Cold Husband, Don't Seduce Me

Chapter 537

Chapter 537

Gu Qingyou did not understand. "What do you mean?"

Jiang Jun released Gu Qingyou and walked straight to the crib, looked at the baby who was staring at the ceiling with his big eyes and said, "You may not know this, but Dark Angel has a set of rules, and it is not that Guan Yumo wants to be my enemy, but she has to take the other leaders into consideration. If we are to deal with the losses that I will bring to Dark Angel, do you think the other leaders will agree?"

Gu Qingyou looked at Jiang Jun. You mean you think that Guan Yumo does not dare to truly deal with you, because the benefits to your Dark Angel are involved? "

Jiang Jun gently held the baby's hand, her face filled with love and love. It's not because I involve the interests of Dark Angel, but because Dark Angel legally operates a financial company in Europe and is currently facing a crisis of bankruptcy. I have a way to bring this company back to life. "

"Gu Qingyou is not stupid, at this moment, she understood what Jiang Jun meant." So you think the other leaders of Dark Angel will not allow Guan Yumo to take care of you, because you can help their financial company? "

The corner of Jiang Jun's mouth hooked up, "Of course ?? In this world, no one can be against money. "

Gu Qingyou said worriedly, "But Dark Angel is a underworld, if you help their company, does that mean you are helping the underworld?"

Jiang Jun couldn't help but pick up the baby from the crib and kiss him lovingly before saying, "Although Dark Angel is a underworld, and has done a lot of things that are illegal and wrong behind the scenes, most of the companies in Europe are legal and only a small portion of them are money laundering companies that use the underworld. The one that is going to go bankrupt is Dark Angel's biggest interest company on the surface, so if I help out, it's not illegal at all."

Hearing that, Gu Qingyou heaved a sigh of relief. But does anyone from the Dark Angel know that you have a way to deal with the company that is about to go bankrupt? "

Jiang Jun took a whiff of the baby's fragrance before speaking, "Do you remember the last time I went to America, when I went to New York?"

Gu Qingyou nodded.

Jiang Jun looked at her. The person in charge of the NT project in the British government has a secret relationship with a leader in Dark Angel Europe, and the last time I told him what I thought of the financial company, he was smart enough to believe that he already knew that I had a way to help the financial company, so that person must have secretly told his friend the leader. "

Gu Qingyou immediately revealed a surprised expression. It turns out that when you went to New York at that time, aside from dealing with the company's matters, you also dealt with this matter. "

Jiang Jun nodded.

A look of admiration appeared in Gu Qingyou's eyes, and she said, "You're so awesome, at that time, you had already thought of a way to deal with Guan Yumo."

Jiang Jun looked at her deeply. Therefore, you don't have to worry about Guan Yumo, I will take care of it. "

"Gu Qingyou nodded in trust before reaching out to gently hug Jiang Jun. Thank you, husband... "Thank you for shielding me from the wind and the rain, and thank you for disregarding the past." With that said, Gu Qingyou closed her eyes in satisfaction.

Jiang Jun hugged the baby and didn't respond to her actions, but she looked at her with a complicated gaze.

Although she had heard Jiang Jun's answer to Ya Ru's question that time at the hospital, Gu Qingyou felt that she still had to ask Jiang Jun the same answer.

Because after she had finished giving birth to him these past few days, although she and Jiang Jun were kind and amiable, she still felt that there was something wrong with it.

It was the first time she had hugged him since the photo and recording events.

He didn't respond, and even though she knew it might be inconvenient for him to respond with the baby in his arms, she was still worried that he might have a barrier to her.

She might have thought too much about it. If he hadn't forgiven her, he wouldn't have answered Ya Ru's question like that. However, she just wanted to get to the bottom of it ??

Other than that, Jiang Jun had only recently come into contact with her body.

In the past, Jiang Jun would kiss her and hug her whenever he liked to do it. But now, although his tone of speech was no different from before, she had never kissed her or hugged her again ??

She was not used to it.

She was worried because he hadn't forgiven her, so she had to find out ??

At that moment, Mrs Jiang was being carried by a servant to feed Xi Xi, who sat on the sofa and waited for Jiang Jun to take a bath.

She was prepared to ask Jiang Jun about this at this time. In any case, Jiang Jun had already told her before, that she would discuss this issue with her when she left the hospital.

Gu Qingyou had never felt that the time she had to wait was so long. She kept looking at the door of the bathroom, hoping that Jiang Jun would come out, but she was afraid that Jiang Jun would come out ??

Yes, she didn't know why, but at this moment, she was actually this perturbed, and felt a sense of unease. josei

Finally, the bathroom's automatic door opened. As usual, Jiang Jun came out with a towel wrapped around her.

Seeing Gu Qingyou sitting on the sofa and looking at him nervously, Jiang Jun asked, "You were waiting for me?" At the same time he changed into her black fla

el nightgown.

Gu Qingyou slowly got up from the sofa and nodded her head.

Jiang Jun immediately sat opposite of Gu Qingyou, and looked at her, "What's the matter?"

Gu Qingyou slowly said as she uneasily twisted the fabric of her loose pajamas, "Um ?? "Before, in the hospital, you said that after I left the hospital, you would talk directly to me about our relationship."

At this moment, Jiang Jun did not have any expression on her face, and was only looking at Gu Qingyou.

Gu Qingyou was unable to understand Jiang Jun's expression, taking into account the wound on her abdomen, she slowly sat down on the sofa, and looked him in the eye: "Can you tell me, are you willing to forgive me?"

Jiang Jun's thin lips finally opened, "You want to hear the truth?"

"The truth?" Gu Qingyou did not understand what Jiang Jun meant, but her voice started to tremble slightly, "What do you mean by saying the truth?"

Had he lied to her before? Gu Qingyou's heart went cold.

Jiang Jun answered honestly, "It means that what I told you before you left the hospital was not the truth. If you want to hear the truth now, I can tell you."

Gu Qingyou's body suddenly stiffened, her hands couldn't help but grab onto the sofa beneath him. Her throat seemed to be filled with a bitter and bitter feeling, and a weak voice sounded with difficulty, "Then, please tell me the truth."

Jiang Jun looked at her, her gaze as bright as ever, like the stars in the sky, but the warmth that she felt so familiar with was no longer present in the depths.

After a long silence, he finally said slowly, "Regardless of whether you are concealing the past or whether you are determined to leave this time, I am very disappointed in you ?? I suddenly feel strange to you. This kind of strangeness frightens me, and I really want to get close to you like I used to, but I suddenly realized that I can't do it anymore. "

Gu Qingyou held her breath, she could not help but ask in a low and hoarse voice, "Do you really think that I have been using my acting to deceive you?"

"I know that you didn't use your acting to deceive me. My heart says that I believe in you ?? However, I don't know why, but facing you now, I am unable to co

ect with the kind and righteous you of the past. " Jiang Jun said.

Gu Qingyou's hands clenched onto the sofa even more tightly, and asked while trembling, "But you said before that you still loved me, right?"

Jiang Jun sighed lightly, then said calmly, "Let me put it this way, the person I love is the Gu Qingyou of the past. The current you, I am trying to love."

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