Commanding Wind and Cloud

Chapter 199

Chapter 199: Mystic, Bizzare, Recover

Chapter 199: Mystic, Bizzare, Recover

Translator: Udong Editor: EbonyFrost/Udong

Qian Jin was amazed as he walked into the Rune shop filled with magic metals. Even the royal families of the Zence Empire would think it was a reckless waste of natural resources! Only in the Endless World, where boasted endless resources, could people do experiments independent of economic considerations.

Akenash climbed up onto her cute chair with a bear carved on it and faked a cough. "Do you know why you can learn Runes from me only after you have become a Forge Grandmaster?"

Qian Jin shook his head at this question. Runes were a completely strange field to him! The truly smart people would not pretend to know it all!

"Runes are the most most most..." Akenash paused as she took a peek into Blake’s yard and continued when she found it was still quiet as ever before, "Most most honorable subject!"

Qian Jin subconsciously looked back to the [Eulalia Mystic Potion Shop] for fear that the crazy woman would come in a thunderstorm if she overheard the daring remarks!

"There are many things one must pay attention to, such as the meaning of Runes, the portion of magic core powder in each magic array..." Akenash continued, "and of course, the strength needed in carving. If you do it too hard, the lines will be too deep. But if too light, the lines will not show up. What’s more, one-time formed lines will be granted a more formidable force than the repeatedly-formed ones!"

Qian Jin nodded, suggesting that he had memorized what she emphasized.

"Of course, different materials also mean different effects and power." Akenash frowned. "When blacksmiths forge metals, they need to learn how to control the force and the accuracy. Forge Grandmasters have a deeper hold on this. In terms of control only, they are already competent to be a Rune Artists. Of course... "

Akenash looked over to the Blake Blacksmith Shop not so far away and the proud manner suddenly weakened a lot. "Of course, as an apprentice of Blake, your control force shouldn’t be weaker than any Rune Master."

Qian Jin smiled as he looked down at his forceful palms. "Blake is truly an amazing! Although I have been equipped with the same level of control force as a Rune Master, it doesn’t mean I am one of them already. But it won’t be too difficult."

Akenash jumped off from a tall chair onto the ground, walked to the bookshelf and pulled a huge book on her tiptoes. The book was two-inches thick! Clouds of dust were kicked up as it was thrown onto the floor!

"The first thing you need to do as a Rune Artist was to know enough materials! Although you should have acquainted yourself with a lot of metals after such a long time being a blacksmith, there still are many magic metals and many others you don’t know about!" Akenash pointed at the big book at her feet. "It is almost like a material encyclopedia which indicates the growth environment of each kind and the possible accompanying materials around it."

Qian Jin kept wearing a smile as he picked up the Rune Material Encyclopedia (1). It seemed there was a same heavy Section Two! Well, the memorization would take a long time!

"This is for today and it’s not all." Akenash pointed the bookshelf behind. "There are principles on magic arrays, Runes and magic arrays, Inlay Techniques, etc."

"Besides, hands-on ability is also very important! The knowledge without execution is just empty talk." Aknash found a set of tools for carving out from the box including dozens of different objects like knives, hammers, and chisels. "I will first teach you the simplest items. For starters, the Magic Collection Bracelet! Actually, it cannot even be called as real Rune."

Akenash picked up a small piece of a bracelet made of Star-Fire Silver and the tools in her hands started a beautiful dance on the metal right away like an excellent pianist playing a celestial piece of music! She then linked the circles one with another and some ripples were immediately scattered on the silver surface.

A few handfuls of unknown powder were orderly sprinkled on the linking circles and Qian Jin was surprised to see a faint red light rise up around the dark bracelet!

"Got it?" Akenash held the gorgeous jewelry. "This ring would restore a mage’s Level 4 spiritual power within three seconds but it will lose the effect after being used for ten times. "

Level 4? Qian Jin raised his eyebrow at the little thing. A Level 1 Mage had a spiritual power of 1 to 4 degree and a Level 2 of 4 to 8! Could this ring really regenerate a mage full of spiritual power in a blink?

"Today, you will learn how to make this ring and leave some time for reading." Akenash put down the things in hand, turned around and said while stretching herself out. "I have to do some research for a god-tier item! If you have any problems, figure it out yourself in any way you can! If you can’t, read!"

Qian Jin appreciated the ring in his hand! He was amazed by this little thing’s magic function and long lifespan. No wonder it could be said that the Rune division was a magical subject! He wondered if there was the same thing for warriors to restore their warrior power!

