Cohabitation With My Ex-Husband

Chapter 343 Title Is Spoiler

Chapter 343 Title Is Spoiler

"Where are the kids?" asked Anna, looking around to find the three kids. She even looked up at the balcony outside which had a swimming pool. Her facial expression was worried.

Did Michael let them play outside?

"They're taking a nap," Michael said when he saw the worried look on Anna's face.

"Ohh…" Anna breathed a sigh of relief. From where she was, she could see that Michael's pool was quite deep. It was very dangerous for the kids to play near it.

"Where did you let them sleep? I guess I'll just go with Sienna," answered Anna who didn't want to linger here because she and Michael were the only ones at home.

If Sarah had been there, she might have stayed longer.

It's not that Anna still had feelings for Michael, but it just didn't feel right to be alone with him. After all, there was nothing they could talk about.

Michael just nodded and then walked towards his kids's room which was not far there.

He slowly opened the door and went inside and let Anna in.

"Kyaa!" Anna screamed softly while covering her mouth when she saw the three kids sleeping together with Sienna in the middle of the twins.

It wasn't the first time she'd seen them in that position, but it still made them look cute.

"Can I take a picture of them?" Anna asked, turning to Michael. She wanted to capture this moment.

After all, this was Michael's house and the twins were his kids. So Anna wanted to be polite to the man.

"Sure," said Michael, who was okay with that.

He knew what Anna was thinking, because he had taken that picture before too.

Anna then began to take them from various angles that she thought were good.

"Oh yeah, can I upload this photo on my social media account?" Anna asked again, asking Michael's permission.

She really wanted to share the moment with her followers on social media, but she knew that the Twins were still kids, and she had to ask their parents' permission first. In this case, it is Michael.

"You uploaded a photo of your daughter on your social media account?" Michael asked back. The expression on his face looked surprised by that fact.

After he thought about it again, when he searched Anna's social media accounts, he did see a photo of Sienna there.

Anna nodded.

"Yes. I want to show people that I already have a husband and have a daughter. You know, sometimes they think I'm still in my twenties and single," Anna said confidently.

Michael snorted at the narcissistic tone emitted by the woman.

"I'm telling the truth! Well… I know you might want a private life with your kids. I appreciate that, but I prefer it this way. My husband is also active on social media, he often comments on my photos," said Anna, giving too much information.

Michael was silent when he heard that. He knew that Anna was actually a bit chatty when they were dating, but it seems that she became more chatty when she got married.

"So can I upload it?" asked Anna again because Michael had not answered.

"Suit yourself," replied Michael who had absolutely no problem with that.

He did have a problem with the account @fallen_angel4869 who posted photos of his kids without permission, but because Anna asked his permission first, he's fine with it.

So Michael thanks Anna for appreciating him and asks his permission.

Anna's fingers then looked busy on her cellphone, like she was doing something. After she finished, the woman put her cellphone back into her bag and immediately took Sienna who was still asleep.

"Be careful..." Michael said when he saw that the little boy could fall, but Anna's hand quickly moved.

"I'm good at it, okay?" Anna said with a smile, but her voice sounded a little sarcastic.

Michael snorted after hearing that, then followed Anna who got out of the room first.

"Then I'll go first. Thank you very much. Give my regards to Sarah."

Michael just nodded then opened the door for Anna.

Until Anna finally got on the elevator and the elevator doors closed, Michael never took his eyes off her. However, it was not Anna he saw, but Sienna.

There was a feeling of sadness in his heart when he saw the little girl leave. Even though he had only looked after her for a few hours, it felt like he already had an emotional bond with her.

Moreover, the little girl often suddenly walked up to him while playing with the twins and smiled at him.

Michael sighed when Anna finally left. He then closed the door and returned to the sofa, sitting back there with his eyes closed.

He's tired.


Michael opened his eyes slowly, he seemed to have fallen asleep. When he opened his eyes. He saw Sarah walking slowly towards her room.

"Sarah," Michael called softly, still half awake.

Sarah, who was walking like a thief, turned her head when she heard that.

"Ah! Did I wake you up?" Sarah asked guiltily.

When she had just arrived, she saw Michael was sleeping with a tired look on his face, so Sarah decided to act like a thief. However, he seemed to have woken the man up anyway.

Michael shook his head.

"You can continue your sleep," Sarah replied with a smile and then walked back to her room to change her clothes.

When Sarah's hand touched the door of her room, Sarah suddenly felt something heavy on her back, and a hand wrapped around her stomach.

Sarah then immediately turned around, and she immediately met Michael's face leaning on her shoulder.

"Michael! What are you doing!" said Sarah and then tried to release Michael's hand on her stomach.

Sarah's head then turned left and right, looking for her two kids who could see them at any moment.josei

"They're sleeping," Michael muttered under his breath when he realized Sarah was looking for her kids. He hugged her tighter.

"Please let me be like this for a while. I'm charging up my energy," he continued again as Sarah was still forced to let go of his hand.

Sarah snorted when she heard that, but her lips involuntarily formed a smile. She hadn't heard those words in a long time.

It seemed Michael was really exhausted from having to look after three kids.

Sarah's hand that had been trying to free Michael's hand immediately stopped. One hand remained on Michael's hand, then one hand tried to grab Michael's head and stroke his hair.

"You did a great job," Sarah replied softly.

Michael who was burying his face in Sarah's shoulder smiled when he sensed Sarah's changed attitude. He then raised his head and looked at the woman.

"Really?" asked Michael, who wanted to hear Sarah's compliment again.

"Yes. Anna texted me a photo of the kids sleeping. They can sleep like that because of you doing a good job," Sarah replied looking at Michael.

Michael smiled at that.

"Then can I ask for a present? Because I did a good job?" asked Michael in a childlike tone.

Sarah snorted at that, but a smile appeared on her face.

"What do you want?" Sarah asked, wanting to know what the man wanted.

Well… she's working now and has money. If Michael wanted something cheap that she could afford, Sarah would buy it for him.

Come to think of it, she had never given a present to Michael since they had been living together again. Meanwhile, Michael not only gave presents to kids, but also gave her the present that money couldn't even buy.

"Kiss on the lips?" Michael asked, looking at her with a grin on his face.

"You are trying your luck too much!" said Sarah while lightly hitting Michael's face.

It left Sarah caught off guard. She didn't think at all that the present Michael wanted was something like that.

She had forgotten that Michael was a total pervert!

"Why?" said Michael, pouting his lips. "You know I work really hard. I changed Sienna's diaper, made food for her, and even played with the three of them," he continued with pouty lips.

Sarah opened her mouth when she heard that.

"You made food for Sienna?" asked Sarah, who couldn't believe it.

Changing diapers was also something Sarah couldn't believe, but what surprised her even more was that Michael made food for the little girl.

"Of course! Raphael even looked after me in the kitchen. Looks like he's worried I'll start a fire. Then Gabriel commented on the dissimilar strawberry slices!" share Michael in a half-sulked tone.

Sarah chuckled at that. Well… she could imagine her kids acting like that. Especially Gabriel who commented on the strawberry slices.

"I even washed the dishes. Look! The kitchen is so clean!" said Michael, still in a sulky tone then turned to the kitchen.

Sarah followed Michael's gaze and could see that there were no dirty dishes in the sink. A smile appeared on Sarah's face. It seems Michael really worked hard.

"Okay," Sarah said suddenly, then let go of Michael's hand that was still hugging her stomach.

Michael was a little taken aback by that, not realizing that Sarah would suddenly let go of his arms.

However, Michael was surprised again when he felt a hand suddenly wrap around his neck, and something soft against his lips.

Chapter 343: Charging Up Energy

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