Cold Husband, Don't Seduce Me

Chapter 746

Chapter 746

Que Yan's awakening could be said to be the happiest thing that had happened to An Yaru in her life.

When Que Yan opened his eyes again, he couldn't help but cry.

One must know that even though the doctor said that Que Yan would definitely wake up again, An Yaru was still worried in the bottom of his heart ??

Now, when he saw Que Yan's increasingly clear eyes and clear eyes, An Yaru's throat was choked with sobs to the point where he could not say a single word.

"What are you crying for?"

Que Yan opened his mouth once again, but his voice, which seemed to be difficult to open, was much better than before.

An Yaru hurriedly wiped away the tears at the corner of her eyes. I don't cry, I don't cry... I'll talk to you here. "

Que Yan, in the past year, Ya Ru has truly taken care of you. If she hadn't taken care of you this diligently, you probably wouldn't have woken up so quickly ?? " The one who spoke up was Qu??s mother, her face was filled with gratification and gratitude. josei

Que Yan was slightly taken aback. "One year?"

"That's right, you've been in a coma for more than a year ??" During this period of time, it was Ya Ru who took care of you. " Qu??s mother choked with emotions.

Que Yan frowned, "No wonder I can't move my entire body at all..." He tried to move his limbs, only to find that he couldn't move his strength, but he still felt it.

An Yaru hurriedly said, "The doctor said that it is normal, after all, you have been lying down for too long, so to recover to the past, you still have to take one step at a time ??"

Que Yan seemed unwilling to accept this situation and attempted to sit up, but just as he was about to get up, he fell back onto the bed.

An Yaru felt her heart ache, and she immediately held Que Yan up. The doctor said don't worry... This recovery period will not be long, and in half a month, you might be able to recover back to how you were before. "

Que Yan sighed helplessly. Teach all of you to worry about me ?? "

An Yaru shook his head vigorously, "We were all hoping that you would wake up ??"

"I'm hungry." Que Yan suddenly said.

An Yaru heard and immediately said: "Whatever you want to eat, we will prepare immediately."

Que Yan said, "I feel like I've been hungry for centuries... "I want to eat anything."

"Then I'll make it for you." An Yaru stood up and left the bedside.

The Qu??s mother patted An Yaru's shoulders and said lovingly, "Don't be hasty, stay here and chat with Que Yan. I'll go prepare it myself."

An Yaru nodded.

Qu??s mother and Qu Que father then left the room, following that the servants left as well, leaving Que Yan and An Yaru behind.

Perhaps the two of them had never been lovers in the past, so they could not say anything particularly touching. They looked at each other and fell silent for a moment.

In the end, An Yaru took the lead and broke the silence, "Boss Jiang and Clearing Moon are already on their way to the Lyon, they should be here soon ??"

Que Yan laughed lightly, "If he sees that I am currently unable to move, he should be teasing me to death."

An Yaru also laughed. During the year you were unconscious, your company was managed by the Boss Jiang, and it has developed very well. "

However, Que Yan showed an ungrateful look, and snorted, "Don't think that just because he helped me manage the company that he won't be able to return my debt ??"

Seeing that Que Yan had recovered his previous cynical attitude, An Yaru started to laugh with tears in his eyes.

When Que Yan saw this, he asked weakly, "How did you become so tearful?"

An Yaru immediately lowered his eyes, concealing the tears that were gathering at the bottom of his eyes. "I'm just very happy that you woke up ??"

Que Yan squinted his eyes, revealing a bewitching look. In my memory, I've never seen you cry. "

An Yaru bit her lips and muttered, "Can you not discuss my disappointing tears?"

Que Yan said gently, "Okay."

At this moment, a servant walked in with a little princess in his arms.

Que Yan recognized her as his daughter the first moment he laid eyes on her. His plum colored eyes were deep, and he did not blink as he looked at the child's jade carved face. Keke is already this old? "

An Yaru was slightly taken aback. "You know his name is Keke?"

"She told me about it before." Que Yan answered truthfully.

"Yeah, I named her 'An Xiaoke'. But Mom and Dad ?? I am talking about your parents, they do not allow the child to have the surname An, and have already prepared to let the child have the surname Que. An Yaru quietly stated.

"Alright." At the same time, Que Yan was still staring at his daughter.

After all, his father was someone she was familiar with but also someone he was unfamiliar with. She looked at Que Yan and his tiny body shrank into the servant's embrace.

An Yaru immediately got up and carried the Little Princess over, and said in a serious tone, "Good child, Mommy just told you that Daddy was sleeping, and now Daddy is awake ?? Hurry up and call me dad! "

The little princess blinked several times. Although there was still a trace of fear in her eyes, her cherry red lips still opened slightly. "Daddy."

Que Yan really wanted to get up and hug the child, but unfortunately, his body was powerless, which made him want to give up on such a thought, so he could only reply gently, "Be good."

Hearing the gentleness in Que Yan's voice, the little princess was not so afraid anymore. Her big, black eyes stared straight at Que Yan, as if she had too much curiosity towards her father.

At that moment, someone knocked lightly on the door.

An Yaru replied, "Come in."

Unexpectedly, it was Jiang Jun and Gu Qingyou. The four of them were emotionally moved and no one spoke, but their eyes were slightly red.

After an unknown amount of time, Gu Qingyou finally spoke, "Only now do I dare to believe that you've really woken up ?? On the plane, I was afraid I was dreaming. "

"Qingyou, it seems that you have been well taken care of over a year ago. You look much better than before, and you are becoming more and more beautiful." Que Yan said with a smile.

Gu Qingyou nodded her head, the lump in her throat made her unable to speak anymore.

Jiang Jun said, "I had originally thought that you would sleep for a few more years, but now it seems that the heavens have treated you quite well ?? The company has returned it to you. I've taken care of it for you over the past year, so use the money I owe you to make up for it ?? "

Que Yan calmly replied, "Boss Jiang, I did not ask you to help me manage a company ??"

Jiang Jun's black eyes were crafty and she smiled slightly. "Alright, I'll bring your company back to the same time as a year ago."

Que Yan looked fearless.

At this time, An Yaru whispered into Que Yan's ear, "Under the management of the Boss Jiang, your company's market value has already increased by a few hundred million ?? If you restore the company to its former state, you will only lose money. "

Que Yan then coughed and said, "Forget it, forget it. Between good brothers, you must understand what you're doing so well, right, Jingyou? "

"Gu Qingyou nodded her head repeatedly, and could not help but denounce Jiang Jun. [She just woke up and you're saying she's not going to pay her debt ??] Can you, a merchant, not talk about money at this time? "

Jiang Jun was speechless.

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