Cohabitation With My Ex-Husband

Chapter 338 Wake Up Daddy

Chapter 338 Wake Up Daddy

Sarah slowly opened her eyes. Even though it was the weekend and she could sleep a little longer because she didn't have to go to work and take care of her kids going to school, Sarah's body seemed to know when she had to wake up.

Sarah had a confused look on her face when she saw the different, but not unfamiliar, ceiling in the room.

'Oh yeah, I slept in Michael's room,' Sarah thought when her brain was back to full working.

Sarah then turned to the side to see Michael and their kids.

Sarah's mouth opened when she saw Raphael who was next to her, and Michael was between Raphael and Gabriel.

What happened? Didn't Michael last night move next to her and hug her?

Sarah was still confused, but she decided not to think too much about it and immediately got up and left the room being careful not to wake the three men who were still sleeping soundly and immediately went downstairs to her room to get ready for the day.

After washing her face and changing her clothes, Sarah went to open the door which had been knocked on by the waiter who had brought them breakfast.

As usual on weekends, she doesn't have to cook because Michael takes care of their food from breakfast to dinner as a condition so that they can eat together.

Since Michael already knew the twins were his kids, Sarah had told him that Michael didn't have to provide them with meals every weekend, and he could still eat with them.

However, Michael said that it was okay.

"It's not that your food isn't good. I just don't want you to be busy in the kitchen on the weekends. You should rest."

Sarah didn't argue when she heard that and let Michael do it.

Well… not cooking on the weekends doesn't seem too bad either.

After placing the breakfast on the table and closing it, Sarah stepped into the upstairs room, calling the three men down for breakfast.

As soon as Sarah arrived in the room, she saw Gabriel was awake but still lying on the bed, while the other two men were still fast asleep.

Sarah then approached her youngest child.

"Good morning, did you sleep well?" Sarah asked, kissing his lips.

"Good morning, Mommy. Yes, how about you?" Gabriel asked with a smile.

"Mommy slept well too," replied Sarah who was still squatting by the bed and stroking her son's head.

"Let's get up, we have to have breakfast," Sarah continued with a smile on her face. "Can Gabriel help Mommy to wake Daddy?" she continued.

Well… Sarah was confused about how to wake her ex-husband. She also felt awkward.

Luckily one of the kids was awake and she can ask them to wake Michael.

Sarah then immediately moved to the side of the bed to wake her eldest son. However, before Sarah could wake him up, Sarah's eyes immediately opened wide when she saw Gabriel standing on the bed and immediately dropped his body on Michael.

"Daddy! Get up! Daddy!" said Gabriel who was now riding Michael's stomach and started jumping up and down.

"Gabriel!" Sarah shouted, not at all expecting her son to wake Michael up like that.

Her kids had woken her before, and they always woke her up sweetly by calling her name softly, and giving her a kiss.

That's what Sarah thought when she told Gabriel to wake her Daddy. She wanted Michael to feel woken up by something sweet like that, and not like this…

It didn't take long for Michael to get up immediately because Gabriel was quite heavy and jumping up and down his ass on his stomach.

"Gabriel, what are you doing?" Michael asked, trying to be patient and not annoyed with his son.

Last night, it was his eldest son who rolled over and kicked him. This morning, it was his youngest son who rode him like he was a horse.

"Wake up Daddy, we have to have breakfast," Gabriel said with a smile and continued up and down his ass.

The noise instantly woke up the sleeping Raphael. A smile immediately appeared on his face when he saw his brother, and he immediately got up and followed what his younger siblings were doing.

"Ah!" said Michael as the weight that was weighing him down added again.

"Raphael! Gabriel! What are you doing? Get off from Daddy's body!" shouted Sarah who finally came back to her senses to see what had happened.

Both seemed to ignore their Mommy's words, and continued to do what they were doing.

"Raphael! Gabriel!" Sarah said again, this time sounding very stern.

The two finally rushed downstairs realizing that it was like a last warning and ran out of the room before their Mommy scolded them.

"Sorry, I didn't know Gabriel would wake you up like that," Sarah said regretfully.

