Condemning the Heavens

Chapter 575

Chapter 575: The Judges

"What does it mean to eat?"

Mo Lian’s words stumped both Lan and Xue Wei, causing the Mingshe to laugh dryly. historical

He had forgotten that they were currently within a world populated by ghosts with no living creatures. There was simply nothing to eat.

Lan looked helplessly at Xue Wei who spread his arms in amusement. It was quite good to see the cheeky Lan being beaten at his own game.

"Eating is something that exists in the world of the living. Don’t you want to experience it with me?"

Lan was not completely sure how to explain the experience of eating, but he still wanted to try and tempt the young woman to join him in this endeavor.

"So we are supposed to eat one another?"

Mo Lian’s brows were furrowed as she looked at Lan with a bit of confusion. What was the point of eating one another? Was there something special about this hobby?

Lan could not help but cough slightly after hearing her words, and his eyes rolled a bit.

"Let’s just start figuring out a way to leave the Ghost Realm."

Lan gave a grateful glance at Xue Wei, before he mentioned the Ox-headed expert that had brought them to the realm before.

"These Ox-headed experts are known as the judges of the Ghost Realm. They live in a very secluded area of the realm, and it is not allowed to trespass there without permission."

"Well then, let us go and pay a visit to this area. I am very curious as to what kind of information they might have for us."

Lan’s voice was not gentle or even remotely friendly. He was convinced that these Ox-headed experts were actually the subordinates of the previous Sovereign Deity of this realm, but they had no clue as to the identity of this god, nor did they know his purpose, or if he truly had planned everything in advance.

Perhaps these Ox-headed experts would be able to give the slightest hint that could help them get a better understanding of the current situation.

"The area is rather far away. It will take us some time to arrive."

Mo Lian was already starting to plan, but Lan shook his head.

"I have taken over the control of this world. Let’s get going."

He waved his hand, and the surroundings suddenly began to warp, before they slowly settled again. However, this time it looked very different; they wereno longer in the previous location, but the outskirts of the area that they had previously mentioned.

Mo Lian and the branch leader were usually able to stay confident and in control of their expressions, but with the sudden change in surroundings, even their stoic faces cracked with surprise and shock.

"This is pretty practical."

It was, once again, Mo Lian who first got control of her emotions, and she had to admit that the power that Lan commanded was very beneficial. The instant transfer throughout the whole world was especially useful when one was in a hurry.

The branch leader and Mo Lian both tried to seem casual, but it was clear to see in the gestures of their taut bodies that they were both worried.

"These Ox-headed experts are not good characters?"

Xue Wei asked as he furrowed his brows and looked at the magnificent building in front of him.

It looked gloomy due to the lack of life, but it was still much more detailed and overwhelming when compared to the various cities that they had encountered during their time within the Ghost Realm.

It was clear that this building was meant to intimidate the ghosts residing within the realm.

It was obvious that it had a very good effect as both ghosts were rather nervous and uncomfortable the closer they came to the building.

"Why are they called judges?"

Xue Wei noticed their worry, and while he understood that such questions could make their fears even more prominent, he still felt a need to understand the cause of such fear as it might affect them later.

Although Lan was the new Sovereign Deity of this realm, there might be unexpected surprises waiting for them, as there was a chance that everything had been planned previously.

"These judges can determine the life and death of any ghost within the realm. There had previously been a few ghosts at the very top of the hierarchy, but they troubled these judges, and they were killed instantly. Even though there were no other ghosts which could rival them, they were unable to even fight back against these Judges."

Lan nodded his head, and Xue Wei frowned. He could not help but feel a little worried about the current situation. He was not a ghost, but if these judges were capable of destroying even a top ghost in seconds, then how was Mo Lian supposed to survive?

If anything happened to Mo Lian, then Lan would naturally go insane, and the whole Ghost Realm, alongside everyone connected to her death, would suffer.

"Don’t worry, the ability they used was the world’s own laws. I have a wild guess that the previous sovereign had given these judges complete power to determine the life and death of all ghosts."

"Do they still hold this ability?"

Xue Wei did not care much about the past, nor about how much fear these judges held in the mind of the ghosts, he just wanted to ensure that Mo Lian and the branch leader would not be in danger.

"After I took over the sovereign position, they are no longer able to use this power, but I cannot guarantee that they have not prepared another kind of surprise for us. Even so, I do think it will be safer if we all enter together."

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