Commanding Wind and Cloud

Chapter 208

Chapter 208: Advancing to Demon Capturer

Chapter 208: Advancing to Demon Capturer

Translator: Udong Editor: EbonyFrost/Udong

Fabreidis tried hard to suppress his emotions as his chest pumped violently. He said as he slowly calmed down. "I have a set of prepared material already! When we get back to Oakland, let’s head to Yulee right away. That’s the Capital of the entire state. We could buy a note about the soul weapons for sure..."

"Mr. Fabreidis." Torrent Ten Warriors all spoke at once as if there was only one person talking. "The materials for a soul weapon are hard to gather, you shouldn’t believe Qian Jin just because he said he is a Forge Grandmaster."

Fabreidis looked at Torrent Ten Warriors and then at Qian Jin and said: "This kid has never lied to me, so I’m willing to risk it and bet on him."

"Mr. Fabreidis..."

"Whatever." Fabreidis waved his hand: "Are you guys going to ask those people at the Blacksmith Union? Did you all forget? Forget about what those greedy bastard did? How did Sunsa Carlos, one of the Three Heroes of Warrior Hall die? I rather kill myself than begging those bastards!"

Torrent Ten Warriors silenced as they heard that name, hatred appeared on their peaceful faces. "Three Heroes of Warrior Hall... Three Heroes of Warrior Hall! There are only two heroes who are alive, and both of them left the Warrior Union because of Sunsa Carlos.

Fanta Kunge looked at Qian Jin’s dull expression. His face gloomed as he held his fist so tight that his knuckles popped. He had heard the stories about the Three Heroes of Warrior Hall from his grandpa more than once; every time his grandpa spoke of them, his grandpa was saddened and felt sorrow.

"Mr. Fabreidis, you are right." Some people in Torrent Ten Warriors stood up and said, "But, you shouldn’t completely trust Qian Jin just because of a few words. You have to test him, right? I heard that a portion of the material you have are from Mr. Sunsa Carlos’ heritage, you have to be responsible."

"Yin-Yang Mother-Son Sword. A level 3 Warrior Weapon. The Son Sword is hidden in the hilt of the Mother Sword, and it is harder and sharper than the Mother Sword. It seems like this weapon was forged about 75 years ago, so you probably inherited from somewhere." Qian Jin picked up a tree branch from the ground and poked the grass on the ground lightly as he smiled and said to one of Torrent Ten Warriors. josei

"You..." Torrent Ten Warriors were shocked! They couldn’t believe what they heard. It was Zacks’ biggest secret! Except for the members of Torrent Ten Warriors, only the dead knew about this secret. The secret that Fabreidis didn’t know about was told by Qian Jin casually.

Zacks felt like his hands were a little cold. Even the other nine warriors of Torrent didn’t know that the Son Sword was stronger than the Mother Sword. He had never shown Qian Jin the Son Sword, but Qian Jin had guessed it easily! Especially about the age of the weapon, 75 years! This weapon was forged exactly 75 years and 3 months ago!

"Hidden-Blade Staff." Qian Jin pointed at the shortest warrior out of the ten with his tree branch and said, "Level 4 Warrior Weapon. It looked like a staff, but an extremely sharp blade is in it. The blade is very thin; it is about as wide as three hairs. When striking, the damage of the staff combined with the blade is tremendous."

Everyone fell into a moment of silence. Both weapons were a secret among Torrent Ten Warriors, but it was no secret to Qian Jin.

Qian Jin glanced around and continued, "Should I continue? Your shield is interesting too..."

The ten warriors all shook their heads as they stared at Qian Jin with a dull face. It would be hard for an experienced Forge Grandmaster to see through these secrets, especially the Yin-Yang Mother-Son Sword, it would be had to discover the secret even if one was holding it.

Fanta Kunge’s excitement was suddenly lit. "What kind of person is Qian Jin? Level 9 Demon Fighter, all field Pharmacist, and now he is an all field Forge Grandmaster!"

Fabreidis held his breath as he stared at Qian Jin. He wanted to bet on Qian Jin due to his instinct, but now he was sure.

"Today..." Fabreidis lowered his voice as if he didn’t want anyone else to hear him. "Don’t mention to anyone about Qian Jin’s abilities. Before he advances to Demon Capturer or joins Torrent Battle Fort, don’t tell anyone, including your closest families!"

All ten warriors nodded. Although all the unions at Zence should be uniting to fight the demons, there were still a ton of competition among them. A Forge Grandmaster who hadn’t join the Blacksmith Union was a treasure in many’s eyes. Since he was so young, he couldn’t see through all the intentions behind all the invitations.