Michael smiled and got out of bed.

"It doesn't matter. They're boys, so it's only natural," replied Michael, not at all angry about it.

After he thought about it, it seemed that he had done that too. It also shows his kids' affection for him.

Sarah just nodded at that.

"Then… get ready and come down for breakfast." After saying that, Sarah immediately left the room without waiting for Michael's answer.


After finishing breakfast, the four people were busy doing what they were doing. Raphael and Gabriel are playing as usual, Sarah is seen at the dining table holding her cellphone and looking at the medical journal, while Michael is seen going to his room, he's got an upset stomach and needs to go to the toilet.

Suddenly, Sarah's cell phone rang and Anna's name appeared on the screen.

Sarah picked it up right away.

"Hello, what's up, Anna?" Sarah asked confusedly. She was close to Anna, but they rarely called like this.

Especially,  it's still ten o'clock.

"I'm already in front of your apartment. Can you let me in?" she asked.


"That… Can you guys look after Sienna for a few hours?" Anna asked with an awkward smile on her face.

Sarah was a little surprised when she heard the question. Likewise with Michael, did not expect it was the favor asked by Anna.

"Why do you have to leave your daughter here?" Michael asked before Sarah opened her mouth.

"Don't you have a husband?" he continued.

"He went to the hospital. There's an emergency patient," Anna replied casually.

"Then what about your babysitter?" asked Michael again, who actually wanted to refuse to be a daycare center.

It's the weekend! Time to spend with Sarah and their kids. Not to be a babysitter.

"My babysitter's ask permission to go back to her home . I also can't ask my parents for help because they are busy."

"And you don't think we're busy?" asked Michael, rolling his eyes.

"Michael! Enough!" Sarah said when she saw Michael was being rude.josei

"It's okay, Anna. You can leave Sienna here," replied Sarah who was fine with that.

After all, Anna had helped her a lot and she wasn't busy.

Anna smiled at that, and looked at Michael with a triumphant look.

"But will Sienna be okay?" Sarah asked worriedly.

It's not easy to leave small kids.

"It doesn't matter. My daughter is a calm baby and won't cry. You guys won't have any trouble with her, "Anna replied.

"After all, the twins love playing with her. Right, Raphael, Gabriel? You guys like playing with Sienna, right?" asked Anna looking at the twins with a smile.

Both nodded their heads with their mouths slightly open.

"Why are you looking at Aunt Anna like that?" Sarah asked confusedly looking at her kids.

"Aunt Anna is very beautiful, Mommy!" Gabriel replied. "Why are Aunt Anna's lips red like that?" he asked curiously.

"Auntie wears makeup. Does auntie look prettier?" asked Anna with a smile.

They both nodded again.

Michael snorted at his kids who seemed to be captivated by Anna's beauty. Why do his kids look so much like him?

He also used to date Anna because he thought she was beautiful. Of course now he no longer had those feelings for her.

"Then, I'll go first," said Anna then immediately stood up, hugging Sienna and giving Sienna to Sarah. She said goodbye to her daughter, then immediately left.

As soon as Anna left, Sarah hugged the little girl making her face her. Sarah's face smiled at the smiling little girl. She also had a strange feeling in her heart when she sensed how small the little girl was.

She recalled how her kids used to look like this.

Seeing that Sienna had moved into Sarah's arms, Raphael and Gabriel immediately climbed into the chairs and tried to play with the little girl.

Meanwhile Michael, still sitting and watching them. He did like kids, but he felt awkward and didn't know what to do with kids.

Suddenly, a faint beep sounded.

Sarah and Michael fell silent when they heard the voice, then looked at each other.

"No," Michael said, shaking his head.

Sarah didn't answer, then put Sienna down on the floor and went to check on the thing that made the sound. That's her pager.

After seeing the contents of the message, Sarah turned to Michael.

"No," Michael said again, shaking his head.

He was hallucinating when he heard the sound.

However, Sarah only smiled apologetically when she heard that.

Michael immediately stood up and shook his head, refusing to let Sarah leave.

How can he take care of three kids alone?! Sarah can't leave him! He won't let her do that!

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