn't that really sound ridiculous? Actually, who snatched Michael from whom?

Well... not that Sarah would admit that women had snatched Michael from her. That is a fact. Michael had an affair with the woman which led to her divorcing the man.

However, there was something inside her that didn't want to admit. That would make her sound pathetic, let another woman snatched her man..

But hearing that she snatched Michael from that woman made her laugh.



"Ahh... I've never laughed until my stomach hurts like this," said Sarah, holding her stomach.

Meanwhile, Elizabeth's facial expression changed when she saw Sarah who suddenly laughed. According to the information she got, Sarah was a kind woman, and a pushover

Elizabeth thought that woman would apologize or at least broke up with Michael after she said that.

Seeing Sarah laughing was completely out of her plan, pissed her off.

What she said was a fact, and Sarah shouldn't laugh at it!

"You think I'm lying?" Elizabeth asked with an irritated look on her face.

"Michael and I had a relationship, and everything was ruined because of you!" she continued in a tone that rose with emotion.

Luckily at this time the atmosphere of the cafe wasn't too crowded so they didn't attract too many people's attention and only a few were looking at them curiously.

Sarah was a little annoyed when the woman suddenly raised her voice and made several people turn their heads towards them curiously.

"Let's just say you and Michael have a relationship," Sarah said, trying to sound calm. "But do you have to touch my babies? Doesn't that look pathetic?" she continued.

"Like I said, we are in a relationship! What?! Pathetic?!" Elizabeth asked, raising her voice. Offended by what Sarah said.

"Yeah, you really are pathetic! I thought you were doing this for a good reason. Maybe I did you wrong, or maybe Michael did you wrong. However, you attacked my babies just because Michael broke up with you? Isn't that sad?" Sarah pouted.

"You have to stop what you are doing. If you..."

"You think I'm pathetic for doing this?" cut Elizabeth in a quivering tone. "Yeah, I might be pathetic! The man who was with me for nine years, broke up with me just because of you!" she shouted hysterically. Tears started to appear in her eyes.

Of course what Elizabeth is doing now is an act. Well... not really acting because she's frustrated, but she's not going to cry like what she's doing now.

Sarah fell silent when she heard what the woman said.

Nine years?

That was the length of time she and Michael had been divorced. So, all this time Michael had a relationship with that woman?

Sarah remembered that Michael had been dating Anna, was it possible that the man was also dating that woman when he was dating Anna?

Seeing Sarah who was silent, Elizabeth smiled inwardly. It seemed the woman was acting like this because she thought she was lying.

"The apartment I'm living in now was even bought by Michael, as a gift for my birthday..."

What Elizabeth said was of course a lie. It wasn't a birthday present at all. Back then, Michael had bought it so that when he visited her, the place would be safer and no one else would know about it.

Seeing Sarah who was silent, Elizabeth smiled inwardly. Looks like she's on the right path. The path to make that bitch back off and leave Michael.

"We even plan to get married... You might not know, but before I worked at Collins, because we wanted to get married, he told me to quit my job and become a housewife..."

Sarah's lips were still tightly shut, not making a sound when she heard what the woman just said.

When she decides to give Michael a chance, Sarah is determined that she won't dwell on what happened in the past. She wouldn't care if Michael had previously dated multiple women, or slept with multiple women.

She is not Michael's wife, and Michael is a single man. So the man is free to do what he wants.

Or... that's what Sarah thought.

However, hearing how long Michael's relationship with that woman had been, and to the point of asking her to stop working because they plan to get married, made Sarah's heart feel like it was being sliced ​​slowly.

Sarah didn't feel hurt at all hearing Michael buy that woman an apartment. The man had a lot of money, so it wasn't a difficult thing for Michael. Buying an apartment may have been like breathing for him. Easy as that.

However, what struck Sarah's heart a little was when she heard Michael ask that woman to be a housewife.

Was it because in the past he had a working wife, and his marriage failed?

Or because Michael actually wanted that? A woman who stays at home as a housewife?

Meanwhile, Elizabeth tried to stop herself from smiling when she saw the sad expression of the woman in front of her.

Did the woman feel sorry for her?

It seems so. She just had to push her a little more before she begged her to let her be with Michael.

"He even introduced me to his mother, and she was happy when she met me and said I was the perfect daughter-in-law..."

Sarah's eyes widened when she heard that. Mrs. Collins did that?

"Ahh... really, I almost believed your bullshit," Sarah said with a snort.

Elizabeth's face looked surprised. Why did the woman's expression look different? It's not what she imagined!

"You really are good when you make up stories. I admit it," said Sarah looking at Elizabeth with a sweet smile.

"But my advice, you shouldn't bring up Mrs. Collins in your lies. You... don't live up to her standards," she continued with a smirk.

Sarah admitted she believed what the woman said. After all, there's no reason for that woman to lie to her, right?

What she said made sense enough to make Sarah believe it.

However, Mrs. Collins said that woman was the perfect daughter-in-law? What bullshit!

She already knew Mrs. Collins, the old woman was picky with background, and this woman in front of her was definitely not up to standards!

"What?!" Elizabeth's face turned red when she heard that. She was really offended by what Sarah had said.

It was true that Mrs. Collins didn't like her, but to say that she didn't live up to her standards offended her.

Did the woman mean that she, who was Michael's ex-wife, was more up to her standards than she was to be Michael's wife?

"Should I call Mrs. Collins and ask her? But wait... has she even met you?" Sarah asked sarcastically with a grin.

Elizabeth's lips were pursed tightly at that, her face was red, and her hands were tightly clenched into fists. She couldn't talk back to Sarah's words.

She didn't even dare to challenge her because she knew that woman would be able to contact Michael's mother.

Sarah sighed when she saw the expression of the woman in front of her. She didn't know how much truth the woman was telling her, but it didn't seem like it was important anymore.

She no longer cared.

"I warned you. Stop bothering my babies! This is the final warning!" Sarah said then stood up and took her bag. She had no reason to be here anymore so it was time for her to leave.

Meanwhile, Elizabeth just sat in her place with an annoyed expression on her face. This was absolutely not the result of what she wanted! The woman should have left with a sad face after having complied with her beg to leave Michael!


Sarah couldn't stop sighing when she was already in the cav that was taking her to Anna's house to pick up her babies.

She knew what Elizabeth had told her was a lie, but... something inside her couldn't just let it go.

Is it really just a lie?

What if, aside from Mrs. Collins, what she said was true?

That woman and Michael were planning to get married, and she became a nuisance between them by causing the marriage to be annulled?

The questions filled Sarah's head, making her head hurt because no matter how she thought about it, she couldn't find the answers.

"Excuse me, sir, can you take me to Collins instead?" Sarah said to the cab driver in front of her.

Yes, the one who can answer the questions is Michael. She knew she could talk about this with Michael when they were home, but that meant she'd have to wait until night to talk about it after the kids had gone to bed.

She couldn't wait that long!

On the way, Sarah could feel her heart beating fast. She just hoped, what that woman said to her was a lie... All of it...

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