Cold Husband, Don't Seduce Me

Chapter 755

Chapter 755

An Yaru wanted to reply, but realised that her throat was suddenly blocked, and she struggled to utter a word, "I ??"

However, he still couldn't say a complete sentence.

Unexpectedly, Que Yan reached out and hugged her. His strong arms hugged her so tightly and warmly.

They had been close countless times, and he had often given her warmth, but never before had he hugged her so tightly that she almost couldn't breathe.

Her two hands lightly patted Que Yan's back, indicating that he was hugging her too tightly, and that she really couldn't breathe ??

Only then did Que Yan finally let go of her, but he still hugged her and leaned his head on her shoulder, absorbing the nice scent of her body.

An Yaru hesitated for a second, and then used both hands to embrace his waist, and pressed her face against her firm chest, realizing how much she missed him, and her manly scent.

They held each other like this for a very long time, neither of them speaking until a phone call interrupted their happiness and peace.

An Yaru could not help but pat Que Yan's back, indicating him to pick up the phone. Only then did he unwillingly let go of his hand and took out his phone from his suit pocket.

An Yaru looked at him after she finished changing her clothes.

Que Yan frowned and looked at the person on the other side of the phone, "Un, I have something on this afternoon, so I will be there for the meeting tomorrow morning."

Then, Que Yan ended the call and looked deeply at An Yaru's small and meticulous face.

An Yaru was not used to being stared at like that. With a blush on her face, she started a conversation topic, "Do you have something else?" josei

Only then did Que Yan's gaze recede slightly. I'll leave in the morning. "

"Oh." An Yaru looked down.

Que Yan noticed the change in her expression, and asked gently, "What's wrong?"

Only now did An Yaru slowly raise her eyes and meet his sincere gaze. " So, you can only stay here for one night? " It was already evening.

Que Yan supported An Yaru's waist. It's alright, we'll have plenty of time in the future. "

An Yaru asked, puzzled, "What do you mean?"

Que Yan carried An Yaru to the bedside, and looked at the little princess, who was sleeping soundly on the bed. You and Keke will live here from now on. As long as I'm free, I'll come and visit you guys. "

Hearing that, An Yaru raised her head in shock. You want me to live here with Keke? "

Que Yan's perky eyes drooped down to look at her, with a deep gaze lightly flickering in his eyes. I know it might be a little lonely, but it's the only way I can think of to let us meet. "

"Are you sure you won't arouse your parents' suspicions by coming here?" An Yaru asked in concern.

Que Yan said calmly, "Qu??s Enterprise does business in Nice, so I will not arouse anyone's suspicion even if I were to come to Nice for more than half a year."

"No wonder you chose this place." An Yaru heaved a sigh of relief.

Que Yan once again looked at the beauty sleeping soundly on the bed. She didn't sleep on the plane? "

"Well, I might need to sleep for a while now." An Yaru looked at her daughter, her face revealing the satisfaction of a mother.

Que Yan let go of An Yaru's waist, sat on the side of the bed, and lowered her head to kiss Keke's forehead. It's been hard on you ?? I've had to take care of me and the kids for over a year. "

An Yaru shook her head and replied, "It's not tiring at all. In the past year, I feel like I've done it in the blink of an eye."

Que Yan lifted his head and looked deeply at her face that was obviously thi

er than a year ago. Suddenly, a warm big palm tightly wrapped around An Yaru's slightly cold hand. Although I woke up, but I have to say ?? "You're too stupid, you shouldn't have taken care of me. If I didn't wake up, your time would have been wasted ??"

"I know you will wake up. It's just a matter of time." An Yaru said truthfully.

"Even if you believe that I will definitely wake up, what if it took me eight or ten years to wake up? Are you prepared to stay by my side and take care of me?" Que Yan asked seriously.

"Of course." An Yaru's throat was slightly hoarse. Even if it's twenty years, I will still accompany you. "


After spitting out these two words, Que Yan held An Yaru's white hands in pain and kissed them lightly.

An Yaru stared fixedly at Que Yan for a moment. She realised that Que Yan had lost some weight, but his facial features looked even more handsome than before. Can you tell me when you fell in love with me? "

Que Yan was stu

ed for a second before replying, "First glance."

"First glance?" An Yaru was startled.

Que Yan raised his head, his handsome eyebrows creased as he said slowly, "What, you don't believe me?"

"I just found it inconceivable. After all... You've never shown it before. " An Yaru's voice was already somewhat joyful.

Que Yan got up from the bed and hugged An Yaru instead, looking down at her. If I don't like you, why would I always respond to your demands? "

An Yaru thought back to the time when she always borrowed money from Que Yan because of her matter, and Que Yan would always write the cheque right away without saying a word.

"I thought you were so generous to all women." An Yaru replied as she played with Que Yan's tie.

"Why do I smell vinegar?" Que Yan said in a mocking tone.

An Yaru pulled his tie tighter and raised her head. Am I wrong? You had other women. "

"I can swear that even if I'm with other women, my heart will only be thinking of you ??" Que Yan said sincerely.

An Yaru immediately struggled gently, as she removed both of Que Yan's hands. I knew that I was never the only woman you had. " After saying that, she looked at the cute little princess who was still sleeping on the bed.

Que Yan hugged An Yaru from the back. With this strength, he did not allow her to struggle free, and his warm lips kissed her lower jaw. You know, I was with other women because I thought I could forget about you this way ?? "But reality has proven that I simply can't forget about you ??"

An Yaru placed his hands on top of Que Yan's arms, and removed his hands from the view. "How do I know you're telling the truth?"

"Isn't the ring I gave you enough to prove my sincerity?" Que Yan ignored An Yaru's resistance and hugged her tighter and tighter. His gradually burning lips kissed her neck as he spoke in a low and hoarse voice.

"An Yaru, who was being harassed by him, helplessly raised her head. What does it mean to remember these two things? "

"Que Yan turned her body around and looked at her seriously. "Then how do you want me to prove it?"

An Yaru's face flushed red. "I don't know ??"

Que Yan let out a light sigh, as he lightly caressed An Yaru's hair. Then give me a chance to prove my feelings for you, because from now on, I will never have another woman again. I will only be with you in this life and for the rest of my life. "

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