Condemning the Heavens

Chapter 341

Chapter 341

Chapter 341: 341

These ships could be used to help them traverse the remainder of the Sea of the Enchanted .

Xue Wei found that there were thirteen ships, all of them of different quality, but one of them was rather small in size, but the inscriptions on top of it, alongside the speed it could reach were far from average .

A smaller ship was the best idea to take . Although it required essence stones to sail, it did not require sailors . It was a spiritual treasure .

After having mined a lot of essence stone mines all over the Thunder Graveyard Island, Xue Wei had a lot of essence stones in his hand, and he would be able to maintain the speed of the ship for more than thousand years, as he had gained some top-ranked essence stones too .

Not only had he gained essence stones from the mines he had emptied, but he had also gained a massive amount of essence stones from the storage treasures .

It was not only essence stones and ships that were in the many storage treasures, every kind of resource that one could imagine was present .

There were herbs of every kind, some of them were immensely rare, while others were quite ordinary .

There were ores of various colors . Some of them were even considered heaven and earth treasures, while others were common ores, but used when making Rainbow Pills .

Apart from ores and herbs, there was a large number of beast cores, skin, horns, and so on .

There were also many skills and techniques, alongside weapons of every kind, some of them had even reached the rank of a spiritual weapon .

Having this many things falling into their hands . Xue Wei went into seclusion for a few days where he continued to refine two-colored Rainbow Pills .

By now, he had an eighty percent success rate, and he created a full nine pills by the time he was done with his closed-door seclusion .

Handing one out to each of his friends, Xue Wei also gave one to Xue Fu, while keeping the rest for himself .

He was not going to consume them, but he wanted to have them for when someone was close to a breakthrough . Other than that, he could use them for trading for something he wanted when they reached the Demon Phoenix Continent .

After he finished, all of them consumed their pills . Xue Wei broke into the Heavenly Knight Rank with his Qi levels; he was at the second layer when the efficiency of the pill started to run out .

Lin Xiao had reached the ninth layer of the Heavenly Knight Rank, while Hei Gou had reached the eighth layer .

Bai Tianyi had managed to force himself to the Ordinary Saint rank, the energy he had refined from the Evil Spirit alongside the pill pushed him to the first layer of the Ordinary Saint rank .

Luoluo was hard to tell what rank she reached . However, her body grew up, and she seemed as if she had grown to the age of ten to eleven years old .

This was a mixture of the energy she had consumed from the Evil Spirit, alongside the medicine from the Rainbow Pill .

Xue Fu managed to reach the third layer of the Ordinary Saint rank . Although she was the highest ranked amongst them, her fighting strength was beaten by the newly advanced Bai Tianyi .

Even so, if Xue Wei were about to encounter either of them in a battle, he would have to exhaust all his methods, and even then he was not sure he would be able to win .

Xue Fu had placed all the Scarlet Blood Bats within the beast tag . Lin Xiao had successfully tamed the beast, which had turned out to be an Ordinary Saint first layer ranked Crimson-Mawed Sea Crocodile .

This was a ferocious Primordial Beast with frightening fighting prowess, but neither Xue Wei nor Lin Xiao had any intention of making it join their group, and thus it was left in the beast tag as help if they ever needed it .

The beast was now fully loyal to Lin Xiao and did not question his decision . It just accepted the order given and continued to cultivate in the middle of the beast tag . historical

Xue Fu was uncomfortable when she saw how easily the mind of a Primordial Beast almost as strong as she had been controlled .

She suddenly started to feel some fear towards Lin Xiao .

"Well, let us get the last resources," Xue Wei said with a smile when all of them had finished cultivating . He was not willing to let go of any of the resources that might assist him in the future, and thus he continued to harvest herb after herb, ore after ore and so on .

Days went by on the island as they found treasure after treasure, and as they had finished taking all the things they had found and were on the way to leave the island, they were suddenly greeted by the forest filled with Remnant Soul Fragments .

How to get past it?

Xue Wei spent another few days making inscriptions and formations . All of these were focused on explosion, light, and fire .

"Let’s go," he said, and the group rushed through the forest . Fortunately, the big soul remnants were not present, but even so, they still received a few injuries on their escape through the woods .

As they exited the woods, the rest was a walk in the park . They encountered a few undead, but they were blown to dust as soon as they got within range of their attacks .

They encountered more and more people on the island in groups, but these groups dared not touch Xue Wei and his friends .

When they exited the Thunder Graveyard Island, they went straight for the purple mist .

It was simple to locate this mist, and the flood dragon within was filled with praises for their performances .

She was genuinely surprised to see the results that Xue Wei had produced, and she could not help but marvel in her heart about their gains .

Xue Wei was also quite astounded by the riches they had gained this time . Not only had they all become Heavenly Knights, but some had also even become Ordinary Saints .

