Confinement King

Chapter 279

Chapter 279: In the end, Shima-san is the best

As we need a table, I brought in an old zataku(low)table(table) from the room that used to belong to my grandma, which is now a storage room, and the three of us are sitting around it.

This table was originally my grandma’s wedding present, which means that it has already aged well.

I nodded, and Masaki-chan took out what looked like some printouts from her bag.

I was a little happy to think that she had researched for me.

As I nodded, Tashiro-san put her hand on my shoulder and spoke up.

Why did you say that like it was a battle? I thought so, but it’s not wrong.
First of all, they want to know my level of academic ability and what kind of problems I’m not good at.
That’s why I started to solve the past exam questions of the university I wanted to apply to, by myself.
While I was solving the questions crisply, Tashiro-san stood and stared at me as if she is an examiner.
Meanwhile, my mom brought us some tea and sweets, and she seemed to be relieved to see me earnestly working on my answer sheet.
Masaki-chan and my mom exchanged a few words in a whisper, and chuckled at each other.
The grading result was good.
Well, at least I passed the exam.
“What’s up? It’s not worth teaching…” said Tashiro-san, a little dissatisfied. Masaki-chan followed up with, “Fumio-kun is usually in the top rank in tests”.

With that, Masaki-chan and Tashiro-san sat down on either side of me, sandwiching me between them.
From there, the three of us worked on the wrong questions… well, to be precise, Masaki-chan taught me most of them.
Masaki-chan’s way of teaching is very detailed and easy to understand, as expected from someone whose father is a school principal.
On the other hand, Tashiro-san’s vocabulary was too unique for me to understand at all.
I couldn’t help asking Masaki-chan many questions, and I could see Tashiro-san’s mood getting worse and worse.

Tashiro-san is annoyed.
There are many times when Masaki-chan calms her down and explains the point, and Tashiro-san becomes blatantly frustrated.

When I asked her about it, Tashiro-san became more and more flustered, and her lips pouted.

I see, so she escaped.

I tilted my head.

I let out a dry laugh.


When we finished reviewing my mistakes, Masaki-chan picked up the problem book and smiled at me.

As she opened the problem book, Masaki-chan leaned closer to me. She’s showing me how to do it.

Yes, I’m grateful, but of course her breasts are hitting me all over the place, and it’s really hard to keep my concentration.
But then, Tashiro-san was more and more out of the loop, and she had a wrinkle on her chin like a dried plum, and was groaning something.

Suddenly, she says something like that, and I tilt my head.

Masaki-chan and I looked at each other.

As she walked out of the door, Masaki-chan and I were bewildered.
She is dressed in a white blouse with a wide opening at the chest and a tight black skirt.
Her silver-rimmed glasses are pushed up with her fingertips, and she is carefully holding a telescopic instruction stick in her hand.
Like a stereotypical female teacher.
It was the kind of thing I’d see in an AV…

I can almost guess what she was thinking. And then she said something that seemed to confirm that thought.

I think I understand why Shima-san is so overprotective of Tashiro-san. It’s more difficult to leave her alone afterwards.

I don’t know if it was because of Shima-san’s support, or because there was so much distance between them that I never saw her clumsiness.
But I’m sure she’s been clumsy since then.
After thought that, I take out my phone, look through my address book, and tap the number I find.

For the time being, I asked Shima-san to come and pick her up.

◇ ◇ ◇
In front of the whiteboard, Detective Inomoto and I reviewed the outline of the case.
A dead cat had been thrown into the garden of Zenkichi Kobayashi’s house, and the murder of a policeman had led to the establishment of the investigation division.
Of course, this case is much smaller than the kidnapping case of the track and field club.
We are handling this case together with the recent murder of the receptionist of a real estate company, and have reported the case to the main office, but for the time being, the case will be handled only by the jurisdiction.
A murder case. And the victim is a police officer.
The investigators were very excited because the victim was one of their own.

I nodded.

Of course. A case of throwing a dead cat into a garden would not have occurred without a grudge.
On the whiteboard, there is a list of people who are currently being identified.
She went to a girls’ high school and then to a girls’ university, and after graduating she worked as a childcare worker at a local nursery school for about three years before marrying Kobayashi-shi, whom she met at a gym.
From the interviews conducted with her, it seems that she was well-liked by the people around her as a very friendly person.

Kobayashi-shi, on the other hand, seems to have been a very playboy when he was a student, but after his marriage to his wife, he became a much calmer person.
In fact, it seems that he has no contact with any of the women with whom he had a relationship during his school days.
The more I interviewed him, the more I found that his reputation among people around him changed 180 degrees after his marriage.

However, if we think that the current situation is a love affair brought about by human relations before the marriage, that line seems to be the strongest.

I nodded again at Senpai Inomoto’s statement.
That’s right. If it was a love affair, the way the policeman was killed would be a problem.
It is unlikely that a woman could break a neck with her strength.

Senpai Inomoto shrugged his shoulders.

Kitora-san is Senpai Inomoto’s fiancée, a health teacher.

Senpai Inomoto sniffed a little and let out an annoyed voice when I made a pretense of being convinced.

Regardless of the receptionist, the policeman was killed in a way that I don’t think was done by a human.
It’s possible that it was the work of a demon noble opposed to Lili-sama.
Perhaps I should ask it if she knows anything about it.

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