Cold Husband, Don't Seduce Me

Chapter 758

Chapter 758

Although the days of staying in Nice with Keke around was very monotonous, An Yaru didn't feel lonely at all.

Because once she thought of how Que Yan was working hard to stay with her, her heart would be filled with joy and he would feel satisfied at all times.

It was a beautiful morning. She was in the kitchen preparing breakfast for Keke when a pair of arms suddenly wrapped around her from behind.

She would have been afraid, but he was buried in her neck, breathing in his own scent.

"You really should give me a call so I know when you're coming." She said with a smile while she was still filling the mashed potatoes for Keke.

Que Yan said, "But I feel that this sudden attack feels better, it makes me feel even better." After saying that, he deliberately paused before changing to a seductive tone. "I want to love your feelings."

An Yaru's face immediately flushed red. Have you had breakfast? If you haven't eaten, I'll go and prepare it for you now. "

"Alright." Que Yan replied with one word.

An Yaru asked, "What do you want to eat? I don't do things that are too complicated. I only know how to do simple things. "

Que Yan gave a secretive smile and said, "You have already prepared breakfast."

"Huh?" An Yaru turned her head and looked at him. Are you going to eat mashed potatoes like Coco? "

Que Yan laughed again, and then carried An Yaru up.

As her body suddenly flew in the air, An Yaru was shocked, but when she instinctively wrapped her arms around Que Yan's neck, she said in embarrassment, "Your so-called breakfast is ??."

Before he could finish his sentence, his face was already completely red.

Que Yan lowered his head and kissed An Yaru's lips, then carried her towards the second floor.

An Yaru took the chance to ask, "What about Keke? "Keke needs to eat breakfast ??"

Que Yan answered vaguely, "I've already asked Xu Ran to hire a maid. From today onwards, she will take care of Keke ??"

"..." "Oh."

Thinking about it made An Yaru happy and content with all of Que Yan's misappropriation, but she had to admit that she also received a lot of pleasure from it.

When the passion came to an end, An Yaru leaned on Que Yan's chest, drenched in perspiration.

Que Yan placed both his hands on her smooth back, and his face showed great satisfaction. "Tell me, is it very lonely here alone with Keke these days?"

An Yaru replied in a tired voice, "As long as I think about the future where I can be together with you, I won't feel lonely."

Que Yan lowered his head and kissed An Yaru's sweaty hair, then said with a pampered voice, "Of course ?? We will definitely be together. I just need you to wait patiently for me. "


Que Yan caressed An Yaru's hair. As long as I have the time, I will come and see you as I have today. " josei

"How many days can you stay here this time?" An Yaru forced herself to raise her head and look at him with hope.

However, Que Yan did not answer, but continued to stroke An Yaru's hair.

An Yaru already had a rough idea of what it was, and lowered her eyes in disappointment. So, you still want to leave tomorrow morning? "

Que Yan gazed at her gently, and said apologetically, "You know how much I wish to stay by your side, if not I wouldn't have come to find you whenever I had time ?? But in order to keep my parents from being suspicious, I had to stay for a short time. "

An Yaru did not answer.

Que Yan lovingly kissed An Yaru's ear. I know it's hard, but you have to believe we'll be together in the end. "

After a few seconds, An Yaru finally reached out and hugged Que Yan. You definitely can't disappoint me, because for you, I once again lied to my parents ?? If they knew I was with you, they wouldn't agree. "

Que Yan soothed, "Fool, how could I let you down... I promise I will do what you do. "

An Yaru then raised her eyes and looked at him with her bright eyes. "Then I believe you."

Que Yan lowered his head and kissed An Yaru's forehead lovingly.

In the evening, the sunset glow filled the sky.

Que Yan and An Yaru carried the little princess and walked around this simple and romantic town called Nice.

An Yaru held onto Que Yan's arm, and couldn't help but say emotionally, "Actually, living here with you is also not bad ??"

Que Yan carried the little princess in his hands and looked at her deeply. Are you sure you don't want a better life? "

An Yaru looked up and met his gaze, replying with a smile on her face, "May I ask, in the bottom of your heart, what is life of high quality?"

Que Yan muttered to himself for a moment, but did not reply.

Seeing that, the smile on An Yaru's face became wider, "I know that men have ambitions, but I feel that you have already succeeded ?? Although you are not comparable to Jiang Jun, but you are more than enough. "

Que Yan continued to be silent.

An Yaru curled her lips and asked, "What's wrong, was I wrong?"

Que Yan shook his head. With a calm expression, he said, "I just feel that it's very easy for you to be satisfied. After all, I can easily obtain the ten billion worth of Qu Family Industry, but you don't have any intentions of letting me fight for it."

An Yaru said honestly, "If it wasn't for you not inheriting the clan's property, your future parents would have come looking for trouble with us. I truly do not wish for you to inherit such a large clan's property ?? "Once you become the leader of the family, you will spend less and less time with Keke and me. So what's the point of having so much money for me?"

Que Yan did not reply, he only used his free hand to wrap his arm around An Yaru's shoulder. You're a good girl. "

An Yaru smiled calmly. I'm a woman who's easy to please. "

Que Yan laughed.

At this moment, his phone rang.

An Yaru reached out towards Keke when she heard her. "Little darling, Daddy has a phone to pick up, let Mommy hug you."

Unexpectedly, the little princess wasn't willing to go into An Yaru's embrace, and instead turned around to hug Que Yan.

Seeing that, An Yaru placed her hands on her hips, and could not help but say: "An Xiaoke, aren't you too heartless? Your daddy only hugged you a few times, and now you actually want daddy to take care of you? "

The Little Princess actually didn't react, as she laid on Que Yan's shoulder, looking indescribably satisfied.

An Yaru was so angry that her cheeks were puffed up.

Que Yan laughed, and then took out his phone from his jacket pocket.

Originally, he was prepared to answer it like this, but after seeing the number displayed on the screen, his expression changed slightly.

An Yaru caught a glimpse of him and asked in a gentle voice, "Is there something important?"

"Carry Keke over, I'll give you a call back." Que Yan said in a solemn voice.

An Yaru was worried that it was something important, so she forced Keke into her arms and comforted her.

Que Yan then walked to the side and picked up the call.

A gentle voice came out from the phone, "Que Yan, I did not expect that after being separated for so long, we could still continue our relationship."


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