Qian Jin touched the sags and crests and a smile emerged on his lips! His instructor was young but with a wicked head! If Qian Jin hadn’t noticed the carving lines with the hands but only the eyes, it was highly possible to take it granted that the lines had been carved in same strength! He would definitely have to do it over and over again!

"It seems I can’t be so dismissive of her talent!" Qian Jin picked up tools and a raw bracelet. "Fortunately, I have seen enough weird geniuses, Eulalia, Adams and Blake, or I would have been fooled!"

Clang ...Akenash’s little ears jumped at the first carving sound and after a while, a surprise crept up on her face!

"Has he found the trick so quickly?" Akenash stole a glance back at the absorbed learner. "He has never learned carving before! How can he grasp so much just by observation? Although the skill is still very rough, by virtue of the control force as a Forge Grandmaster, he is beginning to settle into a pattern... "

Boom! A collapsing roar rang in the Akenash’s rune shop.

Akenash tittered behind her hand! Finally it exploded! Thank God he hadn’t mastered it in the very first class or he might get too proud!

Wiping off the dirt on his face caused by the explosion, the apprentice sighed and picked up another new bracelet for the second engraving.

And the second explosion! The third! The fourth! After two hours, Qian Jin completed his first product and his fingers became numb without any feelings!

"Magic Collection Bracelet, completed! Carving Proficiency, upgraded! Rune Apprentice title, achieved! "

The system sounds slowly came into the ear as Qian Jin was busy re-energizing his fingers! The door was thrust open and Eulalia burst in! She stood with her hands on hips. "Now it’s my time!"

Akenash slightly frowned at the Mystic Pharmacist with a bottle of rolling liquid hanging there on her waist! The uncomfortable feelings suddenly changed into cautiousness! She waved to Qian Jin. "Go and come early tomorrow!"

"From tomorrow on, he will go to my class first." Eulalia gently tapped the bottle with her fingers!

Akenash looked at the unknown boiling liquid and nodded again, "Okay. As you like!"

Qian Jin secretly gossiped in his heart as he looked at the two females. "Is this an era of the Mystic Potion?"

The [Eulalia Mystic Potion Shop] was still soaked in a pungent and unpleasant smell as usual. After being slightly tortured by the latest version of the [Volcano Potion], Qian Jin got out from under and stood behind the Mystic Pharmacist to observe the experiment!

With Eulalia ’s words, it was also very enlightening to watch the master at work.

Today, Eulalia was more focused than usual! A three-foot square iron box was placed at her hands. She threw a variety of different drugs into the pot and took an eyeball out from another jade box!

A weakness came to Qian Jin’s lips and his heart beat painfully. The pinpoint pupils stared at the eyeball and it was a real one! Although he had killed others before and was accustomed to bloody scenes already, it was still unsettling to see someone holding an eyeball in hand!

Eulalia soaked the eyeball into the water and retrieved it after a few seconds! She opened the iron box which held a cat! One of its eyes was missing for God knew what reason!

"Today I’m doing an eye transplant." Eulalia’s austere face showed concentration as she dropped some liquids in the blind eye! The cat whimpered and slept after being administered a large oral dose of some weird medicine!

"The deployment of mystic potions also needed precise control," Eulalia said holding a knife and a pair of tweezers. "This is an eye of a Golden Crystal Vicious Vulture, which means the cat would get a much better sight if the experiment succeeded!" josei

Golden Crystal Vicious Vulture? Qian Jin was surprised at the name and he gazed at the eyeball without blinking! Eagles were bestowed with an amazing sight more than 1000 meters! And this animal could see 3,000 meters away in the dark night! The Eagle Eye Spell was derived from this animal but it was still inferior to the animal’s eyes!

Eye transplant! Qian Jin remembered he had read a story about a master Pharmacist once trying to do the same thing! This Pharmacist had intended to transplant an eye for its same species but ended up concluding that the experiment could never result well cause there would be a strong exclusion no matter what!

As a result, the master Pharmacist died in the ridicule from other pharmacists because he had never succeeded once in his lifetime!

And now Eulalia was going to it with an eye of a different species...

Meow! The cat cried out in pain, twitched its body but still could not stand up due to Eulalia’s medicine! Its right eyeball had already been picked down but there was a bundle of special filaments! Qian Jin moved for a closer look! Holy God, they turned out to be blood vessels!

How could this be? Those hair-alike vessels which could be broken with the slightest pulling now were connected tightly to the ball! Qian Jin was stunned! The Mystic Pharmacist was really too strange!

The crazy woman now addicted herself into each of the blood vessels! She dropped a tube of green liquid in the eye and it immediately produced a frying sound! A trace of white fume drifted out from the eyeball before it began shrinking and finally shriveled.