Not to mention all the resources . They had gained numerous resources that could not be found generally in the outside world, as they required specific conditions, and only extreme locations such as the Thunder Twilight Zone allowed for these conditions to be met .

After finishing their talk with the Flood dragon, Xue Wei and the others exited the Thunder Twilight Zone .

Just as when they entered, a lot of people outside were waiting for them . Some had the purpose of robbing the people who had entered and gained fortune in the Thunder Twilight Zone, while others were there because they were supposed to enter it and try their own luck .

Xue Wei was observing the people that were looking at them as if they were fat sheep ready for slaughter, and he could not help but feel alert .

Although these people were not enough to threaten him if he used the Scarlet Blood Bats, he was also curious about his current strength .

The opponents had a full seven Ordinary Saint and twenty-three Heavenly Knights . There were even more Sky Knights as well, and although their damage was not enough to threaten them, they could still wear them down with their numbers .

The two groups were facing one another . One seemed small and easy to overturn, while the other was numerous and almost blotted out the horizon .

"Attack!" sounded from the opposite side, the ones with the most people did not at all fear Xue Wei nor his friends . However, reality would prove to be different from what they had expected .

The Ordinary Saint aura erupted from Xue Fu and Bai Tianyi, their strength far surpassing usual Ordinary Saints .

A massive sword made from the spiritual energy swept down, and one Ordinary Saint alongside a group of Heavenly Knights numbering three and even a whole bunch of Sky Knights suddenly lost their lives in an instant .

The sword intent that was left behind was enough to cause the heads of the remaining experts to quiver in fear, but before they had the chance to attack, Xue Fu waved her hands .

Scarlet Blood Phantom Claw!

This was one of the Scarlet Blood Bat’s innate abilities and could be used in both her original form and her human shape .

A claw-like phantom appeared in the sky far above the others, but as if teleported it suddenly appeared in the midsts of the group, wreaking havoc on anyone that came close .

Lin Xiao was also testing out his new strength, the staff in his hand was being wielded with experience, and anywhere it passed, skulls were cracked, and blood flashed .

Xue Wei had initially planned on partaking in the battle and experiencing his own strength, but when he looked at the battlefield, he found that there were not enough to make him serious .

Instead, he decided to rob the corpses of their storage treasures, and while the ones observing thought that Xue Wei was just an errand boy for this group, the eyes of the friends popped out in shock . Xue Wei was simply becoming far too frugal!

Xue Wei did not care about their glances . He liked resources, and he needed an outstanding amount of them now their group had enhanced with over two hundred scarlet blood bats .

He could not let them be all on their own for cultivating; he would have to provide them with some resources for their strength to continue to be of use to him, so his obsession with resources was quite understandable .

The battle ended just like that . The experts died a gruesome and bloody death . They had no real chance to fight back, and although Xue Wei’s group was much smaller, it was much more oppressive and forceful .

After finishing the battle, no one else dared to even look at them, the other experts standing outside the Thunder Twilight Zone were all feeling a chill run down their spine and feeling scared .

With a simple glance towards them, Xue Wei shook his head and withdrew a ship from his storage treasure .

The ship he withdrew was small but immensely fast . Sitting on the ship, they once more began moving towards the Demon Phoenix Continent . There was just one problem - they did not know the way .

As they sailed forward, they encountered another island that was a stop for most sailors and pirates in the Sea of the Enchanted .

They did not stay long on this island, but they managed to get their hands on a map, and afterward, their ship set sail towards the Demon Phoenix Continent .

After encountering the Thunder Twilight Zone, nothing exciting happened . Even when they encountered another ship, they did nothing to offend Xue Wei and his friends, even the pirates allowed for them to pass undisturbed .

Xue Wei was not stupid and knew that this was most likely done under the order of Tao Wu . He did not know where this monstrous expert came from, nor did he know what his plans were, but he knew that his strength was unquestionable, and having made him into a friend was the right decision .

He was also quite happy that Jiang Jingyue had found such a strong backer . Although he would have liked to spend more time with her, he understood that her destiny was different . She was to roam the high seas alongside Tao Wu and his band of pirates .

Xue Wei was unable to stop like this; he wanted much more than just be an overlord in a sea, he wanted to reach the peak of existence, he wanted to thread across an unventured path .

Like this, a year went by . The experts on board the ship were cultivating, and during this year they finally understood why Xue Wei was so obsessed with treasures . During the last year, they had not restored any resources, they had only used their stock, and it was dropping fast since he had to provide for more than two hundred experts’ cultivation bases .

One day, when Xue Wei was deep in thought and cultivating his Qi, he suddenly felt something pull on his soul, and as he raised his head, he saw land in the distance .

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