Cold Husband, Don't Seduce Me

Chapter 1251

Chapter 1251

Ji's father suddenly asked in a low voice, "Sixi, what happened between you and Lu Jingzhi? How did it become like this? Also, how did you end up like this... It was Satan who saved us, but I did not forget the fire that burned me to death. "

"Dad, I'll explain it to you slowly ??" Right now, the most important thing is your safety. " It wasn't that Ji Sixi didn't want to explain things to her parents, it was just that she didn't have the time to explain in detail right now.

"Alright, then we'll talk about it when we meet." Ji's father knew that the situation was grim and did not say anymore.


After a night, just as Lu Jingzhi walked into his office, his phone rang.

The secretary was about to place the documents for today, but seeing Lu Jingzhi's signal for her to step down, he quickly left.

Lu Jingzhi did not slow down until he was seated behind his desk. Then, he pressed the button to answer the call.

This call was made by Mu Ni.

"I heard Satan saved the Ji couple?"

Lu Jingzhi leaned back in his chair, his thin lips calmly speaking, "I was just about to call you guys to let you know."

"Your men have always been reliable when doing things, so why did they make such a big mistake this time? Even if they couldn't catch Satan, they wouldn't have allowed Satan rescue the Ji couple right? " Mu Ni raised a question.

This was all within Lu Jingzhi's expectations. Thus, he indifferently said, "They can indeed keep the Ji couple here. I was the one who ordered the Ji couple to be released ??"

"Why is that?" Mu Ni asked.

"Yesterday, the butler kidnapped my daughter when he was playing outside with Satan. I personally went to save my daughter, and even though I suffered some injuries, I was still unable to save my heart ?? So I had to make a deal with Satan, and the condition that Satan let my daughter go was to let the Ji couple go. "

When Mu Ni heard this, he fell into silence.

Lu Jingzhi raised his eyebrows and asked, "What, are you doubting what I said?"

"I won't question you. I'm just thinking that if the Ji couple is saved, all the chips that foster father can use will disappear from our hands ??" Mu Ni said in a serious tone.

"Don't worry about that ??" Since it was my carelessness that caused us to lose the opportunity to catch Satan and our foster father, I will definitely think of a way to find them ?? In short, since this matter is to be handled by me, I will definitely give Dark Angel a satisfactory answer. " Lu Jingzhi promised with a straight face.

"The key thing is to obtain the Satan's Tissue's keepsake. Like this, the Satan's Tissue will become a piece of loose sand, and will no longer be a threat to the Dark Angel." Mu Ni warned in a serious voice.

"I know, I will definitely bring this token to headquarters." Lu Jingzhi said.


Mu Ni then ended the call.

Lu Jingzhi placed the phone on the table, looked at his arm that was intentionally injured with a dark expression, and fell into deep thought.

Ji Sixi's apprehension finally came to an end ??

Seeing that her parents and the dense forest of safety had arrived in front of this quiet little house, Ji Sixi cried tears of joy.

The Ji couple also extended their arms to hug Ji Sixi tightly, afraid that this was just a dream ??

Until one of Satan's subordinates shouted, "Old Ji, Miss Ji... Satan has instructed you all to leave as soon as possible, because the people of the Boss Lu may already have caught up, and this is no longer a safe place. "

Only then did Ji Sixi and the Ji couple let go. However, Ji's father did not give Satan's subordinates a good look, and only coldly said, "We will leave if we have feet, so there is no need to trouble others." josei

When Satan's subordinates heard this, they looked at Ji Sixi in distress.

Ji Sixi then gently stroked Ji's father's back, and said seriously, "Father, please believe me, I did not forget that Satan previously wanted to kill you, but now is not the time to vent his anger, because if we do not rely on Satan, we ca

ot leave Germany!"

Ji's Mother, who was holding tightly to his hands, nodded, "Old Ji, if it wasn't for Satan's help, I'm afraid we wouldn't have been able to leave China ?? "So what Sixi says now is right. We can talk about Satan later, but leaving now is the most important thing."

Ji's father did not continue to be stubborn, the cold expression on his face turned gentle, but said in a deep voice, "What happened between you and Lu Jingzhi, why did such an earth-shaking change suddenly happen?"

Just as Ji Sixi wanted to answer her father, Satan's voice suddenly sounded at this time. "Because Lu Jingzhi has never loved Sixi, so she has always been using Sixi."

When Ji's father heard this, he froze in place. Ji's Mother was also very surprised, he could not believe this fact.

"Is this true?" Ji's Mother stared at Ji Sixi and asked.

Ji Sixi knew that she would have to explain this to her parents sooner or later, thus she closed her eyes and slightly adjusted her mental state before saying, "Satan is right, Lu Jingzhi has never loved me, he has always been scheming against me ??"

"How could this be?" Ji's Mother shook his head in disbelief.

Ji Sixi slowly said, "I am not sure of the reason behind his scheme against me ?? "All I know is that I found out in C City that he was deceived by him. He intentionally lured me back to Germany, and in Germany, he had already arranged for a dead end for me ??"

Ji's father was immediately angered. "This bastard ?? I originally thought that he was sincere to you, and didn't even care about Si Lin's matter, but I didn't think that he would ?? "

Seeing that the color of Ji Sixi's face was gradually fading, Ji's Mother shook his head, signalling him to stop talking. Only then did Ji's father stop his words.

Ji Sixi said apologetically: "It's my fault that my knowledge is unclear, causing my parents to flee for their lives with me ??"

The Ji's Mother held Ji Sixi's shoulders and consoled him in a soft voice, "Fool, you are our daughter, how can you not be tired ?? "Now that our family is together and we're fine, that's enough!"

The Ji's father nodded in agreement.

Ji Sixi immediately looked to Satan. "I have a few words I want to say to him alone. Get in the car first, I'll come back later ??"

"Alright." Ji's Mother said.

After the Ji couple got on the carriage, Ji Sixi finally came in front of Satan.

Having heard Satan's weak voice on her cell phone a dozen hours ago, she knew that he was badly hurt, and she had not expected him to remain unscathed in front of her.

She spoke in a deep voice, "You told me before, as long as I don't go back to C City to save my parents, you would tell me why Lu Jingzhi plotted against me ?? Now can you tell me? "

He had supported himself with his extremely weak body in order to protect her in all aspects. He never thought that the first question she would ask after Lu Jingzhi was not about his injuries, but Lu Jingzhi. Satan's heart was very downcast, even though he would never change his mind about protecting her. "It seems like you still care about him. Otherwise, you know the reason behind this is meaningless ??"

Ji Sixi looked at Satan's dark eyes. Please don't go back on your word. "

Of course she cared, how could she not ??

Her heart was filled with such hatred, such discomfort, such obstruction, such pain ??

How could she not know why he had hurt her so?

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