The thin vessels shed off from the eye, dancing, and beating as if they had been bestowed with life!

Eulalia circled the ready-for-use eye in a pungent red potion and installed it into the cat’s orbital position! How unbelievable the end shall be pieced together with no visible connections!

Qian Jin saw it very clear; the conjunct vessels were melting, and in a second, the two parts came into one like a root drilling into the earth!

The immobile pupil now began to turn and contract little by little!

Qian Jin was now lost! He stood still like a chunk of meat as his hands and feet became numb! This was too...

Bang! The cat’s body suddenly jumped and the eye suddenly turned swollen a little bit before it quickly shrank to the original size! Qian Jin was confused! It had just radiated like a bright star but now the glamour was gone and some blood flew out.

"Geez...It failed..." The cautious look on Eulalia’s face suddenly slackened. "Although the cat regained its vision, the new powerful eyesight has been rejected... If it were from the same species, say the Gloomy Demon Cat, the success rate should be much higher. "

Watching the cat jump down from the table and walk out of the room avoiding the mess, Qian Jin was dumbfounded! Eulalia did it, except the cat was not lucky enough to acquire the special eyesight.

"Oh, I see!" Eulala patted her head. "I should have covered its eyes with cloth right after the surgery! Fresh eyes cannot afford even a little bit of light, which is a poison to them!"

Qian Jin had to admit that Mystic Pharmaceuticals was really amazing and also very powerful! Although it contained countless possible dangers that someone might lose his life during the process of cooking up potions, it was still a magical discipline! Eye transplants? It was so damned amazing!

Out of the [Eulalia Mystic Potion Shop], Qian Jin read for a few hours in Adam’s shop!

"Player Qian Jin, please pay attention. Your gaming time for today is almost used up. Be prepared to go offline."

The familiar prompting voice sounded and Qian Jin quickly opened the Status Screen! The gaming world started to twist and turn and he could barely see the data.

Unknown Warrior Power: Level 19

Proficiency: 123854/130000

Volume: 123854

Quality: A

Out of the [Endless World], Qian Jin quietly lied in bed as he recalled all that happened on the other side! Forge Grandmaster! Rune Apprentice!

During these few days at this ruin, he became a Forge Grandmaster and Rune Apprentice!

Since the failure of bloodline awakening, he had long lost the control of his fate! And now, he believed he was getting his life back on track since the day he was hit by the bizarre hat!

"Sure enough, I feel almost the same." Qian Jin jumped while waving two fists out like a whip beating up the air. "From the numbers given by the [Endless World], my Warrior Power is about to reach the peak the Level 9 Demon Fighter! But I feel it more and more difficult to improve it as time passes by like there was a heavy stone tightly pressing on my back...Thanks to the non-stop fights these days or it wouldn’t be as strong as it is."

Another ten days flew away in a quiet environment like the wasted ruins!

Once again, Qian Jin went offline, sat on the bedside while recalling the past ten days since he had become a rune apprentice! He had learned more than the past few years in the Warrior Academy!

For rune artists, runes represented the constantly changing Magic Arrays plus different materials and carving skills.

But here from Akenash, Qian Jin had witnessed an extremely special classification! No matter how complex the Magic Array was, it shall never be separated from 24 characters.

They were named Arunas Characters by Akenash. There were three groups with 8 characters in each! Each character had its own meaning! They were also called the Filet Eight Characters, Hakar Eight Characters, and Tiwaz Eight Character.

Qian Jin had spent ten days on the 24 characters but barely memorized the 8 Filet! A full understanding and skilled use of the combination? They were daydreams! It took great efforts for Qian Jin to put one of them into use.

Fay: force and productivity, fortification, destruction.

Representing Myth: created by the original world of ice and fire.

A character represented several meanings and could even lead to the force outbreak of the representing myth! Qian Jin carefully savored the meaning contained in the character. It could bring about countless changes and reproduce incalculable Magic Arrays on its own.


Qian Jin’s door was heavily knocked as the voice of Duren Burg sounded at the same time. The dust was bounced off in the air as if there had been an earthquake, which indicated the seriously injured warrior had recovered to his best!

Hardly had Qian Jin opened the door than he smelled a cigarette! Duren Burg walked into the room without any invitation but with a cigarette in his mouth! He plunged into a wooden chair and said with a smile, "The injury this time had been mixed with blessing!"

Fanta Kunge followed him into the room in silence! He gently nodded in confirmation. "The energy connections are more solid than before!"

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