Confinement King

Chapter 245

Chapter 245: There are Certain Areas that One Should not Enter

Two updates….josei

Thanks Ayx for the support…
A faint breathing is echoing.
It has a steady rhythm.
I don’t know exactly what time it is, but probably the sky is about to turn white outside.
Now, I’m looking at Fujiwara-san’s face, who is sleeping next to me.

Fujiwara-san’s face looks happy in her sleep. The white streaks of drool at the edge of her mouth are quite charming, I suppose.
Slowly, I shift my gaze to her body.
Her body has a gentle curve. Perhaps she has been exposed to the sun at a tanning salon, but every inch of her skin is wheat-colored.
Her nipples are pale pink, standing unobtrusively on her small breasts, and unconsciously my eyes are drawn to them.

Once again, I recall what we had just done.
After taking a bath together, we continued our lovemaking, staying close to each other.
It felt so good to feel her body heat, and I was in a state of seed press all the time. We hugged each other tightly, and I shot my semen into her vagina over and over again.

Even though the tension was too high, I was completely out of my mind.
The mindless exchange, as if the level of civilization had degenerated remarkably, makes me cringe and hold my head in my hands when I recall it later.
It felt as if I had an overstock of black history.
After that, we continued to mate for several hours. In the end, to my surprise, she began to breathe in her sleep while being pounded hard in the missionary position.

Almost at the same time I couldn’t help but laugh.

Lili appeared in the air, smiling and laughing.

going byubyu tooo” I freaked out, Devi

My black history was leaking out in seconds.

Lili spoke up again, looking down at me with amusement as I writhed in embarrassment.

As for her, I left that completely up to Lili.
Although she was trying to trick me, she didn’t do much harm, and although she was beautiful, she had too strong an image of being just a friend.
Besides, when it comes to a relationship, she looks like a foreigner, which makes me, as a timid person, feel uncomfortable.
Therefore, if someone asks me who I want to hold, Fujiwara-san or Claudia-san, the answer is obvious.
To my unhappy face, Lili put her face close to my ear and whispered.

I take it back. My hate filled about one hundred and twenty percent.
I must teach them that there are certain areas of the world that they must not touch, even by mistake.

Lili shrugs her shoulders at my sudden exuberance and claps her hands.

Normally, the image of a saint or a priest is that of a respectable person, but from the devil’s point of view, it’s like that…

Then, Lili begins to explain the specifics. It’s quite simple. Then it’s not so difficult.
After that, I pull my arm out from under her and gently raise myself up, so as not to wake Fujiwara-san.

I put on the clothes I had left on and walked out into the hallway with Lili.

◇ ◇ ◇

When I woke up, I found myself in a dark room.
As I recall, while I was struggling against the maids, a girl with horns suddenly appeared in the air and reached out her hand to my forehead.

I thought devils were supposed to look more sinister, so it was quite a surprise to me.

As I twisted around, I heard the sound of chains jangling.

comes to save me…
In any case, my only weapon is my eyes, which can see through lies.
I’ll have to use that to my advantage and survive by talking a lot. But that’s useless if there’s no one to negotiate with.
While I was thinking about this, I heard the sound of a door opening in the darkened room. There seemed to be no particular light coming into the room. Does this mean that the other side of the door is also pitch black?
But there was definitely a sign of someone.

As I stared into the darkness with bated breath, I suddenly heard a familiar voice.

As soon as he opened his mouth, a blue light flickered about five meters away.

As soon as I got my hopes up…

I felt a chill run down my spine when Fumio said that.

The blue light flickered again.

I stare at the area where the blue light was flickering. But, as expected, the darkness is so deep that I can’t even recognize the outline of a person.

To my horror, Fumio’s statement is now blue.
I can feel the blood drain from my face. Immediately, cold sweat broke out all over my body.

Whether Fumio is a devil or not, the fact that angels will never condemn him is unacceptable.

It’s true, the light flickering in the dark is always blue.
I felt as if I was being accused of my own ability to detect lies.

At Fumio’s sudden words, I raise my head.

And then, proving that his words of liberation are not a lie, a blue light is slowly approaching me.
About ten centimeters in front of me, the blue light stops. Even at this distance, I can’t even see Fumio’s outline.
Just when I was hoping that he might unchain me…

I involuntarily jumped.

Then he whispered in my ear, his voice trembling with anger.

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