Cold Husband, Don't Seduce Me

Chapter 752

Chapter 752

An Yaru played with the little princess on the sofa, but she was not paying attention to her.

An Yaru had only just recovered her senses when she was shocked. Luckily she managed to hug the little princess in time, and then, she helped her pick up the toy.

"An??s mother entered from the outside and happened to see this scene. After passing his bag to a servant, he sat down beside An Yaru. Is there something on your mind? "

An Yaru carried the Little Princess and sat her on her lap before replying, "I'm fine."

An??s mother was naturally not convinced. After all, An Yaru's mood had always been low during these two days. Do you like Que Yan? "

Hearing that, An Yaru did not reply.

"A child ca

ot be a mother. An??s mother already has an answer from the bottom of his heart." I knew that my daughter definitely didn't do it for money ?? It's just that people don't like you. Even after taking care of him for a year, he didn't feel the slightest bit of gratitude. Is such a man really worthy for you to like? "

An Yaru said softly, "It's not that he didn't thank me, it's just that the two hundred million he gave me was not a small amount."

"You're still speaking up for him?" An??s mother was slightly displeased.

An Yaru looked at her mother calmly. "I am not speaking up for him. It is just that I am speaking the truth. Do I have to force him to marry me?"

An??s mother was speechless.

Just then, An Yaru's phone rang.

Seeing that it was Gu Qingyou, An Yaru said to her mother, "Please help me take care of Keke, I'll pick up a call."

An??s mother sighed and carried the little princess who was wearing a flowery dress over.

An Yaru left the sofa and stood up, walking to the side to answer the call.

"Ya Ru, what I'm telling you right now was personally told to me by Que Yan. Gu Qingyou said from her phone.

An Yaru was startled, and asked: "Why do you want to write it down?"

"For your and Que Yan's future." josei

"Hmm?" An Yaru became more and more suspicious.

Gu Qingyou told me that he had pushed you away just to protect you. He needs you to stay at home now to take good care of Keke, and once he recovers and takes care of the things that he needs to take care of, he will come over to the An family to pick you and Keke up. You must trust him. "

"Wait, quiet ??" An Yaru shook her head. How come I don't understand what you mean at all? "

Gu Qingyou said, "I will be at your place soon, I will explain everything to you in a while."


After about half an hour, Gu Qingyou arrived at the An Family's private villa in the outskirts of Lyon.

In the room, An Yaru was confused. "Jingjing, what exactly do you mean by what you said on the phone just now?"

Gu Qingyou held An Yaru's shoulders and said with a smile. "You can be at ease now, Que Yan loves you, but the reason he said those words to you in the Qu Family was because he hoped that you would leave the Qu Family as soon as possible. Therefore, he told me to tell you that you only need to obediently wait for him at the An clan to come and pick you up.

"Qingyou, is what you said true?" An Yaru did not dare believe it, because right now, her mind was filled with Que Yan's bland words to her.

"You don't even believe what I just said?" Gu Qingyou restrained her smile and changed her expression to a serious one.

An Yaru frowned. But he didn't say that to me. He said he didn't love me... "

"I already told you that on the phone, he said those words to you intentionally, and then you would leave the Qu Family, and only then will he be able to protect you." Gu Qingyou said in a serious tone.

"He only forced me to leave the Qu Family?" An Yaru was confused, she did not understand why Que Yan forced her to leave the Qu Family.

She felt that what Gu Qingyou said didn't make sense, but she was very clear that Gu Qingyou would definitely not lie to her.

"Because if you continue to stay in the Qu Family, you will quickly be in danger." Gu Qingyou replied in a low voice.

An Yaru asked in confusion, "What danger?"

"The danger that the Qu??s couple bring to you." Gu Qingyou replied calmly.

"An Yaru's face became even more confused. Qu??s couple? " They were so good, how could they possibly bring danger to her?

Gu Qingyou lowered her gaze. In the past year, the Qu??s couple seemed to treat you well, but in reality, they were trying to wake you up his son. In reality, they didn't even like you ?? Que Yan told me that there's no one who knows his parents better than him. They are snobbish and meritorious, they definitely won't allow Que Yan to marry a girl without any background, thus, they kept on telling you that after Que Yan wakes up, they will let him marry you. They just want you to risk your life to wake Que Yan up ?? Que Yan also said that if he didn't push you away and let you leave the Qu Family, the Qu??s couple would very quickly do something bad to you. "

An Yaru simply could not believe this truth. In the past year, the Qu??s couple have been really good to me, why would they hurt me? "

Gu Qingyou said sincerely, "Dearest, you must believe what Que Yan has said, because no one knows his parents better than he does ?? Think carefully about it, before Que Yan became a vegetable, how did the Qu??s mother treat you? "

An Yaru replied seriously, "At that time ?? Aunt still doesn't understand me, she might think that I was greedy for Que Yan's money. "

Gu Qingyou chuckled, "If it was a normal old man from the Three Monastery, how would he be able to think that you are greedy without knowing anything? Furthermore, during your short marriage with Que Yan, you didn't obtain anything from Que Yan at all ?? Furthermore, from what I know, when Qu??s mother found out that you were carrying a daughter, he intentionally caused a misunderstanding between you and Que Yan, attempting to separate you from Que Yan ?? "

"But I really do not believe that the care and concern they had for me over the past year was only to wake me up Que Yan ?? They've been really nice to me over the past year. " An Yaru could not believe that human nature could be dark to this extent.

"If you want to believe what Que Yan said, his parents are far from being as simple as we think." Gu Qingyou said patiently.

An Yaru finally quietened down, but her eyebrows were still knit tightly. It was clear that she was not completely convinced. If he really pushed me away for such a cause, why didn't he call me herself now? " After a few seconds, An Yaru asked solemnly.

Gu Qingyou said honestly, "I also asked Que Yan, Que Yan told me, his phone has definitely been monitored by his parents. If he calls you, his parents will know how he feels about you, and then, his parents will definitely take measures against your family, and you. So, what he needs to do now is to cater to his parents, until he obtains the inheritance of Qu Family. "

"Marriage is between him and me. Even if his parents disagree, if he insists on staying with me, how can his parents control him?" An Yaru still did not understand.

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