Confinement King

Chapter 265

Chapter 265: Expulsion from Paradise

/* For mobile phones: */ [class*=”text-tiny1″] { display: block; } [class*=”text-tiny2″] { display: none; } @media only screen and (min-width: 600px) { .text-tiny1 {display:none} .text-tiny2 {display:block} } @media only screen and (min-width: 768px) { .text-tiny1 {display:none} .text-tiny2 {display:block} } My eyelids are heavy.

Huh… did I fall asleep?
I think absentmindedly with my eyes closed.
Let’s see, what was I doing?
Huh? Did I come home from the bar, sleep, and eat lunch?
No, no, no… I’m pretty sure I’m doing pako-pako with Fumio-chi…
That’s right!!
I was pounded from behind… and my head went bang…
As soon as I opened my eyes, I sat up and shouted in protest.


But the next moment, I couldn’t believe my eyes.
What I saw was a room for two people with a single bed on either side of the room.
There was a stuffed bear belonging to the girl who shared the room with me, looking at me with its inorganic eyes.

An old frosted glass window, completely dark outside, lit by an old-fashioned tulip-shaped fluorescent light.
A bookshelf lined with problem books that can’t be misplaced, and tacky marguerite curtains.
look around.

It’s not Fumio-chi’s room, it’s not my room, it’s not the waiting room of a girl’s bar.
But It’s the second floor of the girls’ dormitory. It’s Takaka Takata’s room on the second floor of the girls’ dormitory.

Then as I got off the bed and looked into the mirror, what I saw was a plain pigtailed woman in a school uniform wearing dorky glasses.

I can’t keep up with my thoughts. What kind of trick is it to restore the color of my deeply roasted skin, let alone my hair color?

At any rate, I unfasten my kimono and take off my glasses.
My eyesight seems to have recovered, and I can see more clearly when I take off my glasses.
At least, my mind has sorted out the situation, but inside my heart, I’m so confused that I can’t believe it.

I wish he’d at least let me prepare myself.

When I think about it, there are Rena-chi, Mako, Fumi-san and the others. Still, I can’t help but think of Gen-san, Tanaka-san, and other customers.

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