Cold Husband, Don't Seduce Me

Chapter 1035

Chapter 1035

She didn't know what this island was called, but anyone who came here would definitely like it.

This island is so beautiful...

It was isolated from the world, left the world and independent. It always made people feel at peace and at ease, and also made people's hearts feel that there was a pure land here.

The weather here is about 28 degrees every year, which is very comfortable...

Since she was able to recuperate here, it was undoubtedly the best.

Unfortunately, ever since she had woken up and told her a few things, in the following days, no matter how hard she tried to question Linda, Linda never revealed anything more to her. She only said that if she wanted to know about the situation, she had to take care of her body as soon as possible.

In order to learn everything from Linda as soon as possible, and in order to return to H City to find Dan Yan as soon as possible, she didn't hesitate in the slightest, and spent every day diligently following the doctor's orders to recuperate her body.

Unfortunately, this recovery process was not as easy as she had imagined. Her body would need some time before it could recover completely.

Thus, for most of the time on the island, she could only stay in Linda's villa. Through the gigantic window on the ground, she looked out at the sunlight, the beach and the palm trees, filling every day for her felt like a century of time ??

Fortunately, during the last time Linda examined her, she was finally declared to have recovered.

In that moment, before Linda could remove the stethoscope from her ears, she had already sat up from the sickbed, anxiously pulling at Linda's hands, "Can you tell me what happened after I fainted?"

Linda put the stethoscope back into her pocket, looked at her, and said, "Su Mo, if you want to know the truth, you should go back first ?? When you see Dan Yan, you will understand. "

He thought that he would leave this world, but he didn't expect that he would still be able to survive ??

He thought that he had opened his eyes yesterday, but who would have thought that it was already more than a month later ??

All of this was inconceivable, but the repeated pinching of the flesh on her body caused her to be able to confirm that there was no doubt about it.

But what had happened?

Why did she wake up and the first person she saw when she opened her eyes was not Dan Yan?

How could he not be with her?

How could he have gone back to H City alone and left her here?

Unfortunately, Linda obviously would not explain all of this to her. Previously, Linda said that she would tell her the truth once she recovered.

But to return to H City and see Dan Yan, that was indeed what she wanted to do the most.

She also wanted to see her two children ??

In the half a month that she had spent waking up, she had constantly been thinking about her two children.

"How can I leave this island?" she asked.

She knew that only Private Aircraft could leave the island.

Linda answered, "My Private Aircraft can send you out of the island."


Even though Linda had not told her everything, it was clear that her life was saved by Linda, and she already owed Linda a favor. At this moment, she did not forget to express her gratitude, "Thank you for everything ?? Linda, I will forever remember your help. "

Linda said calmly, "There is no need to thank me, everything I do is just to carry out your orders."

She knew that the person Linda was referring to was Guan Yumo, and she felt extremely grateful, "If I have the chance, I will definitely thank the Boss Guan myself."

Linda did not speak further.

"I want to borrow your phone." When Linda was about to leave the sickroom, she begged again.

She knew that there were no facilities on this island to communicate with the outside world, but Linda's private phone was fine.

Linda turned around and looked at her with a complicated gaze. You want to contact Dan Yan? "

She nodded. "I borrowed your cell phone the day I woke up. You said that you would lend it to me when I recovered ??" Now that I have recovered, can you lend me your phone? "

"Sorry, Su Mo ?? I didn't tell you everything, and naturally I won't lend you my phone. If you want to know everything, please go back to China and find out for yourself! "


She wanted to ask, but unfortunately, Linda took the initiative to leave, and did not have any leeway.

She looked at Linda's leaving figure with extreme helplessness, and could only place all her hope after returning home.

The next morning, after bidding farewell to Linda, she rode on Linda's Private Aircraft and left the beautiful island.

On the plane, she still couldn't believe it was all true. From time to time, she would pinch herself, afraid she was dreaming.

When she didn't feel any adverse reactions on the plane, she was certain that she had indeed recovered. It seemed that after almost all these months of recuperation, her body was already in a better condition than before ??

When she thought about how she could finally follow Dan Yan and watch the two children grow up, her heart filled with endless emotions ??

In the end, the heavens still favored her.

Although she had done many wrong things, the heavens had still blessed her.

She could finally see Dan Yan proposing marriage to her. She could finally recite the marriage oath in front of the priest with Dan Yan.

Thinking of this, her heart was extremely excited.

She hoped that the plane could fly faster, so that she could reach H City as soon as possible and meet the people she wanted to meet ??

Finally, the plane successfully arrived at the private airport of H City International Airport. She also successfully left the airport and headed towards Sheemie Group.

She could not believe that she would be able to see Dan Yan soon, but the sunlight shining on the carriage along the way proved that all of this was real ?? josei

Her heart was thumping hard. She was anticipating that the moment she saw Dan Yan, she would hug him tightly without letting go for even a second, even under the company's watchful eyes.

The taxi stopped at the entrance of Sheemie Group.

She saw that everything in the group was in order, and she felt very comforted in her heart.

It seemed that all of the operations of the Sheemie Group had already been normal and the haze had dispersed. She and Dan Yan's future was just like today's sunlight, they would definitely be very brilliant ??

Thinking about that, she took a deep breath and walked into the Sheemie Group.

She had originally thought that when she walked into the Sheemie Group, there would definitely be a Front Desk Miss or a security guard who would come to welcome her, because they would definitely be able to recognize her. After all, Dan Yan had already brought her into the company multiple times when the company was in danger.

When she walked into the company, the security guards and Front Desk Miss looked at her with complicated gazes.

She felt suspicious and could only walk up to Front Desk Miss and politely ask, "May I ask if Dan Yan is in the office?"

Unexpectedly, Front Desk Miss started to stutter. She didn't reply to her in the slightest and only said, "Eh ??" Miss Su... "Ugh ??" Boss Dan, he ?? I'm afraid it would be inconvenient for me to see you now. "

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