Confinement King

Chapter 287

Chapter 287: Favored Princess Chat

They walk into a fastfood restaurant in a shopping mall.

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The time was around twelve o’clock.
I sat down on a bench where I could see inside the restaurant and watched them through the glass.
They are just eating, exchanging a few words. There is no indication that anyone is making contact with them. No contact.
As a matter of fact, shortly after they entered the restaurant, a number of suspicious people entered the restaurant.
And all of these suspicious people were sitting in a place where Kijima had a blind spot.
One pair was a petite girl with huge breasts and a gal.
The other pair was a pair of slender, model-like figures.
And the other pair again was tall, with short cuts and ponytails.
What’s suspicious is that they’re all wearing sunglasses.
They are probably trying to disguise themselves, but the density of their sunglasses is excessive.

As I raised my eyebrows, I heard a voice behind me whispering, “Looks like it, Kizuna”.
When I turned around in surprise, I saw a familiar figure standing there.
Shiratori-senpai and Takasago-senpai with their mouths full of crepes.
Both of them were also wearing sunglasses.
There are many things I want to say, but for now I’ll just say one thing.

While I was enjoying a Paris Collection video on my phone with a waterproof cover while taking a bath, a pop-up suddenly appeared on my screen.
Mai Mai: Fu~min’s Mama sent me a message――――!
It was a post on the group chat of the four favored princesses on the night before last.
For now, I’ll just type a response with the same feeling of dismay.
Misuzu: Mai, you’re not nervous at all, huh?
Before, before I became a favorite princess.
It reminds me of the distance between Mai and Fumi-kun’s Mama, who seemed to be just like a friendly wife and mother-in-law, when we visited Fumi-kun’s house together.
I was amazed that there was no limit to how friendly they could be.

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By the way, Mai once sent me a photo of Fumi-kun when he was three years old, and I felt like I knew the source.

They walk into a fastfood restaurant in a shopping mall.

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The time was around twelve o’clock.
I sat down on a bench where I could see inside the restaurant and watched them through the glass.
They are just eating, exchanging a few words. There is no indication that anyone is making contact with them. No contact.
As a matter of fact, shortly after they entered the restaurant, a number of suspicious people entered the restaurant.
And all of these suspicious people were sitting in a place where Kijima had a blind spot.
One pair was a petite girl with huge breasts and a gal.
The other pair was a pair of slender, model-like figures.
And the other pair again was tall, with short cuts and ponytails.
What’s suspicious is that they’re all wearing sunglasses.
They are probably trying to disguise themselves, but the density of their sunglasses is excessive.

As I raised my eyebrows, I heard a voice behind me whispering, “Looks like it, Kizuna”.
When I turned around in surprise, I saw a familiar figure standing there.
Shiratori-senpai and Takasago-senpai with their mouths full of crepes.
Both of them were also wearing sunglasses.
There are many things I want to say, but for now I’ll just say one thing.

Of course, the Shota-Fumi images are kept forever, but anyway, does Fumi-kun know that Mai and His Mama are messaging each other?
I think it’s a pretty big privacy breach.
While I was thinking about this, Masaki responded to my message, and we started chatting.
[email protected]wife(Yome): I want to be friends with Mama-san too!
Mai Mai: @Misuzu after all, Fumin’s Mama has recognized me as the official wife.
Misuzu: So we’re pirates?
Ui Tashiro: There’s no such story
Mai Mai: Naron (No such?)
Misuzu: Naron
[email protected]: Naron
Mai Mai: Fu~min has a date at the end of summer vacation
[email protected]: With whom?
Mai Mai: Aquarium date with Imouto-chan who he loves very much
Misuzu: The new one at Seaside Park?
Mai Mai: YES YES
Ui Tashiro: Uchimatsugai
[email protected]: We have to go to!
Mai Mai: That’s right!
Misuzu: Hmm?
Mai Mai: Hmm!
[email protected]: She’s Fumio-kun’s little sister, right?
[email protected]: Maybe she’ll join his harem one day
[email protected]: I want to watch over her with warm eyes.
Misuzu: The truth?
Mai Mai: There’s no way Fu~min would touch his sister.
Mai Mai: But he’s horny after the date.
Ui Tashiro: It’s wrong
Mai Mai: Direct attack

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But the next moment, I couldn’t believe my eyes.
What I saw was a room for two people with a single bed on either side of the room.
There was a stuffed bear belonging to the girl who shared the room with me, looking at me with its inorganic eyes.

