Condemning the Heavens

Chapter 337

Chapter 337

Chapter 337: 337

After emptying the rather sizeable lode of essence stones, Xue Wei came across more rare herbs, all of which were hundreds of years old .

He not only came across herbs and ores, but they also found a smaller essence stone lode, with medium-grade essence stones .

Frugal as Xue Wei was, he decided to pick up all treasures they came across on the way, not at all willing to let any of them go .

He knew that the higher rank they became, the more resources they would need, so wealth would never be enough .

Like this, they walked for many days on the Thunder Graveyard Battlefield, before they had crossed it .

The closer they got to the other end, the more menacing the aura that surrounded them became . It was clear that they were getting closer and closer to the evil spirit .

Especially Luoluo was pale as they advanced . She was a pure spirit, so the evil energy was attacking her immensely hard compared to the others .

The most comfortable one was Xue Wei . Although the killing intent was adding pressure to him, it was not at the point where it was enough to inconvenience him anymore . His body had adapted to the killing intent - he had quite an overwhelming killing intent himself, making the process much smoother .

The bats and Hei Gou were not too affected either . As beasts they were many times more ferocious than humans and spirits, it was in their nature to be brutal, and thus their inherited killing intent was far superior to Luoluo, Bai Tianyi, and Lin Xiao .

"My King, do you have a plan?" Xue Fu asked tentatively . She was aware of the strength that this Evil spirit commanded . Although she had faith in Xue Wei, she could not help but wonder what his plan was . Going in without a plan would seem somewhat suicidal .

"You said he was injured?" Xue Wei did not answer right away but instead asked another question .

Puzzled, Xue Fu nodded her head . "He is indeed rather grievously injured . I would expect around five percent of his fighting strength remained when he got injured . It has now been around a month, so I guess he has restored to approximately ten percent . "

"Ten percent, huh?" Xue Wei did not know how strong the Evil Spirit was initially, so even when it was injured to this extent; he dared not belittle it .

"Luoluo stay at the back and provide us with cover . Lin Xiao, Hei Gou, and Bai Tianyi continuously try to strike once, and when your attack has landed or failed, you will instantly withdraw . Do not wait to see how much damage you did, just withdraw immediately .

"I want the three of you to be like annoying flies . Always hovering around, throwing out attacks, one after another, but do not stand still ever . If he gets his claws on you, you are likely dead .

"Fu, take your bats and do the same . Split into teams and harass him as much as possible . I will deal with the main attack . I will obviously take on the Azure Dragon shape, and I will fight him with everything I have so that he does not have the strength to go against you all . "

The others were feeling that this plan could work, but it was immensely risky . If anything happened to Xue Wei, they would undoubtedly die .

Then again, no matter what plan they came up with, there would always be an element of risk . Not to mention this tactic allowed for them to minimize their death count since all the damage and focus of the Evil Spirit should be aimed for Xue Wei .

They were all somber, their expressions solemn as they headed closer and closer to the Evil Spirit’s lair .

As they were around ten kilometers away, a penetrating voice reverberated through the heavens and the earth . "Leave!" it said .

After it, there was no sound, and even the wind had stilled, but Xue Wei continued walking forward with no intention of stopping .

Even though it was indeed possible for them to stay at the Thunder Graveyard Island and get a lot of rare treasures while staying clear of the evil spirit, Xue Wei had decided to confront him .

He had chosen so out of different reasons . First of all, he wanted to get the beast tag for the sake of bringing the Scarlet Blood Bats with him out of the danger zone .

He had given his promise to them, and he was not willing to go back on his words . He had promised to take them out of the island and the zone, so he would do so, or die trying .

Another reason was Soul Power . Spirits contained spiritual energy and soul power . They were solely made from energy, and this energy could help nourish and strengthen both Luoluo and Bai Tianyi .

He knew that although Luoluo was growing, her foundations had been severely injured back at Yan Dalu . Even if she was capable of growing again, and she would become a strong spirit, she would have hidden injuries unless she got enough quantities of energy to heal it .

Consuming another spirit was exactly what she needed . Although this was an Evil spirit, the energy that he consisted of was still pure . If she consumed it, she would become much closer to healed .

Not only her, if Bai Tianyi were to get a large quantity of energy, he could get a more solid body as well .

So all in all, although this Evil Spirit had done nothing to harm Xue Wei, Xue Wei had already decided to let his friends consume him .

Although it was dangerous, he had no intention of backing away . This was the most rewarding thing they could get out of their trip to the Thunder Twilight Zone . Not to mention, it seemed that this Evil Spirit had killed plenty of people throughout the years, purely for the sake of consuming their soul power .

