Cold Husband, Don't Seduce Me

Chapter 1246

Chapter 1246

She didn't understand why Lu Jingzhi had chosen her to be a substitute for her "foster father".

Could it be that he had wanted to take revenge on the fact that she had disobeyed his wishes and gave birth to a whole heart. So when he found out that Situ Jing was his foster father, in order to protect Situ Jing, he thought of a way to kill two birds with one stone?

Maybe it's true...

Why else would he be so cruel to her?

But why did he have to protect Situ Jing like this? What kind of relationship did he have with Situ Jing?


Satan's voice pulled Ji Sixi's train of thoughts back to reality. She looked up and saw a plate of salad in Satan's hands, and she said indifferently, "I told you that I won't accept your kindness."

"Satan sat down opposite her, his lips curving into a smile." I told you, I don't need you to thank me. " With that, he placed the salad in front of her.

Ji Sixi who did not eat at night was indeed hungry, but it was a pity that she did not have any appetite, so she still picked up the plate.

"Seeing Ji Sixi eating the salad, Satan's face revealed a satisfied smile. "Actually, you are stronger than I thought you were. I thought you would be so sad that you couldn't eat it."

Ji Sixi replied in a bland voice, "I just can't do anything yet, I don't know how my parents and Sen Senyuan are doing right now ??"

Satan frowned and looked down at Ji Sixi. From what you're saying, you're still pla

ing to go back and find your parents and nephew? "

"I won't ignore them for my own sake." After saying that, Ji Sixi swiftly put a mouthful of salad into her mouth.

"But you should know, Lu Jingzhi's people might be waiting there!" Satan growled.

Ji Sixi looked at Satan coldly. Even if his people were waiting there, I would still go there. I would never let them hurt my parents in the slightest. "

"Satan's eyes narrowed slightly as he looked at her slyly." You are now under my control and I am not letting you leave. Do you really think you can leave? "

Ji Sixi slowly chewed on the salad that she could not taste and placed the plate down. Then, she looked at Satan and responded, "Do you think you can stop me?"

From Ji Sixi's eyes, Satan could tell that he was determined to die.

He knew very well that if he really stopped her, she might be threatening him with her life.

He didn't dare to take the risk ??

At this moment, her heart was in disarray. It wasn't that she couldn't do such a thing.

And if something happened to her, he would definitely regret it.

But should he break her stubbor


"How about this, I will save your parents and Sen." Satan growled.

Ji Sixi said indifferently, "I will take care of my own matters."

"Satan's dark eyes shone with a cold, knowing light." Your method of handling it is like sending a sheep into a tiger's den! "

"This has nothing to do with you!" Ji Sixi spat out without a trace of warmth.

"Satan's heart skipped a beat, but he did not show it on his face." Then how about I discuss a deal with you? "

He knew that she would not give in to force.

Ji Sixi looked at the sky which had already darkened. "What kind of deal?"

"If you don't go save your parents, and let me help you save them, I guarantee that your parents and nephew will be saved safe and sound. As long as you are willing to listen to me, I can tell you the reason why Lu Jingzhi is doing this to you!" Satan said with a straight face.

Ji Sixi's eyes suddenly darkened as she looked at Satan. Do you know the reason why Lu Jingzhi is doing this to me? "

"I naturally do not know about this yet, but I will contact my sister later on. She must also know the reason behind Lu Jingzhi's actions."

She had to admit that Satan knew how to capture people's hearts ??

He was very clear that she wanted to know the reason why Lu Jingzhi treated her in such a ma

er the most.


She wanted to know, she wanted to know why he was treating her like that ??

Ji Sixi withdrew her eyes in grief. How do I know if you can get my parents back safely? "

"Satan looked at her lovingly." I know that I lost in a confrontation with Lu Jingzhi, and this makes you feel that my ability is far inferior to his. But I will prove to you that I lost to Lu Jingzhi earlier because of my carelessness, so in the coming days, you will know just how capable I am. "

"Just based on the promise you gave me from your mouth, I won't agree to it, because I won't take my parents and nephew's lives as a joke." Even if she really wanted to know the reason behind Lu Jingzhi's actions towards her, she couldn't ignore the lives of her parents and her nephew.

"I don't need you to give me more time. I only need you to give me one day." Satan, looking deeply at her, said confidently.

"One day?" Ji Sixi whispered.

"I believe that Lu Jingzhi will give it to you in a day. After all, he wanted to lure you out, so he wouldn't be so impatient, so tomorrow, I will go save your parents. If I am unable to bring your parents safely to you at night, it wouldn't be too late for you to contact Lu Jingzhi then ??"

After thinking about it, Ji Sixi decided to make this deal with Satan. josei

On one hand, she thought Satan's analysis was correct. Lu Jingzhi wouldn't do anything to her parents and nephew within the next twenty-four hours. On the other hand, she really wanted to know the reason behind Lu Jingzhi's treatment of her.

In the next second, Ji Sixi gave Satan a reply, "Okay."

At this moment, Satan's tense face relaxed a lot.

Ji Sixi's gaze once again returned to the dark sky. His eyes lost their usual brightness, and became somewhat dull.

At this moment, the wind brushed past Ji Sixi's thin body, causing her long hair to flutter slightly.

Satan took off his windbreaker and draped it over Ji Sixi's body. Then, he looked at the distant horizon with her.

"To be honest, in the days I followed Lu Jingzhi, I didn't feel that he had any feelings for you at all."

The reason why he was saying this right now was not because he wanted to speak up for Lu Jingzhi, but because he was afraid that she would be too immersed in his grief.

Although she looked very strong, he knew clearly that a strong person was only able to conceal their emotions more than the average person.

Of course, his words of consolation were not all for the sake of consolation, but he also spoke out the true feelings in his heart.

"Facts have proven that he was only acting well." Ji Sixi spat out lightly, and a faint smirk appeared on her face.

"But sometimes you can't judge by the surface. Perhaps he has his own difficulties." Satan said.

Ji Sixi laughed softly, "Enough, you don't have to comfort me anymore. Because for the sake of my parents and Se, I definitely won't let anything happen to myself, so you don't have to worry that I won't let things go wrong because of Lu Jingzhi ??"

Actually, her heart was as clear as a mirror right now. Lu Jingzhi did not love her at all ??

If he had loved her, how could he have ordered his men to point guns at her head?

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