Commanding Wind and Cloud

Chapter 213

Chapter 213: Taking Over By Force

Chapter 213: Taking Over By Force

Translator: Udong Editor: EbonyFrost/Udong

There was a big difference between getting invited and going through the former process. The student who got invited got much better treatment, such as better resources and better instructors. One or few of these students shared an instructor!

Other than a few top students, other students would get normal treatment, and they would have to share one instructor among 20 to 30 of them.

"You rejected it? You want to go to Punitive Expedition?" Qian Jin walked around Gabriella and said, "Since Royal War Academy invited you, then your treatment would be great."

Gabriella lightly rubbed her hands together; she seemed very anxious. "I..... I don’t know why I’m that strong. I feel like that wasn’t me. If I go to Royal War Academy..."

Qian Jin patted his forehead. "Damn, I forgot that Gabriella doesn’t know the existence of Gloria. If she goes to Royal War Academy, Gloria won’t take over her body still, she would only appear when Gabriella is asleep or fainted.

So if Gabriella went to Royal War Academy, she would be bullied again.

"Then, did Punitive Expedition Academy react well to your decision?"

"The offer they gave me is that they will satisfy all my desires." Gabriella lowered her head even more. She felt like her ability didn’t deserve the offer the academy gave her.

"That’s great." Qian Jin placed his hands forward and said, "Then, we will probably be classmates again."

After Gabriella lightly touched Qian Jin’s palm, she quickly hid her hand in her sleeve again like a scared cat. "Aren’t you going to visit the instructor?" She said with her head almost pressing against her chest.

"I should go since you told me that." Qian Jin sighed. "The instructor had high hopes for me, but... huh! Can you tell Duren Burg and Fanta Kunge that I will be back soon?"

After leaving the Roll Family, Qian Jin rode his horse towards the academy as he recalled everything that had happened here since his arrival. One of the people who he felt he owed was Instructor Rodriguez. In the first year, he was really nice to Qian Jin. In order for Qian Jin to get into the Warrior Energy Concentration Array, he got into arguments with the managing director many times and got Qian Jin’s opportunity for the re-test.

However, because of the mission in Demon’s territories, Qian Jin missed the general exam and didn’t help Instructor Rodriguez achieve his goal.

After getting through the gate, Qian Jin walked toward the principal’s office and pushed open the half-closed door. At the time, Rodriguez was writing something. Although he hadn’t seen the instructor for a while, he was able to tell that Rodriguez aged and was very tired by just looking at his face. In order to make the academy prosperous, he worked extra hard when other instructors were just chilling and enjoying life.

"Instructor..." Qian Jin quietly walked into the room.

Rodriguez looked up and instantly rubbed his eyes. With excitement, he jumped up and walked up to Qian Jin as he grabbed Qian Jin’s shoulders. "Kid, you’re still alive?!"

"Yeah, fortunately, I lived." Qian Jin whispered, "Instructor, I’m sorry that I missed the General Exam and didn’t help you."

Rodriguez was definitely surprised. With tears in his eyes, he said with a smile, "It’s ok, it’s ok! As long as you are safe. Other stuff isn’t important, not important."

Qian Jin helped Rodriguez to sit down as he sighed. "This is Rodriguez! The instructor who truly cared for every student in the academy. Safety of his students is the first thing on his mind. What a great instructor." He thought.

"I’m sorry." Qian Jin said. "If I was there, I would’ve gotten better ranking for the academy."

"It’s ok, it’s ok. It’s fate! It was fortunate that Gabriella suddenly got powerful, so the academy did get some financial backing." Rodriguez patted Qian Jin’s hand and continued, "But you, I’m worried. Without General Exam, how can you get into an Advanced Academy? You have great talent, and you can become a great warrior. Your future shouldn’t be affected negatively because you missed this exam. Let me think... let me think..."

Rodriguez tapped his temples as he fell into a deep thinking state. He murmured, "Let me think, let me think! Maybe I can try to get a recommendation letter from Torrent Battle Fort with some help from my old friends. Even if you have to be the one who used connections, your future shouldn’t be harmed! Worse comes to worse, you can just stay here for another year! I take away all costs for you!"

"Instructor, you don’t have to worry." Qian Jin patted Rodriguez’s hand in reverse and said, "I can get the letter of recommendation from Torrent Battle Fort."

"Really?" Rodriguez smiled, "Right, you know Mr. Fabreidis. He must have connections. You have to ask him! If you can’t I will go with you to ask for a letter of recommendation."

"You don’t have to." Qian Jin looked at the white hair on Rodriguez’s head. A man in his thirties had white hair already... He didn’t have it when he went to Reventment Battlefield. "Instructor, again, I’m sorry that I missed the General Exam. But I can promise you that I will tell everyone that I’m a student of Oakland Warrior and Mage Academy from now on."

