Cold Husband, Don't Seduce Me

Chapter 569

Chapter 569

In the morning, when Gu Qingyou woke up, his body felt like it was about to fall apart.

He had originally pla

ed to take a walk along the beach with him in the morning, but now that he was lying in bed, he was too tired to even move. He only wanted to sleep for a little longer.

However, Jiang Jun was extremely energetic, as though she was not exhausting his energy last night, but replenishing his energy.

While she was in bed, he sat on the couch by the French window and read on his laptop the company had sent him about the company's need for decisions and past documents.

Gu Qingyou drowsily opened her eyes a few times. Seeing that he was still talking about official matters, Gu Qingyou was relieved and went back to sleep.

It wasn't until noon that she finally stopped sleeping and her body wasn't so tired. Only then did she get out of bed.

Jiang Jun was still looking at the laptop on her lap, her expression serious.

Gu Qingyou crept over quietly. She was just about to scare him, but she didn't expect that even though he was focused on her work, her vigilance was still so high. She didn't even get close to him.

Gu Qingyou immediately felt bored. She pouted and sat down beside him. "You're frowning. Is there any business that's difficult to handle?"

"I just need some time to think it over."

Gu Qingyou looked at the computer screen.

She found out that the document he was reading had something to do with the new Romance Country project in France.

"You told me before that you didn't plan to compete for this project. Are you pla

ing on competing now?"

"The pressure from all sides is for me to take this project, and I'm still thinking about it."

"Pressure from all sides?"

Jiang Jun closed his notebook and placed it at the side. Then, he wrapped his arms around her waist. "Let's put it this way, after Jiang??s Group obtains NT, he's already a tiger, and if we can win the 'Romance Country' project, it would be like adding wings to a tiger, the position of Jiang??s Group in Asia would be even more stable in the future, so the company's directors want me to make a decision to bid for it, and also the Chinese government, the 'Romance Country' project is very well-conceived, and its future earnings can be predicted. The Chinese government hopes to get a share of this project with the French government, and on the other hand, to alleviate the current tense relationship between China and France."

Gu Qingyou wrapped her arms around his neck. "Then what are you thinking about?"

"Previously, I thought all the available people had been assigned to work on NT project. Although the project is going smoothly, there are still a lot of problems. If you take down the 'Romance Country' project, first, I would no longer be available, and second, I would be more busy myself. When I came here, I intended to only work for no more than four hours a day, and spend the rest of the time with you." Jiang Jun said seriously.

It turned out that he was afraid that he was too busy to notice her.

Gu Qingyou gave her a gentle look. "Jun, I know how much you want to stay with me, but I really don't need you to spend so much time with me, because as long as I can see you every day and we sleep together every night, I am enough ??"

"Is that true?"

Gu Qingyou nodded strongly. I'm not a woman who relies on a heart as heavy as yours. Actually, I also want to have some independent time with each other. After all, beauty only comes from a distance ?? If we're all so bored with each other at all times, we don't have that kind of passion. "

Jiang Jun pinched Gu Qingyou's beautiful chin. If I really work until late every day and then come home, you really won't be angry? "

Gu Qingyou pouted, "Am I such a petty person?"

"The heart of a woman is like the bottom of the sea." Jiang Jun commented.

Gu Qingyou, "..."

Jiang Jun laughed.

Gu Qingyou glared at him, "I promise I won't be angry!" After emphasizing each word, she got up from the sofa and prepared to go wash.

However, Jiang Jun grabbed Gu Qingyou's wrist, and with a light pull, Gu Qingyou fell and sat on his leg. "What for?" she asked, squeezing his arm.

However, Jiang Jun just looked at her deeply and did not answer.

Gu Qingyou could not help but blush when she looked at him. Aren't you going to do business? "

Jiang Jun replied, "If you wake up, I don't want to work anymore."

Gu Qingyou realized that Jiang Jun's ability to speak of love was i

ate. She never had such sweet words, but it would always make her sweet to the bottom of her heart.

"I'll make you breakfast, okay?" She just stayed on his lap.

"Are there any ingredients in the fridge?"

"I can get the manager to bring some."

"Then we might as well have the waiter bring the breakfast over."

"But I want to make it for you myself." Gu Qingyou hugged Jiang Jun's neck. Or do you actually not like eating what I make? "

Jiang Jun took the opportunity to kiss the tip of Gu Qingyou's nose. I just don't want you to be tired. "

"How could I be tired? I can't be any more relaxed now ??" The feeling of a vacation is really great!

Jiang Jun's voice was slightly hoarse, "Are you really not tired?"

"I'm not tired!" Gu Qingyou hadn't realized anything yet.

Jiang Jun smiled, and then suddenly whispered into her ear. "It seems like I didn't put in enough effort last night. I'll work harder tonight."

Gu Qingyou blushed, she was petrified. "Uh, yeah ??"

Jiang Jun released her in time. "Go ahead, I'll just eat a simple egg." josei

"Work your ass out." Gu Qingyou said as she left Jiang Jun's legs. Damn it, her legs are still sore from walking.

In places close to the sea, the weather was always changing.

At night, it was actually pouring rain, and Gu Qingyou had originally pla

ed to learn from the other couples and go to the beach to stack sand sculptures at night.

However, although she couldn't go to the beach, she could still sit on the sofa with Jiang Jun right now. She leaned her head against his shoulder, quietly watching the heavy rain outside the window and listening to the crisp sound of the rain.

So they chatted.

"Li, why is the French project called 'Romance Country'? What does this project do to get such a romantic name? "

"France is called the romantic capital of the world, but it's not really romantic. It's just the marketing strategy of the French government... So the French government is going to market a small town outside Paris that nobody knows about. They want to turn this town into a romantic capital so that the reputation of France's romantic country can be solidified. "

"Wow, that sounds really good ??" If there is such a romantic place, people will no longer remember the Eiffel Tower. "

Jiang Jun turned her head and kissed Gu Qingyou's forehead. Whoever takes down this project will be able to name this town. "


"Are you that interested?"

"Of course I'm interested. I can give this town a name, but the feeling of giving the town a name itself is very romantic ??" "Li Jun, I want you to take down the project."

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