Cold Husband, Don't Seduce Me

Chapter 610

Chapter 610

Dark Angel Headquarters. josei

On the wide leather sofa sat three handsome men with extraordinary bearing.

One of them was wiping away her shiny gun, the other was talking on the phone, Guan Yumo was holding onto a glass of whiskey.

One of them who was cleaning his gun said, "Mo, to be honest, no matter what decision you make, we will always support you ?? But, we can look for a partner again, but do you really want to divorce Mu Ying? "

Guan Yumo did not speak.

The person who wiped the gun said, "To be honest, I have always liked this girl, Mu Ying. I feel that she has quite a character, if I was with her, it would definitely be interesting ?? When I found out that Mu Ying was the one who betrayed you in the first place, I still felt regretful that I had made a mistake. Until you told me now, that everything she had done was purely for you, and I felt even more that this girl is worth your stay by my side. "

"Enough, Jason ?? Not loving others and keeping them by your side, isn't this too much of a waste of their little girl? I support Mo's decision. " Mu Ni who had finished cooking porridge with his wife stood up and walked to the side cabinet, and poured himself a glass of whiskey.

Jason said, "Alright, alright, alright, I won't say too much... I've concentrated on Little Black that I just got in today. " Jason's so called "Little Black" was the brand-new handgun that he was wiping clean in his hands.

"Mu Ni sat down on the sofa, crossed his legs, and looked at the man in front of him who had yet to speak a single word. Mo, we need to think about one thing, if you divorce Mu Ying, then our cooperation with Mu's might not be able to hold up, but you know, following the collapse of many of our companies, we ca

ot digest the money anymore. Recently, we have also received some money, so we were originally going to let Mu's digest the money, but now this plan can only be cancelled, have you thought of how to deal with this money? "

"Guan Yumo leaned back against the sofa, her face expressionless. Looking for new partners? "

Mu Ni nodded his head, "This is probably the only method, but I am afraid it will be hard on you, because to obtain someone's trust in a short period of time is not a simple matter."

Jason blew on his handgun, then lazily shot a glance at Guan Yumo. Mu Ni, I feel that this is not a problem, the key is only to see if Mo is willing to help, you know, as long as Mo shows his face, the woman would probably be captivated by him ?? "

Guan Yumo coldly looked at Jason.

Jason immediately fell silent.

Mu Ni had always been calm and steady, he knew that Guan Yumo disliked people discussing his face the most. He changed the topic, "Do you have a suitable candidate?"

Guan Yumo drank a mouthful of whisky. "You guys find a suitable opponent. I will settle this matter within three months."

Mu Ni nodded, "Then I'll send you the most suitable candidate tonight."


Just then, Guan Yumo's phone rang.

Jason raised his head, seeing Guan Yumo frowning, she chuckled: "Looks like it's little sister Xiao Mu's call."

Guan Yumo did not care about Jason, she got up and left the sofa, and went to the window in the living room.

Jason then said to Mu Ni, "Do you feel that Mo is especially interested in this little sister that can't even be considered a good one in name?"

Mu Ni remained silent.

Jason continued, "Do you still remember? "I don't remember what year it was, the three of us were already pla

ing to go skiing in Switzerland, and the people were already on the plane. When Mu Ying called and said that she was having a high fever, she immediately left us behind and flew to Mu Ying's location in the city ??"

Mu Ni replied, "This does not mean that he is sincere, but it might also mean that he is sincere."

"..." "Oh." Jason replied meaningfully.

Guan Yumo did not expect Mu Ying to compromise so quickly.

"Mo, I agree to divorce you, but after three months, will that do?" Mu Ying's voice from the other side of the phone was very soft.

"Guan Yumo's heart softened for some inexplicable reason. Give me a reason to get divorced three months later. "

"I don't want to go back to New York right now. I want to spend some time in France."


"Paris Fashion Week is in three months' time, and you know what I wish for is to be a model for Paris Fashion Week. The economics company just called me and said I've been chosen to be a show model for Paris Fashion Week... If I go back now, I won't be able to attend this fashion week, and I don't want to miss this dream. " Mu Ying pleaded.

Guan Yumo naturally knew about Mu Ying's dream. She had never wanted to become a model just to become famous, since she did not lack money, but rather hoped that she would one day become one just because she saw on TV during Fashion Week when she was young.

But at the same time, he knew that this could also be Mu Ying's strategy.

Seeing that Guan Yumo did not reply, she weakly pleaded, "You can completely trust me, if you don't believe me, I can sign the divorce agreement with you right now, but this is very dangerous. If the people Second Grandfather sent to protect me were to find out, we would be in deep trouble ?? So please don't tell Second Grandpa about us for the time being, we'll be divorced again in three months, okay? "

Guan Yumo squinted his eyes, a crafty glint flashing across the depths of his eyes. Why did you suddenly change your mind and agree to get a divorce? "

Mu Ying twitched her nose, and her voice became stifled, "I can't stop you, so what can I do? Will you change your mind? "

Guan Yumo did not speak.

Mu Ying said sorrowfully, "I knew that you wouldn't change your mind ?? "If I continue to pester you, you might never appear in my life again. I don't want us to become like that. After all, we can still be siblings, can't we?"

"As long as you know that we're siblings." Guan Yumo's voice had already become somewhat gentle.

It would be weird if they were siblings!

Would siblings have sex?

Of course, these words were hidden deep in Mu Ying's heart and she did not say it out loud. That Mo ?? Are you saying that you agreed? "

"Change your name."

"..." Brother, you agreed? " Mu Ying compromised obediently.

Guan Yumo remained cold, "In these three months, you are not allowed to act rashly. I will send people to follow you, and if you have any other thoughts, I will immediately discuss them with Old Mu."

A smile appeared on Mu Ying's face, but she replied obediently, "I will be good and do nothing."

Guan Yumo's tone became gentler, "These three months, you will be living in the apartment, and I will occasionally go back to visit you."

Mu Ying smiled, "Okay, brother."

After ending the call with Guan Yumo, Mu Ying heaved a sigh of relief.

She had fought for three months, and in these three months, she had decided to let Guan Yumo fall in love with her without batting an eye.

She decided to turn to her brother and tell him that she didn't need to worry about her safety.

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