The Evil Spirit was not a good creature . Had it been one who did good for the world, Xue Wei would not have considered killing it, even if it was beneficial for him, but this was a spirit that brought death and destruction towards others .

There was no harm in killing such a creature . Xue Wei smiled slightly and shook his head when he realized what he was thinking about .

Right now, he should not care if it was a good or an evil creature; he should be entirely focused on the battle ahead . He was going to give it his all in an attempt to defeat the spirit .

They had advanced to five kilometers from the lair, and the voice once more boomed out from everywhere in their surroundings .

"Turn back now, or face the consequences!"

Xue Wei’s face turned solemn . He understood that this was likely the most challenging battle he had ever encountered, but he could not back out . historical

He was standing still and reached out for the Azure Dragon Spirit in his core .

An earthshaking transformation happened with Xue Wei as his body transformed from that of a normal human youth into the shape of a massive, domineering, and overwhelming Azure Dragon .

There was no time limit to his transformation . The Azure Dragon shape was his natural shape just as his human shape, and thus he could be a dragon for as long as he pleased .

Although this was indeed a fact, he was not as comfortable being a dragon as he was a human, but this mainly stemmed from his many years of growing up as a human and simply being unaccustomed to suddenly managing such a massive body .

Although it was bursting with strength and speed, power, and toughness, it was many times different from being a human and required of him to be more considerate when doing things .

When the Scarlet Blood Bats saw the majestic shape of an Azure Dragon in front of them, a fervent expression appeared on their faces . They all felt that even if the Evil Spirit was to kill them all, then they had already significantly benefited .

To be able to fight side by side with Xue Wei was their greatest pride, and a moment they would forever reminiscence about . This was something that they would tell their children and grandchildren in the future .

Xue Wei was unaware that him merely changing his shape was enough to cause the Scarlet Blood Bats to be filled with frenzy, but if he had known he would have chuckled and thought it was a good thing .

To be able to convince them to fight with all they had, even exceed their limits, this was something that could only be done when they were profoundly motivated and seeing Xue Wei had truly motivated these Scarlet Blood Bats so much that they would do their best . They might even do better than ever before .

When they reached the lair, there was an opening in the mountain wall . This opening led into the Evil Spirit’s lair, but they did not enter it easily .

Xue Wei was simply too large now . He was not able to enter the lair, but fortunately the Evil Spirit was not willing to be looked down upon .

Although it was injured, it did not doubt its own strength, and it had no intention of hiding within the lair . It was inevitable that Xue Wei would not pose any danger to him .

Seeing the spirit that flew out of the lair, all of them could feel their nerves tensed .

"Oh, a Sovereign Beast?" The spirit looked human, but the eyes were red, and the veins on the body were protruding . It looked terrifying as he licked his lips and looked at Xue Wei as if he had just found a delicious meal .

"I have lacked some quality Soul Power," he snickered when he looked at Xue Wei, then his eyes glanced at Luoluo and Bai Tianyi . "A wounded pure spirit and an artificial spirit? They are not as high quality as a Sovereign Beast, but they are definitely not bad . The humans who usually make it here are so bad . "

The more the Evil Spirit spoke, the colder Xue Wei’s eyes became . He could handle that this Evil Spirit was looking at him as a snack, but to look at Luoluo and Bai Tianyi and even disdain them? This was simply not acceptable .

Xue Wei roared, a dragon roar was reverberating throughout the entire Thunder Twilight Zone . Even in the outskirts of the zone, where the thunder was booming unceasingly, the dragon roar was enough to startle the many people who had appeared in the zone to try their luck and get some treasures .

"Is this the birth of a heavenly treasure?" Some mused while others shook their heads .

No one was able to determine what this roar signified; they did not know where it came from or what was the cause behind it .

Only the flood dragon within the purple mist was calm as she recognized the roar right away . Her body trembled . Although she was immensely strong, she was after all a dragon . The Azure Dragon was the King of all dragons, the monarch of all beasts, so how could she not recognize the roar?

"The little brat has guts," she muttered to herself as her eyes looked into the deep purple mist, "he is actually confronting an Evil Spirit when he is merely a Sky Knight!"

Although the Evil Spirit, one should not look down upon them, especially not this one who was born on a battlefield that belonged to King and Emperor ranked experts .

The roar had caused every beast within the Thunder Twilight Zone to feel their blood boil with excitement .

While most of the beasts were unaware why there were a few who knew the presence of a Sovereign Beast, and their hearts shook .

But the beasts that were the most affected were the Scarlet Blood Bats . Their bodies felt as if they were on fire, burning with energy, and ready to fight .

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