"Eh." Rodriguez nodded and said, "No rush for that. But don’t lie to me, can you really get help from Mr. Fabreidis?"

"Yes, I’m sure."

Qian Jin’s sight suddenly mushed as tears appeared in his eyes. When he saw Rodriguez’s caring expression. His father’s face somehow merged with the face in front of him. Although they looked different, the caring expression was the same and couldn’t be faked.

"Instructor, I didn’t make your wish come true last time. Do you have any other wish? I will make sure I will help you achieve it."

"Wish... hehe..." Rodriguez looked up at the ceiling and said, "My wish hasn’t changed. I wish Oakland Warrior and Mage Academy can become more famous. If a student of Oakland can participate in the Zence New Generation Warrior and Mage Competition, get a good ranking, and tell everyone that he or she was a student of Oakland Warrior and Mage Academy, that would be a dream come true."

"Zence New Generation Warrior and Mage Competition? The competition that young warriors, enrolled in an advanced academy or not, can participate as long as he or she didn’t participate in the competition before? The competition that is so-called the dance floor for bloodline warriors?" Qian Jin thought.

"Instructor, I will participate in that competition." Qian Jin nodded as he said. "Then, I will get you to come by and cheer on for me. I will take the title "King of the New Generation", and I will tell everyone that I, Qian Jin, a student of the Oakland Warrior and Mage Academy, was the student of Instructor Rodriguez."

"Great, great!" Rodriguez nodded repeatedly. "Although the treatment towards students who got in through connections isn’t good, as long as you work hard, you will get the opportunity to prove yourself."

Qian Jin slowly stood up and backed off for two steps. He unleashed the warrior power from all 108 reservoirs, and the level 1 Demon Capturer warrior energy even shook the room.

"You..." Rodriguez looked at Qian Jin with a shocked expression."This..." josei

"Level 1 Demon Capturer..." Qian Jin bowed. "Instructor, I just surpassed the rank of level 9 Demon Fighter a few days ago. I won’t just participate that competition, I will let you sit in the finals of that competition and witness your student winning that title!"

"Level 1 Demon Capturer?" Rodriguez was stunned. "Surpassing Demon Fighter? How powerful is this student of mine? Maybe, even the mayor couldn’t match up to him..."

"Great!" Rodriguez nodded continuously as he said, "Qian Jin, I will go and watch your performance at the Zence New Generation Warrior and Mage Competition. I will wait for you to shout out ‘I’m Qian Jin from Oakland Warrior and Mage Academy!’ by beating those bloodline warriors and prove us ordinary warriors are not inferior to them! Prove to the citizens of Zence that the high up bloodline warriors aren’t the only ones who are protecting this empire. Numerous ordinary warriors also sacrificed their lives on the Human-Demon Battlefront to protect the peace."

"Instructor, it seems like you don’t like bloodline warriors..."

"Of course!" With a sad expression, Rodriguez continued, "Once you get into an Advanced Academy, you can see how those bloodline warriors treat ordinary warriors for yourself!"

He then sighed, "Since you are going to get the letter of recommendation from Torrent Battle Fort, you should be going to Punitive Expedition Academy. Durk, he barely made it to Punitive Expedition Academy. Please help him when you can."

"I will..."

"Principal, the items that you ordered have arrived." A mid-aged warrior walked in and said anxiously: "But the Commercial Trading Firm said that they are charging 10% more due to the transportation. You know our current situation..."

"10% more? Are they crazy?" Rodriguez suddenly stood up. He then turned around and looked at Qian Jin. "Qian Jin, you can go back. I have something that I have to take care of.

"Commercial Trading Firm?"

Qian Jin stood up as well as he replied, "What a coincident, I have something to take care of there as well. Let’s meet up there later."

Rodriguez looked at Qian Jin who had already walked out as he was a little confused. "He is going to go there as well? Why? Whatever, I need to take care of this first. 10% increase is too much! It will delay the construction of other infrastructure."

The two fancy horse carriage that stopped in front of the Roll Family were gone. There was only one horse carriage that belonged to Fabreidis, and the two horses were eating the grasses that were prepared.

"This fast?" Qian Jin was curious. "How did this guardian of the city treat those corpses? He was so confident when he said he was going to take care of it, but this fast?" He thought.

"That’s fast? I’m surprised as well." Fabreidis was tasting the tea as he sat in the hall. "This kid learned how to treat the corpses after I demonstrated once. When he did it, I had to ask if it was his first time doing it since he was so experienced. The first kid that I’ve seen who has this much talent in dealing with dead bodies."

