Cold Husband, Don't Seduce Me

Chapter 1270

Chapter 1270

"He has already left?" Satan was surprised.

"Yes." Ji Sixi turned her head to look back, only to realize that Lu Jingzhi's car was no longer in his line of sight.

"He just brought his heart to meet with you?" Satan asked again in a questioning tone.

"It seems so now, but I don't think he would be so kind. He must have some ulterior motives, but I just can't guess what he wants to do." Ji Sixi said lightly. God knows how sad she felt at the moment. She wished she could be by her side forever. josei

"No matter what intentions he has, I'm already worried about leaving you in New Zealand ?? "How about this, I'll head over now to pick you up. Only by bringing you to my side can I be at ease." Satan said.

Ji Sixi seemed to only just come back to her senses, her voice paused for a second, "You want me to give up my job in New Zealand?"

"Yes, originally, I only wanted you to pass the time for this job. But now that your whereabouts have been exposed, I might as well bring you with me ??" Satan said seriously.

"But this studio has put in a lot of effort, I don't want to give up ??" Ji Sixi replied truthfully.

"I know, but I really don't trust you to stay in New Zealand. After all, your whereabouts have been exposed ??" "Since we are about to get married, why don't you come to my side earlier?" Satan said softly.

Ji Sixi suddenly turned silent.

"What's wrong?" Satan asked.

Ji Sixi said, "I know you're right, but I feel that it's a pity that I have to give up my current job ??"

"Sixi ??" Satan tried to persuade her.

How could that be? Ji Sixi interrupted Satan's words, "Stop talking, I understand everything you say. I'll listen to you."

Surprised, Satan happily asked, "Are you really willing to listen to me?"

Ji Sixi said snappily, "Do you really think that I don't know what a sinister villain Lu Jingzhi is? He seems to have only come to see me with a heart. Who knows if he has a knife in his back? I won't be tricked by him again! "

"Alright, then I'll leave now to pick you up. Have your aunts and uncles prepare everything for you, and don't worry about the studio. I'll send someone to inform your assistant."

"Alright, I'll go straight home now."

"Okay, be careful on the road ??" Even though my people are protecting you, you still have to be careful. " Satan explained caringly.


When the Ji couple learned that they would be leaving the New Zealand town that they had already adapted to in more than ten hours, they all felt a little sad.

Seeing his parents' disappointed look, Ji Sixi soothed them, "I know that you all are worried about a new environment and can't get used to it, but I know that Yong will definitely think things through. So don't worry, the new environment we are going to is definitely better than this."

Ji's Mother sighed helplessly, "I don't know what kind of evil our master did in his previous life, that's why I, Sixi, met this bastard in my current life ??"

"Stop talking, hurry up and pack up ??" Satan is right, Lu Jingzhi's appearance is definitely not simple. Ji's father said.

Ji's Mother nodded and went to pack his luggage.

"I'll go and help mom clean up too!" Ji Sixi said.

Unexpectedly, Ji's father suddenly called out to her, "Sixi ??"

Ji Sixi turned around. Seeing that his father's expression was somewhat complicated, she then realized that his father was just leaving his mother behind on purpose.

"Dad, what's wrong?" Ji Sixi asked.

Ji's father suddenly gave an exquisite small square box to Ji Sixi.

Ji Sixi took the small box, and at the same time asked in confusion, "What is this?"

Ji's father said, "Open it first."

Ji Sixi frowned, then pulled out the butterfly knot on the square box, and in the next second, she saw that inside the box laid a somewhat deformed and beautiful diamond necklace. It had obviously been through many years, but the radiance of the diamond was still as bright as ever.

Ji Sixi gently lifted the necklace with her slender fingers and asked, "Dad, this necklace is ??"

The Ji's father then said, "It belongs to your mother."

Hearing that, Ji Sixi fiercely shook her head and looked at his father in shock. "Dad ??" Her throat suddenly became hoarse and she choked before she continued, "Tell me ?? Is this my mother's necklace? " She knew that what her father was saying about her mother at the moment was a sign of joy.

The Ji's father nodded his head and said seriously, "This was a token of love that Qin Housheng once sent to your mother. Your mother always wore it."

Ji Sixi's gaze froze for a moment before she asked, "Father, didn't you say that you and mother didn't leave any possessions of your mother here?"

"We didn't find your mother's treasure, so we didn't find this necklace." The Ji's father explained.

Ji Sixi was suspicious, "Then ??"

Ji's father said, "I found this in my mailbox today... I don't know who sent the package, but at first I thought it was sent wrongly, since we have never contacted anyone from the past here, so it is impossible for anyone to send a parcel to us, but the contents of the package is Ji Sixi's. "

Ji Sixi was stu


The Ji's father continued to speak, "We have to know how your mother died that year, but there is one thing that we know very clearly, your mother's remnants can't possibly be in someone else's hands. They can only be in the hands of your father, Qin Housheng ??"

"Is that so?" Ji Sixi said.

"I remember Qin Housheng told us when he informed us of Xin Yue's death. He personally saw Xin Yue die in front of him, so all of Xin Yue's remnants should be with your father ??"

Ji Sixi stuttered, "Then daddy, what do you mean is..."

She already had a guess in her heart, but she didn't dare to say it out loud. She was worried that it was just her whimsical thoughts.

"Unexpectedly, Ji's father said what she was thinking. I'm starting to suspect that Qin Housheng isn't dead now, because other than him, there's no one else that might have your mother's remnants ?? I understand Qin Housheng, he loves your mother so much and it's impossible for him not to keep your mother's things by his side. "

Ji Sixi's heart instantly became very unsettled. In order to maintain her calm mind, she closed her eyes. But how could he still be alive? "

"Even though we haven't heard from him for over twenty years, it doesn't mean that he has already left this world."

Only then did Ji Sixi open her eyes, she stared at the deformed diamond necklace in her hand blankly, and said calmly, "Satan has said before, Qin Housheng died in the hands of the Dark Angel, at that time, the Dark Angel's leader was extremely ruthless, he clearly knew that Qin Housheng who betrayed the Satan's Tissue will betray the Dark Angel sooner or later, so he sent people to assassinate Qin Housheng ??"

"Perhaps this is just a rumor ??" Ji's father said.

Ji Sixi said lightly, "I know that this might be a rumor. Especially the appearance of this diamond necklace, it has further confirmed that Qin Housheng might still be alive ?? But if he's still alive, why hasn't he come to see me in twenty-seven years? "

"This ??" Ji's father was unable to answer for a moment.

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