Cold Husband, Don't Seduce Me

Chapter 496

Chapter 496

Gu Qingyou did not clearly hear what Jiang Jun said. She was still surprised that would appear ??

She thought he was gone...

They even felt that it was going to end like this...

Jiang Jun walked step by step from the shadow of the light behind him, and got closer and closer to her.

Instinctively, she wanted to run.

She didn't want to face him...

She felt very ashamed, very down and out. josei

He had left proudly before, but now he was in tears.

She didn't want him to see her in such a fragile state...

However, the moment she turned around and was about to escape, Jiang Jun extended her long legs and easily caught her, a pregnant woman with a big belly.

"Let me go ??"

"Where are you going?" Jiang Jun squinted her eyes, and looked at her seriously, her entire body emitting a domineering aura that could not be refused.

She tried to pull his arm away, to free herself from him.

"I'm going to the Aunt Shu ?? "When you get the lawyer to settle the agreement, I'll come and find you." she asked in a pleading tone.

At this moment, she really didn't want to face him. She only wanted to be like a snail, retracting back into her shell.

"I just want you to give me a few days to explain to my family that I don't have any other requests." she said seriously.

Whatever he wanted to talk to her about now, she wasn't in the mood.

Jiang Jun was very calm, she squinted her eyes and stared at her: "You still haven't answered my question just now."

"What problem?" she asked hoarsely.

"Even though I don't think he's suitable, I can't let go of him. What should I do?"

She looked up into his serious eyes, and for a split-second, her chest surged with emotions that made her throat choke ??

"I don't understand what you mean ??"

"You're so smart. You know what I'm talking about." Jiang Jun said in a domineering tone.

She avoided Jiang Jun's gaze that was fixated on her. You can tell me exactly what you want to say. " She did not think he was trying to keep her, because he had just said they were unsuitable, and he did not know how they were going to go on.

Jiang Jun stared at her sharply, "I only want the answer to your question."

"If you really want me to answer, I can only say that... You are unfortunate, but giving up is the right thing to do. " she said bitterly, maintaining her last shred of self-esteem.

Jiang Jun began to remain silent.

"Now can you let me go?"

"And if I don't?" Jiang Jun looked at her deeply.

"What do you want?" "Her tears flowed uncontrollably out of her eyes as she pleaded with her voice." "Like I said, I'll do whatever you want. I just want you to give me two to three days ??" She bit her lip and tried to plead.

Even though she yearned for a chance to manage this relationship, she didn't have the courage to tell him that she had failed him ??

"You're going to give me up?" Jiang Jun asked, stubbornly pulling her hand and hugging her waist.

"You're the one who said we're not suitable ??" she corrected him, pressing her hands against his chest and begi

ing to struggle feebly.

"Don't cry." he whispered to her.

She obediently lifted her hand to wipe away the tears on her face. However, the tears continued to fall silently. I am not a weak person, so please don't mind my tears, they will stop eventually. " "No," she said.

"Damn it, don't you know that a pregnant woman's tears will be bad for her eyesight?" Jiang Jun frowned as she cast a low curse.

She froze in place. Was he concerned about her now?

"I don't know what you're thinking of doing, Jiang Jun ??"

Her mind was too muddled to process any thoughts.

"I'm giving you a chance to answer the question I asked you earlier." Jiang Jun said coldly. I can't let you go, what should I do? "

"What did you say?" Her mouth dropped open as she stared at him.

"For you, I abandoned my former lover and spent four years of my life. I even forsaken my life for you ?? Now you want me to give you up? " he asked coldly, as if she had done something heinous.

What did he want her to say?

She had already told him she was sorry ??

Did he want her to apologize?

"I'm sorry ??"

"Can a single apology solve the problem that I have to pay for you?" Jiang Jun said coldly.

"Just what do you want ??" "She doesn't understand." or Jiang Jun, just tell me straight out, how are you going to be satisfied? "

Jiang Jun stared at her, her mouth curving into a smile, "Compensation that I paid for you in the past."

"How do you want me to make it up?" she asked.

"Let me be happy."

"Tell me, what do I need to do to make you happy?"

"There are scars on my back and shoulders that have shielded you from guns and knives. These scars will always remind me of what I have done to you, and they will make me feel bad. If you can erase my wounds, I will let you go ??"

In her mind, she began to play the bits and pieces of their experience together. Her tears fell unrestrainedly once again as she choked with sobs, "You know that's impossible. I've spent my entire life trying to make those scars disappear ??"

Jiang Jun stared at her, her gaze as sharp as a falcon's.

Her eyes glazed over for a moment.

"I've told you before, my world isn't a place where you can just come and go as you please!" "If you want to leave me irresponsibly like this, I will catch you no matter where you go!"

She was completely dumbfounded.

What he meant was ??

Her mind was in a state of chaos, her ears were buzzing, and an unknown fever was rising in her chest. She held her breath.

As before, Jiang Jun tyra

ically grabbed her hand, hugged his waist and said in a deep voice, "Now, tell me the answer to that question."

She slowly lowered her head and mumbled, "Then I will give him a little more time to do better than this ??" And I guarantee that in the future, the other party will not disappoint you. "

"Are you serious?" Jiang Jun's voice suddenly became very gentle.

"Yes, I promise." She spat out firmly, then raised her head and looked at him with eyes that no longer avoided him.

Jiang Jun raised a hand and caressed her ice-cold face that was drenched with tears. Now, do you know what sort of person I am? "

Feeling the heat in his palm, she sniffed. "All I know is that you love me."

Jiang Jun released the hand that was shackling her, as if she knew that she would no longer choose to escape at this moment, and gently held her face.

She looked at him and knew she was ugly in her tears, but she didn't care.

"Believe me ??" Jiang Jun held her face, although her movements were tyra

ical, they were extremely gentle, as though she was cherishing a treasure. Believe in the person you love, and he will never do anything that will disappoint you. "

Guilt and guilt welled up in her chest. "I'm sorry ??"

Jiang Jun shook his head, and said with a coarse voice, "You know that what I want to hear is not this ??"

"I will spend the rest of my life fulfilling my promise to you."

"What else?" Jiang Jun said in an alluring tone.

"I love you."

Then, Jiang Jun lowered her head and kissed her ??

Her hesitant hands slowly tightened around him.

On the night of the romantic golf course, they had never kissed as deeply as they did now.

It was as if he wanted to merge the other party into his bones ??

In a grass cart on a golf course not far from Jiang Jun and Gu Qingyou, Mu Ying's tears fell like pearls from a broken string.

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