Cech Flet showed a rare smile. His face was too handsome! Even a lot of women had to admit that they weren’t as pretty as this face. Since he was smiling proudly about his corpse treating techniques, he appeared a bit devilish but handsome none the less. If he dressed up in a woman’s outfit, a bunch of men would be attracted to him. For a man to be this pretty, it would take courage for a woman to marry him!

A ton of courage would be required in order to stand by a man who was prettier!

"This kid is a talented assassin." Fabreidis continued as he took a sip of tea. "He actually invited Zhang Mumbai onto the carriage when we passed the gate. As soon as he got on, this kid killed him."

"You killed Zhang Mumbai?" Qian Jin stared at Cech Flet. "Damn, so courageous. Killing the general by the soldiers." He thought.

"Nah." Fabreidis waved his hand and replied. "Zhang Mumbai is related to Lee Junta, so he probably participated in this as well, it would be a lot safer for you guys. When the soldiers come and ask us for Zhang Mumbai, we can just say that he wanted to take a walk in the forest. Would anyone else come and ask me for him?"

Qian Jin nodded. The mayor of Oakland was the only person who had a higher status than Fabreidis. If he provoked a Soul Power Warrior, he probably won’t see tomorrow’s sun. Since Lee Junta was so over the limit this time, everyone in power knew what happened. No one will investigate, plus there is nothing to investigate since there are no witness or proof.

Fabreidis put down the teacup and asked, "Come to my house?"

"Not now." Qian Jin walked up to Rosella and said, "Take Lee Junta’s document and we will take over the Commercial Trading Firm."

"Commercial Trading Firm..." Rosella backed off a little and looked up at Qian Jin. "They... they never listened to me....." She said as she played with her sleeves.

"Really?" Qian Jin laughed when he thought about it. A cute little girl like Rosella couldn’t be taken seriously by the merchants who had been around for a long time.

"That’s an opportunity!" Qian Jin smiled. Since he came back, he was going to take care of everything. Just in case if these people slowly ate up the properties of Roll Family when he and Rosella move to Yulee.

Both of them walked out of the yard, and Qian Jin helped Rosella to get into Fabreidis’ carriage. He acted as the groom and rode the carriage towards the Commercial Trading Firm as the wooden wheels squeaked.

Although every Commercial Trading Firm looked different in every city, the statue that was carved out of stone and painted with a layer of gold was the same symbol that every Commercial Trading Firm had!

According to rumors, the statue in front of the Central Commercial Trading Firm at the Holy Capital was an actual pure gold brick! A gold brick statue represented Commercial Trading Firm in every city.

The horse carriage slowly stopped in front of the building, and Qian Jin heard Rodriguez’s angry roar through the open door. "This is fraud! I will report this back to the Central Firm!"

"Principal Rodriguez, this is the contract that you signed with President Lee. Look at this clause. If the items got damaged during transportation, the academy would bear the cost of that."

"What Principle Lee? The President of Oakland’s Commercial Trading Firm is now Rosella!"

Dominating, tough! The loud voice resonated in the building, and both parties looked at the entrance. They wanted to know who was so daring to cause trouble here.

It was hard for people in the dim room to tell who it was since the sunlight was bright outside. They can only tell there were a man and a woman.


The sound of shoes tapping on the floor knocked on everyone’s heart.

"Qian Jin! Qian Jin! It’s Qian Jin! The Qian Jin who made President Lee Junta lose face! It’s rumored that he killed several warriors of Cae Family in duels." This thought appeared in the manager’s mind.

The room that was noisy a moment ago got quiet. All the members of the Commercial Trading Firm looked at Qian Jin with confusion, they wanted to know what Qian Jin meant by what he just said.

"Your President Lee came to my house today."

Qian Jin said slowly as he glanced around. Every member of the firm looked away when they saw Qian Jin looking at them. They all knew what Lee Junta was up to for the last few days. Because Lee Junta promised to share the properties of Roll Family, no one got involved.

"I’m surprised that he came to find me." Qian Jin took over the document from Rosella and smashed it down on the table. The table jumped into the air due to the impulse, the all the members’ heart skipped a beat.

"Demon Fighter! Only the mayor and the guardian of the city can stop him. It seemed like that the mayor doesn’t want to offend him... in terms of the guardian of the city?"

The members knew they had no hopes there. When they looked outside, they saw the horse carriage; it was the carriage of the guardian.

Was Fabreidis going to take care of a man who he loaned his horse carriage to? Even an idiot would know the answer.

"I didn’t expect Mr. Lee Junta to get tired of doing trades, and he didn’t want to work as the president anymore." Qian Jin knocked the document on the table as he continued, "Everyone, this is the document that Mr. Lee Junta wrote on his own, I believe you guys can recognize his handwriting. He had given his position as the president to Ms. Rosella, the Vice-President."

"HOW?" Several merchants ran to the table to read it carefully. "Where is President Lee? Where is he after he quit?" they asked.

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