Commanding Wind and Cloud

Chapter 238

Chapter 238: The Person That Cant Be Offended, A Bad Instructor

Chapter 238: The Person That Can’t Be Offended, A Bad Instructor

Translator: Udong Editor: EbonyFrost, Udong

Since the first day of the academic year, the principal had been in a state of excitement. However, with time elapsing, her face changed from elated into sullen. Anyone who got on the wrong side of her would be sentenced a severe punishment.

This happened because the gifted mage, Gabriella, had applied for Punitive Expedition Academy for further study, still hadn’t shown up for registration. The principal was feeling more anxious by the day.

For the past few days, the first thing every apprentice did after getting up in the morning was to pray and hope Gabriella would come and register. Else, it would difficult for them to go through this semester.

Gabriella! That Gabriella! The two warriors looked at Gabriella with a blank face and couldn’t believe what they had seen. She was the legendary whimsical mage!

"Have I lost the qualification?" Gabriella said in a desperate tone. She then took back her letter of admission, slowly turned around and was about to go.

All of a sudden, the two warriors broken through the shock; they shivered for a second and dashed forward to chase after Gabriella. They blocked Gabriella with their arms, and their speed made Qian Jin smack his lips in admiration and wonder whether these two guys had reached the moving speed equivalent to that of Innumerable Shadows.

"You can’t leave!" The two guys shouted out loud at the same time, telling to themselves that if Gabriella went away, the principal would peel off their skins if she knew that she was forced to leave by of them. Well, peeling off their skins was a minor punishment!


"I can’t leave here?" Gabriella was shocked slightly. She wasn’t intending to leave, rather, she was turning back to wipe away the tears around the corners of her eyes welled out of frustration and sorrow. As for leaving here? Even if the letter of admission had expired, as long as Qian Jin remained here, she was sure that there would be a way for here to manage the registration thing.

Hearing what Gabriella said, the two warriors’ heart sunk down. They were afraid that this magic prodigy would insist on leaving. If that was the case, they would be in a dilemma between forcing her to stop, but if she was injured...if the principal knew about it...

"It hasn’t expired, hasn’t expired...we were just joking."

The two warriors kept waving their hands as a proof for what they had said, and they anxiously longed for a reveal of Gabriella’s face under the mage hat. However, they couldn’t see Gabriella’s appearance which was well hidden under her hat.

"Is she ugly?" The two warriors exchanged a look and didn’t dare to speak their mind.

"So we are permitted to go?" Qian Jin glanced at the path behind the gate, "I wonder which is the way to the registry site?"

Hearing Qian Jin’s questions, the two warriors frowned as dissatisfied looks appeared on their faces. They were snuffing about this little warrior student who had come late for the registration.

Gabriella turned away and walked toward Qian Jin, her big mage hat keeping swinging from the two sides as she looked for the right passage.

Seeing what Gabriella was doing, the two warriors’ pending nerves were relaxed. They showed no concern for Qian Jin, but they sprinted toward Gabriella and said together, "The registration site is this way. Let me show you the way."

Qian Jin said "Thanks", but the two warriors still paid no attention to these four warriors as all of their attention was on Gabriella. They were so frightened that this whimsical mage whose absence turned their principal increasingly cranky day by day might disappear.

As for the other four people? The two warriors couldn’t come up with any reason to talk to these four young warriors who looked so ordinary. Maybe they were the servants of this talented mage.

Qian Jin shrugged his shoulder nonchalantly. Gabriella had already attracted a lot of people’s attention because of Gloria. Even the president of Crystal Magic Tower sent a letter of invitation in person hoping to recruit her the Magic Tower. They promised that as long as she agreed to join them, they would grant her the deacon’s position. Also, magic unions of other states also started sending invitations to Gabriella in an incessant stream. It was rumored that the Central Mage Union was also intending to send a letter of invitation to her.

Such a gifted mage had won the attention of the Magic Union, let alone two warrior students at the school.

The Punitive Expedition Academy took up a large construction area and was located somewhere not far from Yulee City in the suburb, instead of being in the center of the city. Overlooked from a high point, it seemed as if there was another small but grandeur city by the Yulee City’s shoulder.

Walking through several paths for a dozen minutes, they saw an ordinary-looking building in front of them which had been in use for ages as it was engraved with traces of time.

"This is the Instructors’ Office Building of our Punitive Expedition Academy." The warrior walking in front of the group turned back and said: "here is..."

"I don’t give a shit about what has happened to your family! I don’t want to listen to your explanation! It’s all your fault for arriving late for registration!"

The angry growling came from an office on the first floor. Qian Jin lifted his eyelids at the office where a muscular middle-aged male warrior with golden hair was scolding three young warrior students in a lofty way.