If demons hear about such a young grandmaster, they would definitely send the Dark Group to assassinate him! He was so young, so no one can say that he won’t become a God-tier Blacksmith in the future! The one who can forge God-tier Weapons!

"Qian Jin, especially." Fabreidis said with a serious face, "For your own safety, don’t tell anyone about it."

Qian Jin laughed and responded, "Uncle, am I that dumb? I told you all that because I trust you guys. Otherwise, I will only tell you in private."

Fabreidis gave Qian Jin a thumbs up when he saw the Torrent Ten Warriors get excited. He knew that the ten warriors had been through a lot, so they can tell if someone was saying that to get close to them, and they won’t be moved. But the earnest way that Qian Jin said it moved them completely.

The power of honesty was far more powerful than the lies from politicians! Fabriedis nodded and observed the three young men. "How did they interact with the Frontier?" He thought. From the way that Qian Jin said it, it seemed like the three young man weren’t surprised to hear about Qian Jin’s ability, it felt like they just accepted another secret from Qian Jin calmly, that’s all.

This bond between them was even firmer than the one that Torrent Ten Warrior had! Fabreidis nodded continuously and thought, "If Qian Jin could keep up his speed, he could for sure surpass the Three Heroes of [Warrior Hall]!

This night, none of the ten warriors slept well. Whenever they closed their eyes, they could see Qian Jin’s expression and hear what Qian Jin said to them, "If I can forge Soul Weapon in the future, and you guys have the material, I can forge them for you guys."

Soul Weapon! All ten of them stayed up all night. Although they still hadn’t got soul power yet; they were quite far from getting their soul power, every warrior wanted their own Soul Weapon!

Fanta Kunge leaned against his bed and looked at the moon through the window. He lightly squeezed his fists as he thought, "Maybe the last set of soul weapon material could be turned into a soul weapon! Maybe father or grandfather could step onto the path of becoming saint that no ordinary warrior had achieved!"

"Comrade... Give me another pack." Duren Burg turned on his bed and murmured in his sleep. "Let me think, I think I have a beautiful cousin... how about I introduce her to you..."

Qian Jin was holding onto a piece of Energy Core as he sat on his bed. The core rotated in his palm as he pulled the pure energy from it and sucked them into his body. The 108 reservoirs self-rotated in his body and grew bigger by devouring these energies.

A little bit more... a bit more! Qian Jin held onto the core tighter and tighter.

After many days of battling at the Frontier and the Endless World, his level 9 Demon Fighter power was getting close to the peak. After Qian Jin saw the power of Soul Power, he suddenly realized that although he knew he was going to advance in the next week or so, he shouldn’t just wait for it to happen.

Because he knew he was going to advance soon, he lost the drive that he had in the Ruins, it was a very bad idea.

Forward! After seeing the target, one should charge towards it! "I can! I can! I can advance tonight!" He shouted in his mind.

The energy in the core was being sucked out at an insane speed. He was reaching the three-hour mark where he should stop. If he didn’t stop turning the energy in the core into his own energy, he ran the risk of his reservoirs exploding and him turning into a regular person.

"A bit more! A little bit! I can’t stop!" Qian Jin took a deep breath. If he stops now, his body would get used to this level, and he might not be able to advance according to plan!

The energy from the core and the Qian Jin’s warrior power both rotated in his reservoir at a high speed. In fact, it was so fast that a thin layer of ice formed around the reservoirs. The rotational speed slowed down, and the conversion of energy into warrior power slowed down as well.

Power! Power! Qian Jin frowned. He felt like he needed some help in order to speed up the rotational speed and advance through the rank of level 9 Demon Fighter.

Bam! All 108 reservoirs shook, and the rotational speed was as slow as a snail as if they could stop anytime. At this point, every angle that these reservoirs turned caused an insane amount of pain. It was rare for Qian Jin to feel this level of pain since he left Four Seasons Valley. The muscle around his eyes twitched as the reservoirs stopped rotating, and the warrior power in the reservoirs was being replaced by the energy from the energy core.

Level 8 Demon Fighter... Level 7 Demon Fighter... Level 6 Demon Fighter! The speed of Warrior Power turning back to energy was fast! In less than ten minutes, Qian Jin’s level 9 Demon Fighter power dropped to level 6 and was fast approaching level 5.

Reducing, reducing, reverse-conversion... Qian Jin frowned as he wanted to throw the Energy Core in his hands away, but he wasn’t able to. An idea suddenly flashed through his head. "I still have other power that I can use."

"Forging Breathing Technique! Devour!" All 108 warrior dead reservoirs in his body sucked away all the energy in his 108 live reservoirs as if they were huge beasts that opened their mouth into the ocean.