An old frosted glass window, completely dark outside, lit by an old-fashioned tulip-shaped fluorescent light.
A bookshelf lined with problem books that can’t be misplaced, and tacky marguerite curtains.
In this silent room, I (Aashi) look around.

It’s not Fumio-chi’s room, it’s not my room, it’s not the waiting room of a girl’s bar.
But It’s the second floor of the girls’ dormitory. It’s Takaka Takata’s room on the second floor of the girls’ dormitory.

Then as I got off the bed and looked into the mirror, what I saw was a plain pigtailed woman in a school uniform wearing dorky glasses.

I can’t keep up with my thoughts. What kind of trick is it to restore the color of my deeply roasted skin, let alone my hair color?

At any rate, I unfasten my kimono and take off my glasses.
My eyesight seems to have recovered, and I can see more clearly when I take off my glasses.
At least, my mind has sorted out the situation, but inside my heart, I’m so confused that I can’t believe it.

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But the next moment, I couldn’t believe my eyes.
What I saw was a room for two people with a single bed on either side of the room.
There was a stuffed bear belonging to the girl who shared the room with me, looking at me with its inorganic eyes.

An old frosted glass window, completely dark outside, lit by an old-fashioned tulip-shaped fluorescent light.
A bookshelf lined with problem books that can’t be misplaced, and tacky marguerite curtains.
In this silent room, I (Aashi) look around.

It’s not Fumio-chi’s room, it’s not my room, it’s not the waiting room of a girl’s bar.
But It’s the second floor of the girls’ dormitory. It’s Takaka Takata’s room on the second floor of the girls’ dormitory.

Then as I got off the bed and looked into the mirror, what I saw was a plain pigtailed woman in a school uniform wearing dorky glasses.

I can’t keep up with my thoughts. What kind of trick is it to restore the color of my deeply roasted skin, let alone my hair color?

At any rate, I unfasten my kimono and take off my glasses.
My eyesight seems to have recovered, and I can see more clearly when I take off my glasses.
At least, my mind has sorted out the situation, but inside my heart, I’m so confused that I can’t believe it.

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But the next moment, I couldn’t believe my eyes.
What I saw was a room for two people with a single bed on either side of the room.
There was a stuffed bear belonging to the girl who shared the room with me, looking at me with its inorganic eyes.

An old frosted glass window, completely dark outside, lit by an old-fashioned tulip-shaped fluorescent light.
A bookshelf lined with problem books that can’t be misplaced, and tacky marguerite curtains.
In this silent room, I (Aashi) look around.

It’s not Fumio-chi’s room, it’s not my room, it’s not the waiting room of a girl’s bar.
But It’s the second floor of the girls’ dormitory. It’s Takaka Takata’s room on the second floor of the girls’ dormitory.

Then as I got off the bed and looked into the mirror, what I saw was a plain pigtailed woman in a school uniform wearing dorky glasses.

I can’t keep up with my thoughts. What kind of trick is it to restore the color of my deeply roasted skin, let alone my hair color?

At any rate, I unfasten my kimono and take off my glasses.
My eyesight seems to have recovered, and I can see more clearly when I take off my glasses.
At least, my mind has sorted out the situation, but inside my heart, I’m so confused that I can’t believe it.

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But the next moment, I couldn’t believe my eyes.
What I saw was a room for two people with a single bed on either side of the room.
There was a stuffed bear belonging to the girl who shared the room with me, looking at me with its inorganic eyes.

An old frosted glass window, completely dark outside, lit by an old-fashioned tulip-shaped fluorescent light.
A bookshelf lined with problem books that can’t be misplaced, and tacky marguerite curtains.
In this silent room, I (Aashi) look around.