On hearing the roaring, the smiling faces of two warriors who led Qian Jin and his follow friends to the office turned froze. The two stopped and said in a low voice, "Let’s wait here for a little bit and enter when Instructor Heyse Kinas is free."

In the quiet office, the three young warriors dressed in Punitive Expedition Academy’s warrior uniforms took out small bags filled with gold coins silently and placed them on Heyse Kinas’s office desk.

Heyse Kinas folded his arms in front of his chest with an angry face. After casting a glance at the bags of gold coins on the desk, he swiftly picked the bags up and opened them to have an examination. Afterwards, the anger on his face was dispersed instantly. The office which was trapped in a sullen atmosphere turned normal with Heyse Kinas’s smiling face.

"Never mind. Since this is your first time making such a mistake, I will not delay your studies as a responsible teacher." Heyse Kinas tucked the bags of gold coins away and uttered a light sigh, "I scolded you that way just now to help you grow up. I hope that you could understand my trust and hope for you."

The three young warrior students kept nodding their heads. Heyse Kinas took out a seal from his drawer, and affixed a mark on the three warriors’ identification cards, "ok, pay attention not to be late next time."

The three warriors nodded their heads and exited the office. Qian Jin frowned, feeling repulsed at this teacher. He just...

"As what I have said, as long as he gets some gold coins, everything will be ok."

"Fuck! The rumor is true! That Heyse Kinas takes every chance to have students pay money to him. We have obeyed the school rules..."

"Let it be! Heyse Kinas is exactly this type of man. He doesn’t care about whether we followed the school’s rules or not. Last time a student insisted on obeying the rules, but he still found an excuse to ’examine’ that students progress and gave the student a hard hit which severely injured the student. That student had to lie in bed for more than two weeks."

While the three warrior students walked past Qian Jin, he heard what they were murmuring, and then he looked at Heyse Kinas who was counting the gold coins in the room. "Hit the student for money?"

"Who is outside the door?" Heyse Kinas lifted his eyelids and asked in a high pitched voice.

The warrior walking in front of the group rushed to the door and made a bow, "Instructor, some newly enrolled students are delayed by some affairs, so I have led them..."

"The new students are late for registration?" The corners of Heyse Kinas’s lips were twisted upward, through which a secret smile flashed on his face. But soon, he put on a look full of anger, lifted his hands and thumped on the office desk, producing a dull and loud sound which resembled the explosion of a bombard, "That’s unheard of! Let them in! No! No need for them to come in! Let them get away!"

The warrior student standing in the front shrunk his neck, and worked up his courage to say, "Instructor..."

"Stop speaking for them! The most important thing for the warriors and mages is to obey the rules! Why are they late for school for so many days?" Heyse Kinas flung his arms hard, "On what grounds can they be deemed as good students? The Punitive Expedition Academy doesn’t accept students like them! Your letters of admissions have expired!" josei


"Why are you still speaking for them?" Heyse Kinas put on a serious face, gazed at the warrior standing in front of the crowd for several seconds and sighed, "All right, let them in. Let me see whether they are bright enough to know how to be well-rounded people."

"How to be a rounded person"? Qian Jin smiled, as he knew what Heyse Kinas was referring to was about giving a bribe.

Looking at the four warriors and one mage who walked into the room, Heyse Kinas felt a little surprised. Generally, when the students saw him growling in anger, they would behave like docile sheep, but he didn’t see any timidity from the four warrior apprentices, though the mage seemed to be feeling extremely bashful.

"Let it go! Don’t need to give a damn about this!" Heyse Kinas blossomed a confident smile from the corners of his lips. Maybe these warrior students were just acting. As long as he could frighten this timid female mage, these warrior students would feel fearful for him.

"You! Yeah, that’s you!" Heyse Kinas raised his arms and pointed at Gabriella. His fingers nearly fell on the rims of her mage hat, "What’s wrong with you? Do you know what you are doing now? You were just given a letter of admission, but you cannot be deemed as an eligible student of Punitive Expedition Academy! And according to the school’s rule, I could refuse to give you the seal as the proof of admission! However..."

Heyse Kinas stopped saying anything, slowly sat back in his seat, started to play with a gold coin as he said in a drawling voice, "However ...however..."

Gabriella lowered her head, and gazed at the floor closely, not even daring to take a breath.

Heyse Kinas said "however" several times in his drawling voice, but found that this mage student was staring at the ground without understanding what he wanted. His softening face turned hard again, "I’m talking to you! How can you treat your teachers and elder in such a way? Hand me your letter of admission and prepare for next year’s general exam!"

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