All a sudden, the warrior power stopped converting to energy, and the reversion occurred again.

The live and dead reservoirs were technique two sets of systems, but they become connected this time. Every live reservoir corresponded with a dead reservoir.

Forging Breathing Technique absorbed a ton of heat energy, and it released these energies to burn the energy back into purified warrior energy. Then, this warrior energy went back to the 108 live reservoirs.

"What is going on?" Qian Jin was surprised to "see" what was going on in his body. He was trying to use the technique to get the energy core away from his hand to cut off this negative reversion cycle, but he didn’t expect these two sets of reservoirs systems to connect.

Zence Empire had more than 10,000 years of history, and the history of warriors was beyond that. After the perfection and revision by numerous generation of genius warriors, the warrior training methods was complete. Everyone only had 108 live reservoirs, and it depended on the training scroll to activate them.

108 dead reservoirs were dead for a reason! Didn’t matter if one was an ordinary warrior, bloodline warrior, or Ultimate Awakened Bloodline Warrior, he couldn’t train his dead reservoirs, let alone connection both sets of reservoirs.

Level 7, level 8, level 9 ... The warrior power rushed back, and even the energy in the Energy Core seemed to be purified by Forging Breathing Technique. Pure warrior power was being fed to Qian Jin rather than energy!

Warrior power rushed into the 108 live reservoirs and pushed them to rotate faster and faster.

3,900 cycles... 4,000 cycles... 4,500 cycles... 6,000 cycles... 7,000 cycles... 8,000 cycles! Qian Jin suddenly felt like 108 reservoirs shook as the reservoirs named [Live Gate] which was located in the middle of his chest turned into the center spot of all live reservoirs. The reservoirs that were only connected to one other reservoir were all connected to the [Live Gate]. It was like the control center of all other reservoirs, and it directed the flow of all warrior power.

The dead reservoir that corresponded with the [Live Gate] send a thick yet powerful energy into the [Live Gate] and the energy turned into the warrior power as if a dead wood came back to life.

One body, but two sensations. Qian Jin closed his eyes and felt like although there was only one type of warrior power, he was experiencing a dead-to-live sensation.

8,500...8,800...9,500...10,000 cycles!

Crack... The energy core broke! The 108 dead reservoirs suddenly stopped the connection with the live reservoirs, and Qian Jin couldn’t get them to connect again didn’t matter how he tried.

Qian Jin exhaled and looked at the broken energy core in his hand. He felt the 10,000 cycles that the warrior power was rushing through his body and thought about what occurred at his dead reservoir when he had an excess of energy.

"Whatever, I will ask tomorrow."

Qian Jin put back his clothes on and walked out of his room. He had an impulse of trying out his new power after his advancement.

After he opened the curtain door to his tent, he saw the entrance of other tents opening up at the same time. The Torrent Ten Warriors who walked out together stared at Qian Jin with a dull face. "Is this kid trying to kill us? He was a level 9 Demon Fighter when he went to bed, but now he is a Demon Capturer before dawn? The powerful warrior power definitely came from his little tent!"

"Hey..." Duren Burg rubbed his sleepy eyes and said: "Comrade, which one of us is a bloodline warrior? You are just too fast! Advanced?"

Fanta Kunge stared at Qian Jin and thought, "Every warrior in the Fanta Family were trained strictly since they were young. Although there were a lot of genius warriors, none of them reached the rank of Demon Capturer at this age. In fact, none of them could be considered a genius in front of Qian Jin."

"Demon Capturer..." Fabreidis smiled helplessly with his hands around his waist. "The increase in your power is just too damn quick. To be honest, I suspect that you don’t sleep at night and train every second!"

"You are right!" Qian Jin shrugged his shoulders as he thought, "More than that when you guys are sleeping for 8 hours, I trained for 16 hours already."

"You are looking for a training partner?" Qian Jin looked at Zacks who was thinner and said: "You are a level 2 Demon Capturer, go test Qian Jin’s level 1 Demon Capturer power."

Zacks put his weapon into one of his peers’ hand before he walked to an open space in between the tents. He took a deep breath as he unleashed his power. "I won’t hold back, don’t persist when you can’t. You will get injured."

Although Zacks wasn’t talking quickly, his body gave off a sharp blade like presence.

Qian Jin stopped holding back his excitement. He lightly bent his knees before leaping into the air and using Fury Lotus Fighting Technique with his Wind and Cloud warrior power. The ground exploded into a lotus shape as Qian Jin thrust forward as his sleeves made loud clapping noises with the air!

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