It’s not Fumio-chi’s room, it’s not my room, it’s not the waiting room of a girl’s bar.
But It’s the second floor of the girls’ dormitory. It’s Takaka Takata’s room on the second floor of the girls’ dormitory.

Then as I got off the bed and looked into the mirror, what I saw was a plain pigtailed woman in a school uniform wearing dorky glasses.

I can’t keep up with my thoughts. What kind of trick is it to restore the color of my deeply roasted skin, let alone my hair color?

At any rate, I unfasten my kimono and take off my glasses.
My eyesight seems to have recovered, and I can see more clearly when I take off my glasses.
At least, my mind has sorted out the situation, but inside my heart, I’m so confused that I can’t believe it.

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But the next moment, I couldn’t believe my eyes.
What I saw was a room for two people with a single bed on either side of the room.
There was a stuffed bear belonging to the girl who shared the room with me, looking at me with its inorganic eyes.

An old frosted glass window, completely dark outside, lit by an old-fashioned tulip-shaped fluorescent light.
A bookshelf lined with problem books that can’t be misplaced, and tacky marguerite curtains.
In this silent room, I (Aashi) look around.

It’s not Fumio-chi’s room, it’s not my room, it’s not the waiting room of a girl’s bar.
But It’s the second floor of the girls’ dormitory. It’s Takaka Takata’s room on the second floor of the girls’ dormitory.

Then as I got off the bed and looked into the mirror, what I saw was a plain pigtailed woman in a school uniform wearing dorky glasses.

I can’t keep up with my thoughts. What kind of trick is it to restore the color of my deeply roasted skin, let alone my hair color?

At any rate, I unfasten my kimono and take off my glasses.
My eyesight seems to have recovered, and I can see more clearly when I take off my glasses.
At least, my mind has sorted out the situation, but inside my heart, I’m so confused that I can’t believe it.
[email protected]: That’s it!
Misuzu: I’m not going. It’s not cool to be pushy.
Mai Mai: Okay, Masaki, I’ll meet you at Seaside Park.

After chatting, I get out of the bath and let the bath towel absorb the drops of my hair. Then I thought it again.
Of course, it’s not that I don’t care about it.
If there’s a chance to be with Fumi-kun, I’d give it my best shot, but I don’t think this is the right time.
As his favorite princess, I don’t want to do something that Fumi-kun might not like… something like that.
But yesterday, when I told Akira about it at the shooting site…

I’ve heard that before.

We have to finish shooting winter items in the summer before the magazine can publish them in time. That’s why the sense of season in the photo shoot is absurd.
It’s fine if it’s in a cooler studio, but to be honest, shooting outdoors in August, wearing a down jacket is just hell.

As I said that, Akira shrugged her shoulders.

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I feel like we’ve been talked into it, but that’s why Akira and I are hiding in a building by the aquarium that day, waiting for Fumi-kun and the others.
As we saw Fumi-kun and a girl who looked like his sister went into a fastfood restaurant, they are followed by Masaki and Mai. Behind them, Ui-chan and Natsumi-chan also follow them into the restaurant.
The presence of Natsumi-chan is nothing strange.
I knew that Ui-chan would ask Natsumi-chan for advice, and in fact, if Ui-chan was acting alone, I would be worried about her.

At Akira’s urging, we start walking towards the restaurant.
As soon as I entered the restaurant, Mai and Masaki turned their smiling faces towards me.

I ordered only a café au lait and sat down on a seat right behind Fumi-kun, so that we are back-to-back.
It’s so close. I can almost hear Fumi-kun’s voice in my ear.
But I nodded to Akira and listened to their conversation.

If she’s involved in the bullying, we’ll be in trouble. We have to be careful.
Of course, there is the issue of personal character, but if the fact of bullying is found out, or if it is reported in a weekly magazine, it will damage the image of the office, and it will be bad for us.

After that, there was nothing special to say. When Fumi-kun and the others left the restaurant, we all left our seats at once.

As I walked out of the restaurant, Mai and Masaki approached me with smiling faces, and I couldn’t help but pucker my lips.

Akira said, and we looked around in a panic.
Indeed, we couldn’t see Fumi-kun and the others, nor could we see Ui-chan.

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